I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 512

It's a journey to ask for your heart.

From the fierce killing of Baiyu Xingmao, to the earth's crisis, to the destruction of Feihong gate, and finally to the trial of the disciples who were not afraid of the strong.

Jiang Ci's heart also experienced a baptism.

In the rest cabin, Jiang CI suddenly realized something and sat cross legged, sinking into the sea of knowledge.

Over the sea of knowledge, the yuan Shen sitting on the lotus platform, the four-color halo behind his head, the halo flow, began to change.

Mood cultivation has begun to improve!

Nansong and Liuchuan look at each other, some surprised, but also some happy.

Both of them are strong in Taoism, and naturally know that Jiang CI has made a breakthrough.

they are also close to Jiang CI now, and they are happy to see Jiang Ci's breakthrough.

Three days later, the boat left the source space.

Jiang CI wakes up leisurely, and his mood has changed greatly.

Most obviously, the four-color aura behind Yuanshen, which was originally a little shallow, has become much stronger.

To the second perfection of the state of mind.

Then, at the interstellar transmission array of the settlement star, the three bid farewell,

Nansong wanted to return to the zongmen and report the situation of Jiang Ci's heart searching mission to the zongmen senior management.

"Younger martial brother, the task this time is very wonderful. I think the high level of zongmen should get a high score." Nansong was afraid of Jiang Ci, so he took a preventive injection in advance.

"No matter what the result is, thank you very much, elder martial brother!" Jiang CI made a solemn salute.

In fact, he didn't pay much attention to the result.

After his mood improved and changed again, he became more calm and rational, and had a clear direction for his next cultivation plan.

It's better to go to the decision-making level, or not to become a senior level in the future.

As long as he can become the top power of the Terran, he can change the fate of the earth. It's just a matter of time.

Becoming a decision-maker will achieve this goal earlier.

After Nansong started the interstellar transmission array and left, Jiang CI said to Liuchuan, "Liuchuan, thank you for this time,

I have recommended you to the master, and he will transfer you to the earth in a while."

Liu Chuan was very surprised. He suffered a loss and knew that he had no backer.

Those who are strong in immortality also need to be worldly, especially in zixiaozong, where there are many factions.

Before he met Jiang Ci, he offended a six robber immortal in zongmen, so he was snowed for many years.

It was not until Jiang CI recruited him into the Ministry of supervision that he got out of the predicament.

Now, if jiujianxian transfers him to the earth, he will become a member of jiujianxian.

Who is jiujianxian?

Even if he has disappeared for 50000 years, his prestige is still spreading in the universe!

With this big backing, he will get more cultivation resources in the future.

The future can be expected!

After the surprise, Liu Chuan suddenly frowned again and said, "my Lord, what do you do? Tu you won't give up. I'd better stay with you. "

Jiang CI laughs: "don't worry, I've made arrangements. Even if tu you has the courage, he doesn't dare to trouble me!"


Earth, Xuantian city.

Jiang CI has been back from tu you Xing for seven days.

On this day, Jiang Ci and Jiu Jianxian are enjoying the scenery of western plateau in summer on a snow mountain outside Xuantian city.

"Have you made up your mind, apprentice?" Asked jiujianxian.

"Well." Jiang CI nodded.

"If you give up this position, you will lose a lot of things." Jiujianxian said with a smile.

"Strength is the foundation of power!"

"Just understand that."

"So I'm going to practice for three hundred years in the Daoyuan ancient world, and strive to reach the period of harmony."

"Now that you've decided, let's go ahead. The Hedao period is the time when you can make the fastest progress in strength.

as for the earth, don't worry about it. I'll help you guard it!" Jiujianxian took a leisurely drink.

"Thank you, master!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

I've said many times that I'm grateful. If I say anything at this time, I'll be a little affected.

The only thing he worries about now is his master's Shouyuan.

Jiujianxian's life is not much, only 3000 years.

If you can't reverse life and death and become the real king of Daoxian period, you will die of Shouyuan exhaustion.

But Jiang CI also knew that it was useless for him to worry.

He is not an immortal yet. He has no ability to help solve the problem.

Unless he gets to the top in three thousand years, then maybe there will be a chance.

To practice in the ancient world of Daoyuan is the next step of his cultivation plan after the mission.

The core disciples of Zixiao sect are qualified to enter the Daoyuan ancient world for cultivation in the three stages of Yuanying, Yuanshen and Hedao.Among them, the four heavenly disciples of Yuanshen period had 300 years of training opportunities in the ancient world of Daoyuan.

According to his plan, it is necessary to quickly upgrade to the stage of harmony, and strive for an earth shaking change in strength.

In the original universe, if you ascend too fast, you may be suspicious.

But in the Daoyuan Paleozoic, there is no such worry.

It's a magical place. No one will doubt anything that goes beyond common sense.

Moreover, the time velocity of Daoyuan Paleozoic is 3.6 times that of the original universe.

He practiced for 300 years in the Daoyuan ancient world, which is equivalent to 1080 years of the original universe.

After more than one thousand years of cultivation, although the speed is still very fast, it is not without.

At this time, jiujianxian said: "since you have decided to practice to the period of harmony, it's time to give you the gift."

"Gifts? What gift? " Jiang Ci's eyes brightened.

"When you see the master, you will know." Jiujianxian sold a pass.


Anyone who enters Daoyuan ancient world for the first time will marvel at this gray world.

The aura is rich to the extreme and condenses into the spirit fog that can be seen everywhere.

The Taoist Dharma visible to the naked eye flows in the form of colorful light in the sky.

Standing on the huge transmission platform at the edge of jiuxiao City, hundreds of people came to the Daoyuan ancient world from the original universe through the cosmic channel of Daoyuan temple in Tianting of daomeng.

Most of them are the new core disciples of Sanmen LiuZong, and a small number of them are the practitioners who have made great contributions to the human race. They all entered the Daoyuan ancient world for the first time.

Jiang CI didn't show his identity. He was insignificant among these people.

Only when people marvel at the wonders of Daoyuan ancient world, he keeps silent.

"Little guys, I'm the messenger of jiuxiao city. Some of you have come to jiuxiao city in Daoyuan ancient world. If you know the rules here, you can leave by yourself.

other newcomers, follow me now!" In the corner of the transmission platform, the emissary in a gray robe suddenly said with a smile.

Many people just found out that there was an old man in grey robe on the transmission platform.

They saluted and then left.

"Tao originated from the ancient world, the holy land of the human race!"

Jiang CI took a deep breath and looked at the familiar environment. He was full of pride for a moment.

Next, let's promote it recklessly!

Flying down from the transmission platform is the magnificent jiuxiao city.

At first glance, this huge city feels as if it existed before the creation of heaven and earth.

Walk along the broad stone road to the deep of jiuxiao city.

The buildings on both sides of the stone road are gray stone houses with a height of more than three meters.

on some roofs, you can see practitioners who are looking up to observe and understand Taoism, among them, there are many powerful immortals.

Jiang CI knows the taboo and can't disturb the comprehension of these people.

"Choose a residence first. Well, choose one close to the master's residence."

Thinking like this, soon, Jiang CI came to the depth of jiuxiao city.

The most core position is naturally the largest jiuxiao palace, which is the residence of jiuxiao Daojun.

The residence of jiujianxian is near here.

Jiang CI chose a stone house not far from the master.

For the next three hundred years, this was his temporary residence.

After choosing his residence, he got up and went to the master's residence.

The master of jiujianxian knew that he was coming to Daoyuan ancient world today, so he canceled the public Dharma class and was waiting for Jiang CI.

In the highest attic of the palace, jiujianxian is reclining and drinking the wine in the gourd leisurely.

After Jiang CI came in, he knelt respectfully on the ground and kowtowed: "I'll see you, master."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. How can I do this great gift?" Jiujianxian said with a smile.

"Shizun and Fenshen are still different. I haven't seen Shizun in more than 200 years." Jiang CI said honestly.

As a matter of fact, there are some obvious differences in the feelings of jiujianxian's true self and separation.

Although they are unrestrained and unrestrained, they are a bit more evil.

In contrast, Ben Zun is more bohemian and less stressful.

Jiujianxian smiles and shakes his head, then throws a white jade slip and a gold one to Jiangci.

"This is a gift for your teacher."

"What's the present?" Jiang CI is looking forward to it.

"The secret!" Said jiujianxian.

"The secret?" Jiang Ci's eyes brightened.

He has already possessed three kinds of secret methods, namely, Daorong, Daowen and Daoyin.

"Yes, since you have decided to practice to the period of harmony, as a teacher, you will naturally have to pave the way for you,

because when you reach the period of harmony, you need to create your own secret methods, and before that, you need a lot of accumulation.In the white jade slips, there are a total of 360 sets of common secrets. Of course, these secrets are common, but they are all inclusive.

there are not only Kendo secrets, but also other secrets such as Dao Dao, gun Dao, axe Dao, and so on, as well as soul, body refining, auxiliary

Although these can't improve your strength, they can lay a solid foundation for you. When you create your own secret methods in the future, you can learn by analogy. " Jiujianxian said with a smile.

The spiritual sense of Jiang Ci goes into the white jade slips.

Suddenly, a huge amount of information poured into his mind.

It took him half an hour to fully receive these messages, even though his spiritual strength was comparable to that of he Dao.

But it's just a bolt on reception. It will take a lot of time to really understand.

"In the Golden Jade slips, there is only one set of the top secret of kendo, and it's a combat type." The eyes of jiujianxian are full of brilliance.

Obviously, this is a very powerful secret!

Top secret!

(start before change...)