I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 511

According to the introduction of the second stage of the quest, tuyou is a rare immortal.

As we all know, it's difficult to obtain better cultivation resources for free cultivation.

Most of the nine robber immortals of the human race came from Sanmen LiuZong, and a few of them came from the top immortal sect of each star district.

He was born in sanxiu, but he could also cultivate jiujiexian, which reflected the power of tuyou.

From the point of view of character, tu you is very cautious, but also very bold.

Caution is that he rarely steps into the nine realms of daomeng, and only lives in the barren galaxy outside the nine realms, which is very low-key.

As a result, not many people in the whole blue star region have heard of it, and only a few of the powerful fairies know of its existence.

His courage lies in the fact that all the 36 strong robbers of immortals under his command presided over or participated in various illegal activities.

If it has nothing to do with tu you, no one will believe it.

Jiang CI guessed that tu you could cultivate nine plundering immortals, and the massive cultivation resources he needed were brought by his thirty-six plundering immortals strongmen.

Tu you is the actual beneficiary of this series of illegal activities.

However, these are just conjectures. Even if there is a 90% possibility, but there is no evidence of that 10%, it is empty.

Three days later, Nansong's top-grade immortal boat gradually slowed down and came out of the source space to a deserted galaxy.

Sixty thousand kilometers away, there is a dead and desolate planet, which is the old nest of tuyou, the nine plundering immortals.

Dim starry sky, people can not help but produce a sense of fear.

Shangpin fairy boat didn't accelerate directly, but approached steadily.

After all, it's nine robbers. We should show our respect.

Twenty thousand kilometers away from tu you star, a group of practitioners in black armor loomed out of the void sky and stopped the top grade immortal boat.

The first one is a short haired woman in he Dao period. She recognized this as Xianzhou.

However, her attitude was very tough, and she said in a dull voice: "no traffic here! Go back quickly

"We are from zixiaozong..." Nansong said, and introduced the identity of the three.

"It's the elder of Zixiao sect. Please wait a moment!" The woman with short hair saluted slightly, took out the messenger bead and reported it to the top.

Jiang CI three people looked at each other, from the surface, this is tu you's big shelf, but in fact, it reflects tu you's control over his subordinates.

Generally speaking, when you see people of Sanmen LiuZong, you will unconsciously get shorter.

In addition, Nansong and Liuchuan are also the strong fairies of zixiaozong.

In front of this he Dao period short hair woman, but still not humble and arrogant to block them in the figure you star outside.

A few seconds later, the woman with short hair saluted again: "guest, please follow me!"

She took Jiang CI three people and flew to tu you Xing.

On this dead planet, there is only a huge palace in dark blue. Besides, there is no other sign of life activity.

Nansong and Liuchuan, led by Jiang Ci, followed the short haired woman into the palace.

Above the hall, a tall man in dark blue armor sat high on the throne.

A pair of dark blue eyes, just look at it, make people uneasy.

On both sides, there are a line of immortal robbing and practitioners in the period of harmony.

"Jiang Ci, meet Master tu you!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

Even if it's a door-to-door slap, the appearance still needs to be done.

Just now, Nansong has told the short haired woman their identity, and tu you must have known.

In addition, since Yuan Ke was a disciple of tu you, he would ask his master for help before he died.

"Zixiaozong's Jiangci, why did you come here?" Tu you said in a low voice.

There was no expression on his face, just as Jiang CI thought, Yuan Ke told him everything.

Just three days ago, he specially found his relationship in Tianting to save yuan Ke's life.

However, Jiang Ci was too quick to give him any chance.

Therefore, he is very clear that Jiang CI is not good at coming.

Jiang CI looked into tu you's eyes and said, "master tu you, I've come here to judge the thirty-five strong fairies under the master's door."

The voice just dropped,

"ha ha ha..." Tu you burst out laughing, like hearing a big joke.

Laughter reverberated in the hall like thunder.

On both sides, the immortal robbing and the practitioners in the period of harmony also burst into laughter and sneered.

In the laughter, Jiang Ci's face remained unchanged, and his eyes were still fixed on tu you.

Soon, the laughter died down.

"Little yuanshenqi, dare to talk big with me, not afraid that I will kill you now?" The picture is quiet and the voice is cold.

"If you kill me, there will be no place for you!" Jiang CI said."Hum, how brave!" Tuyou returns to calm.

He really did not dare to kill Jiang Ci, a wine Sword Fairy, let him fear.

Moreover, Jiang CI now represents Zixiao sect. If he really kills Jiang Ci, he can only escape to the demon clan or ghost clan.

"Elder martial brother, read out the evidence." Jiang CI said to Nansong.

Nansong nodded with a smile, waved his hand and called out a three-dimensional phantom,

and then said in a loud voice: "in the past ten thousand years, in order to refine pills, he once sacrificed blood to 30 billion human beings, violating the second-class decree of heaven, so that he could be sentenced to ten thousand years in prison or death!"

On the left side of the hall, a young man with a soft face sneered. He didn't believe Jiang Ci and dared to kill him.

"Yanhe, you stand in front." Tu you said without expression.

"Yes, master!" Yinrou man comes to the bottom of the hall and is respectful to tu you, but when he looks at Jiang Ci, he is full of disdain.

"Jiang Ci, you have to think about it!" Tu you's blue eyes are staring at Jiang Ci,

zixiaozong wants to judge him, but he can't resist. Now it's up to Jiang Ci to judge him.

After reading it, Nansong and Liuchuan look at Jiang CI. They don't know what kind of decision Jiang CI has made after thinking about it for three days.

In the main hall, the other strong robbers of immortals and the practitioners of he Dao period also looked coldly at Jiang Ci, each with a fierce murderous spirit.

In the eyes of the public, Jiang CI kept his face unchanged and said in a soft voice: "I sentenced him to death Do it now

Inside the main hall, there was a silence, a cold and piercing killing intention, as if to condense into ice.

"How dare you sentence me to death?" Yan he was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "how dare you sentence me to death for a little Yuanshen period! I want to die

He was so cruel that he wanted to attack Jiang CI.

Liu Chuan flashed in front of Jiang CI.

At this time, Nansong said coldly: "those who will die dare to be rampant!"

With that, he waved his hand to sacrifice the immortal sword and kill Yan He.


But at this time, an angry hum rang out. At the same time, a handprint of immortal force condensed, which was about to shoot Yanhe into powder, turned into nothing.

"My people, it's not your turn to kill!" Tu you's cold voice says that he killed his own disciple himself.

"Master tu you, I admire you for killing your relatives with great righteousness." Nansong said with a smile.

Tu you's eyes burst out a ray of fierce light, and the temperature around him dropped again.

Jiang CI takes a silent look at the elder martial brother. He wants to make tu you's breath explode.

However, he likes this tune. Since he doesn't have tu you's handle, he's very angry.

"Jiang Ci, you have to think about it!" Tu you's voice is more low, but it gives people a stronger sense of oppression.

"Don't worry, master. I will give you a fair trial!" Jiang CI said respectfully, then nodded to Nansong.

Nansong said in a loud voice again: "I'll rob Xianmen Violation of the second-class law of the heavenly court, "

" death penalty! "


Tu you claps his hand and kills one of his disciples.


"Death penalty!"


"Death penalty!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the main hall, Jiang Ci's calm judgment, tu you's killing one after another, and killing his relatives with justice.

Soon, all of the 31 strong immortals below the four plundering immortals were killed, and only four remained to be tried.

Originally, there were nearly 40 strong immortals in the hall, but now there are few left.

Tuyou's face is getting colder and colder, and the murderous air visible to the naked eye in the hall condenses into fog.

If you have a little bad heart, you may be scared.

On both sides of the hall, there are many practitioners in the period of harmony. Under this murderous atmosphere, their bodies are shaking slightly.

It seems that Jiang CI has not been affected. He keeps trying. Every time he opens his mouth, he decides the fate of a strong immortal.

Tu you knows that this is just a little guy in Yuanshen period. He is a cruel man!

This time, he admitted it.

Unless he can really be cruel, kill Jiang CI on the spot, and then betray the Terran.

But he knew very well that it was not worth it, so he personally killed the disciples who were sentenced to death by Jiang CI.

There are four people who have not been judged, including one five robber immortal and three four robber immortals, all of whom are tu you's most valued disciples.

After Jiang Ci's trial, tu you's heart was dripping with blood and killed the four disciples.

"Jiang Ci, you Good Tu you's eyes seem to be able to kill people, staring at Jiang CI.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I'll leave now." Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"No!" Tu you is biting his teeth and two words pop out.

Jiang CI turns around and flies away with Nansong and Liuchuan.

Inside the hall, there was a dead silence.

There are only three immortals left, and a group of practitioners in the period of joining the Tao.I don't know how long later, tu you suddenly yelled: "I'm angry too!"


In the starry sky outside the picturesque star sky, Nansong's top grade immortal boat flashes away, shuttling into the source space.

In the rest cabin, Jiang Ci, who used to look indifferent, suddenly seemed to be taken out of his strength, sat down and gasped.

Nansong and Liuchuan look at each other and laugh.

"Younger martial brother, I thought you were not afraid." Nansong said with a smile.

"Bullshit, that's nine robbers! Blow and you'll kill me Jiang's Ci is loud.

"Ha ha!" Nansong and Liuchuan burst out laughing.

Jiang CI shakes his head helplessly. Just now, in tuyou's palace, if his mood had not reached the second level, I'm afraid he would be scared on the spot.

The huge pressure formed by the coagulated murderous Qi can not be withstood by the practitioners of Yuanshen period.

(start before change...)