I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 510

Jiang CI looks coldly at nearly a million people in feihongmen, all of whom are involved in the illegal enslavement of the indigenous planet, and each person is stained with blood.

"I sentence you to death!"

The cold sound echoes in the starry sky.

Nearly a million practitioners, many of them fell into despair, and others resisted.

What Jiang CI said just now was that he wanted to do it by himself, which made them even more angry.

An elder of feihongmen, who was in the same period, said angrily, "it's all a death. Fight with him

"In a Yuanshen period, I want to fight against millions of people in feihongmen alone, which is extremely arrogant!"


In the end, everyone looked fierce and took the initiative to attack Jiang CI.

they were ferocious people. In such a desperate situation, they all showed their own nature.

Jiang CI just gave a cold hum, and Chixiao sword, the best immortal weapon, appeared in his hand.

four Taoist methods were applied at the same time, and four Taoist rhymes, namely, kendo, wind, Lihuo and Vajra, hovered and descended.

A hundred huge swordsmanship green lotus blossoms in the starry sky, condensing countless swordsmanship, with the meaning of skyrocketing sword, running through the space.

Whew, whew

Just in an instant, the starry sky became the purgatory of blood.

This nearly a million practitioners, as long as the cultivation is below the Yuanshen period, even a ray of his sword Qi can't resist.

Yuanshenqi was a little better, but at most he blocked a hundred swords and died on the spot.

The main target of Jiang CI is the 57 practitioners in the period of harmony.

He took the initiative to meet him.

He led the sword with his body and suddenly crossed the void for thousands of miles to come to these times.

Boom boom!

Hundreds of powerful Taoist attacks fell on Jiang Ci, leaving only some superficial scars, not even bones.

Today, only the strong immortal can cause real damage to his body!

The 57 practitioners of he Dao period are in despair.


The light of the sword flashed through their heads like thunder and lightning.

The vitality is cut off and the spirit is extinguished.

Although Jiang Ci was still in Yuan Shen period, his physical strength and spiritual strength were already comparable to that of he Dao period.

In addition, these people are not his opponents.

In less than 30 seconds, nearly a million practitioners became corpses!

Nansong, Chen Hu and Liu Chuan, the three strong robbers of immortals, were ready to take action at any time, but when Jiang CI took action, they were startled.

Because they found that Jiangci's Kendo realm actually reached the level of complete sword meaning.

They were all surprised, especially Nansong, because his Kendo was not as high as Jiang CI!

This is the Dao and Dharma Realm of many sword immortals who have more than six robberies!

"It's no wonder that you can become the disciple of master Zhong Li. This kind of talent is not much different from the era talent, is it?" Nansong was filled with emotion.

This has not included the other three ways of Shangjiang CI.


In the starry sky, Jiang Ci's whole body is full of blood evil spirit, and his eyes are red.

It's frightening just to watch.

Resentment can be turned into evil spirit. The higher your accomplishments are, the stronger the evil spirit will be after you die!

The evil spirit produced by nearly one million people has been condensed and attached to Jiang CI in the form of blood evil spirit.

"Younger martial brother, you are now haunted by blood evil. You should pay more attention to it. Before you surrender blood evil, you can't do such a bloodthirsty thing again!" Nansong worried.

Chen Hu and Liu Chuan also nodded.

Blood evil influences the mind, and then affects the cultivation.

Jiang Ci was in the period of Yuanshen, and his years of cultivation were short. Such a strong spirit of blood evil could easily lead to serious consequences if it was not handled properly.

"Thank you, elder martial brother." Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

Then he said with a smile, "however, these bloody spirits can't affect me!"

With that, the Qi of blood evil swirling around him subsided quickly, and disappeared without a breath.

Nansong three people looked at each other, are surprised.

It seems that Jiang CI is far more powerful than they think!

Jiang CI smiles gently. When he was still a child of Yuan Dynasty, he dared to practice in the sea of blood of Douwen continent for decades.

The sea of blood is a sea of blood evil Qi, which is full-bodied and condensed into liquid.

So, what is this blood evil spirit!

Moreover, his original spirit is integrated into the image of self observation of peacock view, which has a feeling of various evils.

Yuan Shen only needs a slight shock to dispel these blood evil spirits.


Next, everyone's eyes turned to the nearly one million corpses and looked at the rainbow star with a rainbow hanging outside the sky.

"Feihong gate is over!" Chen Hu sighed."If we take a wrong step, we will fall into a bottomless abyss!" Nansong shook his head.

"People are doing it, and heaven is watching it. Feihongmen is doing it. Even if I don't destroy it today, someone will destroy it in the future." Jiang Ci's soft voice.

He is now in a good mood, and he has no depression in his heart.

From the beginning of the earth's change, he has been holding a breath and can't get vent.

Even if his state of mind has reached the second center of gravity, it can contain all things.

But he can't tolerate this.

Just like his own house, other people without his permission, take the best two, and live in them.

Then, he could not resist.

This sense of powerlessness, let him hold fire.

Now it's all right, all the killing, all the venting.

The whole person seems to have been sublimated and become more transparent.

Indeed, as master Jiu Jianxian said, as long as people are still alive, they will have a chance to step on the top step by step. Sooner or later, when their strength is enough, they will be able to change all this!

After that, the 100000 troops of the fourth brigade returned directly to ceruleus Island via the interstellar transmission array.

Only Cang yunzong found such a big formation.

As the rulers of the blue star region, they have long wanted to destroy the rainbow gate and take back the entire rainbow galaxy and thousands of other living galaxies occupied by the rainbow gate.

As a result, the Feihong gate is completely over.

However, all this has nothing to do with Jiang CI.

After thanking Mr. Chen Huchang, he left canglanxing with Nansong and Liuchuan to complete the second stage of the mission.


The edge of the turquoise region, the Kima galaxy, the settlement star.

A Shangpin fairy class flying boat flies out of the settlement star, then accelerates to the speed of light and shuttles into the source space.

Jiang Ci, Nansong and Liuchuan are sitting in the elegant rest cabin.

"Elder martial brother, can we talk about the task content now?" Jiang CI has some helplessness.

Just now, in canglan star and settlement star, Nansong only said to carry out the second phase of the mission, but did not say the specific task content.

He said it was to keep it secret so that no one would leak the information.

Nansong smiles and waves out a three-dimensional phantom, which shows the information of a strong immortal.

"Nine robbing immortals, immortal tu you?" Jiang Ci's face changed, "elder martial brother, don't you want me to kill him?"

"The high level of zongmen is not that stupid." Nansong shook his head and continued: "the task of the second stage is related to the first stage, because Yuan Ke, the ancestor of the four immortals in Feihong gate, is the disciple of immortal tu you."

"Immortal tu you also took part in the affairs of feihongmen and violated the law of heaven?" Jiang CI frowned slightly.

Some time ago, the illegal star trade group Baiyu star trade that he killed had an unknown immortal who had at least six immortals.

At that time, he wondered who this mysterious immortal was.

Because there is no stronger one in feihongmen than six immortals.

Now it seems that it should be the immortal tu you!

However, the problem is that in today's universe, the Tao king is not visible, and the real king is hidden.

any nine robber immortal is the existence of the nine realms of the Wei Zhen Dao League.

If a strong man of this level violates the law of heaven, it's not his turn to judge him. At least it's the real king of daoxianqi.

In the face of Jiang Ci's doubt, Nansong shook his head again and said, "this is the key point of the second stage mission.

there are 18 disciples and 18 slaves of the immortal tu you, all of whom are strong men of immortality.

among them, Yuan Ke has died, and then the remaining 35 people have also participated in various illegal activities,

including but not limited to illegal enslavement of Aboriginal planets and trafficking The gold elixir and Yuan baby of the cultivator, as well as blood sacrifice and soul refining, have committed many serious violations of the laws of heaven! "

"Then my task is to judge the remaining 35 people? And the immortal tu you? " Jiang CI took a deep breath and asked two questions consecutively.

"Yes, this time it's still a trial. The sentencing standard is still up to you. If it's light, it's imprisonment. If it's heavy, it's death penalty!" Nansong nodded,

and then said: "as for immortal tu you, he is a very cautious man. The clan has conducted many investigations on him and found that he did not participate in these illegal activities. At most, he is careless and lax."

Jiang Ci was not in a relaxed mood. He shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "even so, this task is not simple! Elder martial brother, you dug a big hole for me! "

Nansong laughed.

Next to him, Liu Chuan hesitated for a moment and expressed his understanding: "Lord Jiang CI has just tried the people of feihongmen, and all of them were sentenced to death,

if the second stage of adult sentence is light, it will leave an impression of fear of power to the senior Management..."

The task of asking the heart is to test Jiang Ci's mind and see if he can go to the decision-making level in the future.

If the immortal tu you is a nine robber immortal, he will be punished lightly for the thirty-five strong immortals. It is certain that Jiang Ci's mission of questioning the heart will fail.This is the pit that Nansong left for Jiang CI. He didn't inform Jiang Ci of the task content of the second stage in advance.

Of course, Jiang CI didn't mean to complain about Nansong.

since the task is divided into two stages, it shows that zongmen had this consideration for a long time.

even if Nansong wanted to tell him, I'm afraid he didn't dare to.

However, even if we know the task of the second stage ahead of time, Jiang CI will not change the previous penalty.

There are nearly a million people in feihongmen. They really deserve to die. There is no doubt!

"Younger martial brother, it's almost 3000 light-years from here to tuyouxing. With the speed of my top-grade immortal flying boat, I can shuttle through the source space and arrive in three days. You still have time to think about it." Nansong said with a smile.

Jiang CI nodded slowly.

It's really a tricky task.

If you get a heavy sentence, you will be offended.

If the sentence is light, the mission fails, leaving a bad impression in the eyes of the sect's senior management.