I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 507

Tianting and Sanmen LiuZong moved quickly. On the day of signing the contract, a large number of people entered the earth through the transmission array of the first moon.

They really did not interfere with the life of people on earth. After exploring the cave world around the earth, they divided up these cave worlds.

For example, Tianting occupies Taishan cave and two small cave worlds, daomen occupies Longhu cave and Qingcheng Cave

In addition, Tianting and Sanmen LiuZong jointly sent people to guard Fengdu cave,

because this is the ancestral place of the GUI nationality, maybe we can find some secrets of the GUI nationality in it.

The ten caves originally for the survival of demons and beasts were also divided up. Tianting and Sanmen liuzongganghao each occupied one.

The great demons and monsters of the earth have become the research objects of the immortals, because many of these great demons and monsters have the top blood of the demon clan,

even some of the great demons and monsters can't be seen in today's demon clan.

The immortal tries to discover some secrets of the demon clan by studying the earth monsters and monsters.

The actions of Tianting and Sanmen LiuZong make Jiang CI understand why Qingshi old man cleaned up the secret places and Dongtian world around the earth not long ago.

It turned out that this mysterious master had expected this scene for a long time.

In addition to the cave world being divided up by the heaven and Sanmen LiuZong, there is also a huge palace like a star in the outer space of the earth.

The scale of this star palace is obviously a real king.

The earth is very important to the Taoist League, and it is also in the Zixiao region.

so Zixiao sect specially sent a real king to guard the earth.

Jiangci and jiujianxian look at the palace of stars.

In Jiang Ci's eyes, the earth is just like the land of Dou Wen and the sea of stars. There are also star palaces, and the real king and the strong guard in the starry sky.

"Master, thank you very much this time!" Jiang CI looks serious said.

Jiujianxian not only helped him fight off Qiao DA and others, but also applied to zixiaozong to garrison the earth not long ago, which has just been allowed.

Therefore, among the people of zixiaozong who came to the earth this time, in addition to the real king in the palace of stars, jiujianxian was the second in strength.

With jiujianxian, the future of the earth is guaranteed.

However, the sacrifice of jiujianxian is too great.

The cultivation environment of Daoyuan ancient world is comparable to that of the earth.

"Ha ha, you and I don't need to talk about these empty heads, and I like this planet very much, with wine, meat and friends!" Jiujianxian laughs. After two days on earth, he has learned how to speak.

"Also, I should not have told you that this is only my separation. My true self is still in Daoyuan ancient world." Jiujianxian said again.

"Separation?" Jiang Ci was surprised.

"Why, if you are allowed to have separation, I can't?" Jiujianxian joked.

Jiang CI laughs. It seems that the master already knows that he has a separate body.

"When it comes to separation, I want to remind you." The wine Sword Fairy suddenly corrects the color way.

"Please, master."

"Separation is more important than quantity."


"This is what I heard from a Daojun at the beginning. He said that the source of human's spiritual knowledge is limited. If the source of spiritual knowledge is too scattered, it will be very difficult to be promoted in the future.

some talented people can't become immortals because they have too many separate bodies. Even if they become immortals, they don't have the chance to be promoted to a higher level."

Jiang CI wrote it down. Fortunately, at the beginning, he only treated Fenshen as a tool man and didn't refine too many Fenshen.

Almost made a big mistake!


The great change of the Earth lasted for seven days before it subsided.

In the past seven days, people on earth can often see immortals flying in the sky and escaping from the earth. What's more, they are surprised that there is a Star Palace in outer space.

There is folk opinion that these seven days of change, known as the beginning of the earth fairy age.

Although there have been great changes, everyone's life goes on as usual, that is, there are many new elements.

This benefits from the guidance and control of public opinion by the summer league.

For more than 200 years, the great Xia alliance has firmly controlled all forces on the earth.

Besides feeling, Jiang CI is also very pleased, because it also has Jiang Doudou's contribution.

When he and Xuantian and Li Baibai were practicing in the starry sky, Jiang Doudou would often return to the earth to cultivate his own power and weaken those disobedient forces and secluded families.

That's why we have today's great Xia alliance with strong cohesion, credibility and ruling power.

"I don't know where the little girl is now in the universe?" Jiang CI overlooks the starry sky and conveys his missing.

The unreliable Qingshi old man left him a Qingshi token. As a result, he left a message and summoned it for countless times without any response.

In addition, he failed to summon Jiang Doudou.

It's obvious that old man Qingshi took away Jiang Doudou's communication beads, or cut off the communication.……

On this day, Xuantian City, the mansion of Jiangci.

Jiang CI is asking his master Jiu Jianxian for some questions about kendo.

Liu Chuan came to inform him that a strong immortal from the clan came to visit him.

Jiang CI is very calm, not too surprised, because these days, there are many people come to visit, including some of the strong fairy.

Of course, most people come to jiujianxian.

Jiang saw the master's eyes, but he has the final say.

"Let him in." Jiujianxian took a drink.

Soon, a young man with black robes came in, and his body faintly exuded the immortal spirit of six robbers.

However, his face was full of smile, respectfully said to the wine Sword Fairy: "Xiaoxian Nansong, meet Master Zhong Li! I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have the same style

A six robber fairy calls himself a little fairy?

Jiang CI is very surprised, this posture is very low.

But jiujianxian said with a smile: "don't do these things in my place, you boy. You have something to say."

The smile on Nansong's face is more, and he doesn't care about jiujianxian's attitude.

Jiu Jianxian pointed to Nansong and said to Jiang Ci, "he's half of your elder martial brother. Sixty thousand years ago, before he became an immortal, your elder martial mother Furong Jianxian brought him to Zixiao sect."

A trace of emotion and excitement flashed in Nansong's eyes, as if his identity had been recognized.

Jiang CI suddenly saluted: "Jiang CI met elder martial brother Nansong."

"You don't have to be polite, younger martial brother. In fact, I'm here specially for you." Nansong said with a smile.

"Oh?" Jiang Ci and jiujianxian are both surprised.

"Younger martial brother, do you remember the white feather star trade not long ago?" Nansong said.

"Remember, I killed it. Why, someone's looking for trouble?" Jiang CI is confused.

Behind the white feather star trade, there is not only the ancestor of the four plundering immortals in Feihong gate, but also a strong man with an unknown identity and more than six plundering immortals.

"There are not many people who dare to trouble younger martial brother now." Nansong shook his head,

and then said: "after you reported the situation of Baiyu Xingmao to zongmen, zongmen, after some investigation,

assigned the follow-up affairs to younger martial brother, and identified them as the mission of asking the heart!"

"The mission of asking the heart?" Jiujianxian frowned slightly.

Jiang CI is more confused, never heard of.

"The mission of asking the heart is a special mission specially prepared by the sect for the core disciples, which usually appears in the period of combining Taoism..." Jiujianxian explained that he explained the relevant situation of the heart asking task.

According to the route of zixiaozong's training of disciples, the Yuan Dynasty took all the training tasks in the infant period, the Yuan Dynasty put out experience in the spirit period, and the life and death training in the Tao period.

In these three stages, Yuanshen stage and Hedao stage, there may be a question task, but it usually appears in Hedao stage.

Yuanshen period can do the task of asking the heart, very few, that really got the attention of the high-level sect.

Because the task of asking the heart tests the mind, which is similar to the role of Yuanshen period in releasing experience, and can determine whether the disciple can go to the sect decision-making level in the future.

The difference is that the external experience of Yuanshen period is only used as an auxiliary role. In the eyes of the high-level sect, the weight of the task of asking the heart will be greater.

"The clan decision-making level?"

Jiang CI advocates power, but he doesn't care about power.

however, if his status as a high-level leader of zongmen can help him decide the fate of the earth again, he can consider fighting for it.

"Elder martial brother, what is the specific content of the task?" Jiang CI asked.

When it comes to the content of the task, Nansong's look finally becomes serious, with the authority of a strong immortal.

He said, "the task is divided into two stages..."

"The first thing you need to do is in the first stage. According to the investigation of zongmen, the ancestor of feihongmen, immortal yuan Ke, the four robber immortals, not only founded the white feather star trade and carried out illegal interstellar trade activities,

in the last 40000 years, he also ordered feihongmen to illegally enslave 2895 aboriginal life planets, of which 1625 became death stars, resulting in the death of nearly a trillion people."

Jiang CI is furious when he hears it. It's not that he wants to be a virgin or something.

But he himself is a native, and the earth is also a native planet!

There are 1625 Aboriginal planets, nearly a trillion Aboriginal people, who died in the illegal slavery of feihongmen!

This makes Jiang CI feel the same way. In addition, what the earth has just suffered has made him hold back his fire.

now when he hears about this, he immediately blows up like a burning powder.

"What am I going to do?" Jiang CI asked coldly.

Nansong continued: "according to the Tianting law, one person in feihongmen has violated the Tianting first-class law, three people have violated the second-class law, 57 people have violated the third-class law, and 4126 people have violated the fourth-class law A total of 983870 people have violated the laws of heaven.

your task is to try these people! The light is imprisonment, the heavy is death penalty, the sentencing standard is up to you

Nearly one million, almost all the people in Feihong gate!Jiang Ci's whole body exudes the cold killing idea, cold voice way: "I sentence them to death!"

"It's no use now, it needs to be tried face to face." Nansong shook his head and said, "zongmen has ordered you to deploy a cultivator army from canglanxing military headquarters.

you can send a large army to capture or destroy the forces scattered in various planets of feihongmen."

"In addition, as a supervisor, I will supervise the progress of your whole task, and then report to the high level of the clan." Nansong finally said.

"OK, let's go to the blue star now!" Jiang CI said in a deep voice that although he was angry, he kept calm.

"Master, I'll do the task first." He said to jiujianxian again.

"Go ahead, remember the key to the task of asking your heart, and follow your heart!" Wine Sword Fairy reminds a way.

"Well!" Jiang CI nodded hard.

Follow your heart?

Let's have a big fight!