I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 506

Zixiao lived in the palace on the top of the mountain in the black starry sky.

Tieshan Zhenjun didn't sit on the throne this time, but came to Jiangci with the lady in green.

Jiang CI thought that this female immortal in green clothes should be the one who came to negotiate with him on behalf of the high-level Taoist League.

"See you, Mr. Tieshan." Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"No gift." Tieshan Zhenjun chuckles, and then introduces: "Jiang Ci, this is sang yunzhenjun from Tianting of daomeng. She is also a member of Zixiao sect."

"Meet Mr. sang Yunzhen." Jiang CI salutes again.

From the heavenly court of Taoist League, does it mean that the emergence of the earth has involved all the Sanmen LiuZong?

This is very possible. After all, many of the earth's mysteries and cave worlds are similar to these sects.

The smile on the face of Sang yunzhenjun, a fairy in green clothes, makes people feel like a spring breeze. She said, "you are lucky. You are not only born in the ancestral land of daomeng, but also apply for the ancestral land as a private domain."

Jiang CI kept silent, sighed in his heart, good luck?

If we can keep the earth, that's good luck.

In any case, he is a genius of Yuanshen period, which is hard to attract the attention of the high level of the human race. It's too light!

"You need to worry. The emperor sent me to talk with you about the earth just to tell you that we will not deprive you of your chance." Sang Yun said with a smile.

Jiang Ci was relieved, but at the same time, he was surprised that the emperor was involved?

The emperor is naturally the master of heaven and the cultivator of Zixiao sect.

"At the recent Tianting seminar, the senior Terran leaders from Sanmen LiuZong discussed a lot about the disposal of the earth.

some people proposed to deprive you of the sovereignty of the earth directly, and most of them held one opinion." Sang yunzhenjun said again.

Jiang Ci's expression remains unchanged. This proposal is not surprising. If he is a senior member of the human race, he will have such an idea.

How can such an important place be controlled by a little guy in Yuanshen period!

To deprive the real top management of sovereignty is a matter of one word!

"However, these proposals were rejected by the emperor, and finally the seminar decided on two options for you to choose

This is the plan. Choose one of them. " Sang yunzhenjun waves out two three-dimensional phantoms, showing the specific content of the scheme.

Jiang CI looked at it carefully, word for word, without missing any details.

In fact, there are not many contents in the two plans.

the first plan:

sell the earth directly to daomeng Tianting, and the earth people move out of the earth.

the future trend of the earth has nothing to do with Jiang Ci and the earth people.

then Jiang CI can get a huge fortune of up to 500 billion points.

This figure is the wealth of the strong and the rich.

However, compared with the value of the earth, the 500 billion points are not much.

Jiang CI understands that it's very kind of the Terran leaders to give this price.

If the really decisive strong man is a little overbearing, he can directly deprive the earth of its sovereignty.

Give money? Don't even think about it!

A little guy in Yuanshen period, want to fart!

In addition, so many points are not paid in a lump sum. They are paid in installments.

This is not a means of playing in heaven, but the safety of Jiang CI.

Because the news that Jiang CI has 500 billion points, once spread, will definitely make a large number of Xiandao strongmen crazy.

Some vicious people may directly hunt Jiang CI.

According to the plan of installment payment, Jiang CI yuan Shen period can get 5 billion points, he Dao period can get 50 billion points,

after plundering into immortals, He Ci yuan Shen period can get the remaining 445 billion points.

In other words, if Jiang CI chooses the first scheme, he will get 5 billion points immediately.

There are still many, but the risk of being hunted is greatly reduced.

Think of him in reincarnation of life, just opportunely touch the value of 100 million points of robbing immortal period big demon body.

It's ironic that you can get five billion by signing now.

Jiang CI laughs at himself and goes on to the next one.


The second plan: considering that the earth is Jiang Ci's hometown and private territory, Tianting gives a slightly moderate plan.

The earth still belongs to Jiangci, and the earth people don't have to move,

but the earth's cave world belongs to daomeng Tianting, and Sanmen LiuZong is allowed to send people to garrison it.

At the same time, Tianting promises that the people of Sanmen LiuZong will not disturb the normal life of people on earth.

Besides, Sanmen LiuZong will also spend resources to cultivate earth people. Those with outstanding talent can join any of them and become formal disciples.Of course, if you choose this scheme, Jiang Ci's points will be greatly reduced,

only 100 billion points, 400 billion less than the first!

And for the safety of Jiangci, it is also paid by installments.

Yuan Shen period can get 500 million points, he Dao period can get 5 billion points, after becoming immortal can get the remaining 94.5 billion points.


In the main hall, Tieshan Zhenjun and sang yunzhenjun look at Jiang Ci and wait for Jiang Ci to make a choice.

The huge points of these two schemes, even they are excited.

Even if they want to take out so many points, it is extremely difficult.

Especially the first plan, 500 billion points!

Huge points, is the big temptation.

They want to know how Jiang CI will choose.

A moment later, Jiang CI sighed and finished.

"How about, which one?" Sang Yunzhen asked.

"Second." Jiang CI said.

"The second one?"

Tieshanzhenjun and sangyunzhenjun look at each other, very surprised.

"No more thinking? There is a difference of 400 billion points,

you know, even if you become an immortal or even a real king, it's hard to earn so many points! " Sang Yunzhen said with a smile.

"Yes, Jiang Ci, I remember that you are still the Lord of the galaxy. Even if you sell the earth,

people on earth can move to other planets, which is equivalent to moving a home. Have you considered it clearly?" Tieshan Zhenjun also said.

Jiang CI shakes his head calmly and says: "hometown represents a lot of things in our earth people's eyes. If we don't have to, I won't let you leave home and become rootless duckweed."

Tieshan Zhenjun and sang yunzhenjun smile and nod. Jiang's choice of Ci is beyond their expectation, but they appreciate it.

Countless strong people in the universe will face many choices in their growth path.

In the face of big temptation, there are very few people who can stick to their heart.

The 400 billion points, which represents the cultivation resources, can absolutely make countless robbing immortals and Taoist immortals reveal the most primitive things in human nature.


On the road of the strong, we all pursue strength, few people will put their hometown ahead.

They will admire Jiang Ci's choice, but most people will choose the first plan, get the most points and become stronger.

"Some people in zongmen have said before that your mood has surpassed that of most immortals. It seems that there is a reason. I hope you can stick to it all the time." Said Tieshan Zhenjun.

Jiang CI is silent.

Sang yunzhenjun said with a smile: "now that you are sure, you will use your spiritual consciousness to mark the second plan and sign the contract."

Jiang CI does it according to his words. The phantom of communication is the embodiment of spiritual consciousness, which is divided into a wisp of spiritual consciousness and printed on the three-dimensional phantom of the second scheme.

The contract is done!


After the subpoena, Jiang CI sat alone in the conference hall, silent for a long time.

With the signing of the contract, the future direction of the earth has finally been determined.

In fact, according to his heart, he doesn't want to choose any scheme.

Because these two schemes are very overbearing,

he has to choose, and can only choose one of them, and there is no other choice.

Although domineering, but for a little guy who is only in the Yuanshen period, this is the mercy of the high-level Terran.

The heavenly court can not pay a cent, and a piece of law can deprive him of his sovereignty over the earth.

Of course, Jiang CI also understands that from the perspective of self comfort, this is also the best result in this situation.

He thought he was going to lose control of the earth.

The second option he has chosen now is one he did not expect.

The earth people can still live on the earth, and those cave worlds belong to daomeng Tianting and are garrisoned by Sanmen LiuZong.

This scheme has little impact on the earth people, because most of the earth people have no experience of entering the cave world,

even if the cave world is occupied by the people of Sanmen and LiuZong, people's daily life will not be affected too much.

And Sanmen LiuZong will spend resources to cultivate the earth people, which can speed up the overall speed of ascension of the earth people.

It looks like a wonderful future

But the problem is that this kind of self comfort is also self deception,

JIANG CI is not reconciled!


He clenched his fists and then let them go.

Even if he already had the strength to fight with the period of robbing immortals, he was still too weak.

Not to mention facing the Taoist alliance Tianting, Sanmen LiuZong, but just facing Wandu Zhenjun, Baoyan Zhenjun, qiaota and other powerful people,

in front of these people, he has no resistance!

Jiujianxian with wine gourd, into the conference hall, he saw the action of Jiang CI."Hard?" Jiujianxian raised the gourd and took a drink.

"Well." Jiang CI nodded hoarsely.

"What's the plan given above?" Asked jiujianxian.

Jiang CI put forward two plans and his own choice.

Jiujianxian nodded happily, and Jiang Ci's choice made him understand that he didn't read the wrong person.

"Apprentice, the weak is not terrible, the terrible thing is that the weak does not know it,

so work hard to cultivate, the rule of the universe is nothing more than the strong respect,

when you can stand in the forest of the strong in the future and have the right to speak in the human race, you can decide the fate of the earth again!" Said jiujianxian.

Jiang Ci's eyes burst out a ray of divine light, the desire to become stronger in his heart, unprecedented strong!

Moreover, he is full of confidence,

with experience value panel, stepping on the top of the universe is nothing more than a matter of time and resources.

He is not short of time now. After completing the transaction with Tianting, he also has resources.

The 500 million points of the first period have arrived, which is enough for him to exchange a lot of cultivation resources.

Respect for the strong, eternal truth!

Then become a real strong man!
