I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 508

Since it's a homicide, it's necessary to fight and take a bodyguard.

Jiang CI takes Liu Chuan with him. A few days ago, when he was threatened by Qiao DA and others, Liu Chuan tried his best to protect him.

From this, we can see that Liuchuan is a trustworthy person.

Together with Nansong, they arrived at Cang LAN Xing and then flew straight to the Cang LAN Xing District branch of Zixiao sect, East pole island of Cang LAN Xing.

The island also has a cave world, where the army of practitioners of the military headquarters are stationed.

Chen Hu, the elder of the military department, has received the deployment order from Zixiao sect. He is waiting in the main hall of the military department.

Since Jiang CI took over the post of elder inspector, he has rarely appeared.

In fact, the three elders are worried about this way of supervision.

They are afraid that Jiang CI will not move, because they can't figure out the way of Jiang CI.

In addition, according to past experience, the four heaven disciples of Yuanshen period who have been released for training generally stay in the position of supervising elder for about a thousand years.

Now Jiang CI is only five years old. It's still early.

Chen Hu and the other three elders just want to serve elder Jiang CI well, so that Jiang CI won't trouble them.

The elder supervisor has the power to supervise the branch. If Jiang CI really wants to check, their three elders will not only lose their positions, but also be punished by the clan.

Therefore, this time, Chen Hu received the order and immediately put this matter in the first place. Four immortals were robbed and Jiang Ci was personally welcomed outside the hall.

When Jiang CI arrived, he saw Chen Hu standing outside the hall in armor and with his sword in his hands.

In the main hall, there are 100000 powerful practitioners in neat array.

Before I got near, I heard Chen Hu's hearty laughter: "elder Jiang Ci, I've prepared the most elite force of canglanxing military headquarters, the fourth brigade!

Among them, Yuanshen period is 100000, Hedao period is 10000, and robbing immortals is 100, for you to send! "

"Thank you very much." Jiang CI nodded gently. From Chen Hu's reaction, he didn't know what happened to the earth some time ago.

It seems that Tianting and Sanmen LiuZong have blocked the news very well.

Entering the main hall of the military headquarters, Jiang CI swept around the hall.

Instead of being carried away by anger, he became more sober.

Feihongmen is not as easy to deal with as you think,

this xiandaozongmen, which is second only to cangyunzong in canglanxing District, has been inherited for more than one million years,

it can be said that it has a deep foundation. Who knows if there is any hidden power.

He is the only one who wants to go to face-to-face trial. It is estimated that there will be no residue left.

Now with the help of zongmen's military strength, the fourth brigade of canglanxing military headquarters is enough to level feihongmen!

"Younger martial brother Jiang Ci, this is the distribution of personnel and forces in feihongmen." Nansong waves out a three-dimensional phantom of the starry sky.

Jiang Ci and Chen Hu's eyes fall on the star map.

Feihongmen's sphere of influence is very wide, and some of them are biased.

In particular, the aboriginal planets illegally enslaved are not shown on the normal star map.

But this star map shows all the influence points of feihongmen.

This also shows the powerful intelligence network of zixiaozong. It should be said that in the original universe, no one can escape the monitoring of the eye of heaven.

The eye of heaven covers the whole universe. Communication between practitioners is carried out through the eye of heaven.

If you want to check the feihongmen, you just need to monitor the communication of all the people in the feihongmen to get the information.

After a while, after reading the star map, Jiang CI had a thought in his mind, and was preparing to send an army.

Nansong suddenly said: "younger martial brother, before you really carry out the trial task, there is one more thing to remind you."

"Please, elder martial brother." Jiang CI nodded.

"After you give the order, even if the mission is officially started, I will report all your performance in the mission to zongmen truthfully. Pay attention to every detail!" Nansong's expression is very serious.

"Thank you, elder martial brother!" Jiang CI responded immediately. This is a kind reminder from Nansong.

Then he solemnly said to Chen Hu, "elder Chen Hu, I only provide you with a basic idea and a detailed combat plan."

Chen Hu was stunned for a moment. He thought Jiang CI would be in full command of the task, but he didn't expect Jiang Ci to delegate power.

"There's a specialty in martial arts. In terms of cultivation and combat, I think I have great talent, but I don't have any experience in commanding this army of 100000 practitioners." Jiang CI shook his head and explained.

"There is a specialty in art Elder Jiang CI has great wisdom. " Chen Hu praised and said with a smile, "in that case, I'll make a fool of myself!"

Jiang CI continued: "because there is a face-to-face trial, I have only one request. I want to arrest all the feihongmen practitioners who have violated the laws of heaven. I can't let one go!"

Chen Hu nodded, and his battle plan should be formulated according to this requirement.

Next, he began to dispatch 100000 troops of the fourth brigade to the feihongmen influence points scattered all over canglanxing district.The main force of 100000 troops will surround and monitor the headquarters of feihongmen in secret,

try to ensure that the people in the headquarters of feihongmen will not be disturbed before the operation.

Then, the 100000 troops took over the net at the same time, and did not let go of one.

With the overall strength of the fourth brigade, there are 100000 yuan Shenqi period, 10000 Hedao period, and 100 robbers. Feihong gate can't lift any waves.


Rainbow galaxy, rainbow star.

A rainbow hanging over the rainbow star, as if from the ancient times, stay so far.

This special planet is the headquarters of feihongmen.

The holy land of Feihong gate, the ancient holy altar in Feihong cave, exudes a touch of Fairy Spirit.

At this time, the five immortal ancestors of feihongmen all woke up from closed door cultivation.

In addition to the four immortals yuan Ke and the three immortals yuan Jinxian, there are also three immortals.

Although immortal yuan Ke has lived for more than 40000 years, he is still a handsome young man with a beautiful face.

in contrast, the other four robbers who are younger than him are all white haired old men.

The only thing the five people have in common is that they all look dignified now.

"Yuan Jin, tell me what's going on outside now." Yuan Ke said.

"Yes Yuan Jin nodded and said in a deep voice: "just now, the interstellar transmission array of the rainbow star failed,

at the same time, an invisible array boundary appeared in the sky of the rainbow star, which could not be crossed even in the period of joining the Tao."

"Then I got people to contact the forces stationed around feihongmen, and all of them lost contact."

"So we Surrounded Yuan Jin finally made a conclusion.

The three immortals all changed their faces.

"In the Blue Star District, who dares to provoke us to feihongmen?"

"Even Cang yunzong should respect us for three points!"

Indeed, the entire rainbow system is like an independent kingdom.

Cangyunzong, who has the actual jurisdiction over canglanxing District, has no power here.

It is because the overall strength of feihongmen is almost the same as cangyunzong, except for the high-end power.

If cangyun sect does not have a real emperor and ancestor with endless years, the comparison between the two immortal sects is uncertain.

"There's only one possibility. Zixiaozong is after us!" Yuan Ke looks gloomy.

"Zixiao sect?" Yuan Jinhe and the three immortals were shocked and terrified.

What's wrong with the Feihong gate? As the ancestors of Xiandao, they can't be clearer.

In the past few tens of thousands of years, almost everything feihongmen has done in secret has violated the laws of heaven.

By this kind of behemoth stare at, they fly rainbow door absolutely have no any resistance force!

"Laozu, what can we do?" One of them asked.

"That's why I wake you up. Now we're going to start erasing the problems left over in these 40000 years." Yuan Ke's tone is murderous.

"Kill all the participants?" Yuan Jin frowned and hesitated.

The three immortals were equally hesitant.

Feihongmen has the meaning of family and world. The main power of the clan is the people with the surname yuan.

And these five immortal ancestors are the authentic blood ancestors of the yuan clan.

The participants included their closest offspring.

"What's the matter Yuan Ke sneered.

Yuan Jin and the three immortals kept silent.

"Hypocrisy! Fairyland is merciless. You are so kind of mind. How can you go further? " Yuan Ke sneered,

however, he still said: "don't worry, just kill all the main participants, the other participants only know some details,

zixiaozong can't cure our crime just by these information,

moreover, I have sent a message to my master, with him in the back, we will be able to ride out the crisis safely!"

Yuan Jin four people at the same time relaxed, the facial expression became slightly good-looking some.

They know that Lao Zu's master, who is a really powerful being, Wei Zhen Dao Meng Jiu Yu.

If this person comes forward, it will be stable this time.

Then, they ordered that all the main participants be concentrated in Feihong cave.

The cultivation of these people from the period of he Dao to the period of Yuan infant, a total of more than 30000 people, were all wiped out by one idea of them.

Begging for mercy, yelling, crying Filled with Feihong cave,

resentment will produce evil spirit. The stronger the cultivation, the stronger the evil spirit after death.

after more than 30000 people died, the holy land of Feihong gate seemed to become a magic cave, full of strong evil spirit.


Just an hour later, one after another huge flying boats appeared in the sky outside the rainbow star, forming an array.

This is a special boat for the army of the practitioners of the blue branch of Zixiao sect.

The lowest cultivation level is the fourth brigade of Yuanshen period, which radiates great momentum and covers the whole planet, startling all the people of feihongxing.The army is pressing the border!

The five immortal ancestors of feihongmen looked at each other and were very happy.

Even the army has come to prove that Zixiao sect is serious.

If they are a little bit late and don't kill the main players, they will be left with a big handle.

"Let's go. Let's go to meet the guests of zixiaozong." Yuan Ke said with a smile.

Yuan Jin and the other four, after all, are strong men of immortality. They still have some basic psychological qualities. They also laugh.

Five people fly to the starry sky together.