I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 505

"21st island?" Li Baibai was also shocked. She asked Jiang Ci, "third brother, which one did you rush to when you were a baby?"

Jiang CI took a deep breath, looked at Xuantian in disbelief, and then said, "I broke into the ninth island at the beginning, and failed in the tenth island."

"So much?" Li Bai was very surprised.

"It's more than just a lot. It's quite different!" Jiang CI shakes his head, stares at Xuantian and says, "brother, this achievement is a metamorphosis in metamorphosis!"

"The spiritual power of the 10th island in Tongtianhe has reached the level of robbing immortals. With the existence of fantasy, even robbing immortals may not be able to pass the 10th island.

As for the 21st Island, its spiritual power has reached the level of real king! "

"It's not the Yuanying period that can pass through at all? Brother, how did you do it? "

Jiang CI shakes his head repeatedly, not against it, but can't believe it.

The 10 islands after Tongtianhe, not to mention the dreamland, can make the yuan infant's spiritual sense collapse and smash directly just because of the spiritual sense.

"Everything is possible." Xuantian gently smile, he asked Jiang CI: "Laosan, what level of your current state of mind cultivation?"

"I have just entered the second level." Jiang CI said.

"Oh? It's a rapid progress. " Xuantian was a little surprised, and then said with a smile: "when you reach the second round, you will know why I can break into the 21st island of Tongtian River.

The second state of mind is the state of greatness. After completion, it means that the heart is infinite and contains all things.

of course, it can also contain those spiritual authority and illusions, unless it is really far beyond the range of my state of mind. "

Jiang CI suddenly realized that he should be able to break into 15 islands now.

But even if the second round is full, there are limits.

"At that time, after I failed to break into the 21st Island, I immediately attracted the attention of the daomen senior management The real high level Xuantian finally emphasized it.

"Emperor Yanqing?" Jiang CI asked.

"No, tomorrow!" Xuantian said with a smile.

Both Jiang Ci and Li Bai were shocked.

Tomorrow Zun, the strongest of daomen, is also the strongest of the human race, the only one heaven Zun!

"Tomorrow Zun immediately ordered to block the news, so up to now, only a few people know my achievements in Tongtianhe." Xuantian said.

Jiang CI nodded, Yuan infant period has such a state of mind cultivation, this is an alternative peerless genius.

Xuantian then said with a light smile: "besides, tomorrow Zun ordered me to be a registered disciple, and then he arranged for Yanqing Daojun to teach me for the time being.

when I become an immortal, I can become an official disciple of tomorrow Zun and be qualified to listen to his instruction."

"Lying trough..." Jiang CI doesn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

Li Baibai also stares round eyes.

Be accepted as a disciple by the strongest of the human race?

This is the real chance!

The shock in Jiang Ci's heart can't be calmed down for a long time.

in contrast, the young talents of their nine regions talent war, who were finally qualified to worship, almost all of them were worshipped by the strong robbers of immortals.

only Zhiwei and Muning were able to be accepted as disciples by Zhenjun.

Because the real king is strong and has endless longevity, few people will accept apprentices.

It can be seen how difficult it is for the real strong to accept apprentices!

Not to mention the fact that you accept apprentices,

a strong person at the level of Daojun may not accept a disciple for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

As for Tianzun, I'm afraid the number of disciples in these endless years is very small.

Although Xuantian is only a registered disciple of tomorrow Zun, he can become an official disciple as long as he can survive and become an immortal.

This is definitely a step up to the sky!

"Big brother, female!" Jiang CI gives a thumbs up.

Xuantian chuckled and shook his head: "in fact, that's what it is. The cultivation of mood is both mysterious and mysterious.

at present, it can only assist cultivation, but it has no effect on combat.

when fighting, it still depends on the spirit power and the Taoist Dharma,

now, let alone immortal, even those who practice in the period of harmony with the Tao can also kill me with a wave."

Jiang Ci and Li Bai look at each other.

"Brother, you can pretend it!" Li Baibai said.

"Just be careful of being struck by thunder." Jiang CI also joked.

Then he said with a smile, "I'm thinking, if you let the frost family in canglanxing district and the love forgetting fairy in guanghangong know that elder brother will be accepted as a registered disciple tomorrow, what will their expressions be?"

Five years ago, Xuantian and Shuang Long, the genius of the Shuang family, were obstructed by the Shuang family and the love forgetting fairy, and forced to break up.

At that time, although it was not stated clearly, the attitude of looking down on people was already clear.

"I'm afraid I'll regret going to grandma's house!" Li Bai laughed.

Xuantian just smiles and shakes his head. He has already looked down on everything.He said: "I have self-knowledge. Even if I become a registered disciple of tomorrow Zun and taught by Yanqing Daojun, I have a long way to go."

"I believe in big brother!" Jiang CI said with a smile.

"As far as the mood of elder brother is concerned, it's hard not to be a strong man in the future!" Li Bai also laughed.

Xuantian's eyes fell on Li Baibai: "Xiaobai, you may be leaving the time hall. I told Yanqing Daojun about you,

your state of mind cultivation has reached the first level of perfection, and the cultivation of time Taoism is extremely rare,

Yanqing Daojun will arrange his disciples to accept you as an apprentice!"

Li Bai was stunned.

Yan qingdaojun's disciples, naturally, are really strong!

Jiang CI looked at him without speaking, but his face was full of smiles.

He felt happy for his elder brother and second sister.

The future of the earth can't depend on him alone.

Now Xuantian and Libai finally have their own chance. The future is promising!

Next, the topic of the three people turns back to how the earth was exposed.

Xuantian said: "I broke into the 21st island of Tongtianhe with my cultivation in Yuanying period, which attracted the attention of senior officials such as xianmingzun and Yanqing Daojun.

then Yanqing Daojun learned about Xiaobai from me, and he was a little surprised.

finally, I talked about the situation of Laosan. Yanqing Daojun and other supreme beings were stunned for several seconds it's almost impossible for a living planet to have three geniuses at the same time! "

Jiang CI also nodded in agreement, from which we can see the particularity of the earth.

The three of them seem to be born out of luck.

He became the core disciple of Zixiao sect's quadruple heaven, and his talent was close to that of epoch-making genius.

If you become a registered disciple of tomorrow Zun, you may not have one mood talent in several eras.

Although Li Baibai was a little worse than them, he understood the extremely rare time way and was also a rare genius.

Of course, Jiang CI did not forget Jiang Doudou.

However, Jiang Doudou is quite different from the three of them.

That is, the real sleep becomes stronger. It can't be called genius. It's beyond the scope of genius.

"When Yanqing Daojun knew that all three of us were from the earth, he reported the situation to tomorrow Zun,

and then tomorrow Zun went to the earth himself, and he found everything on the earth." Xuantian said again.

"Will you go to earth tomorrow?" Jiang Ci was surprised.

"Well." Xuantian nodded.

"No wonder..." Jiang CI suddenly realized.

No wonder old man Qingshi left in a hurry for fear of meeting tomorrow?

"What do you find tomorrow?" Jiang CI asked.

The strong men of Tianzun level explore themselves. What they see must be different from what they see.

"No, in fact, even if he found something, he couldn't tell me." Xuantian shakes his head.

Then he thought of something: "by the way, Mr. Yanqing told me that after you came back from the earth tomorrow, you once said a word, and finally found it..."

Finally found it?

If Jiang CI is thoughtful, will you know the existence of the earth tomorrow?

Suddenly, there are many mysteries.

There are still a lot of secrets that we can't find out.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang CI said: "elder brother, elder sister Bai, in fact, more than half a year ago, I entered the second moon..."

Jiang CI told the story of seeing the old man Qingshi.

Xuantian and Li Baibai look at each other after hearing this, and then they know about it.

"It sounds that the elder should have foreseen what happened today. Is he the great power of practicing time Taoism?" Li Baibai said.

"It's possible, but I don't know what his purpose is.

Master Qingshi, such a mysterious strong man, is actually the executor of the earth's aura recovery, and there are other powerful beings behind it?

What's more, the earth is called the ancestral place of Tao League, the forgotten place, and his identity

It seems that there are still many mysteries about the earth. " Xuantian sighed.

"No matter how many mysteries he has, with the improvement of his strength, it will be solved sooner or later. Just like 200 years ago, where did we know these, now we know them?" Jiang CI chuckled.

Xuantian and Li Bai also laugh.


The three chatted for a while before the end of the subpoena.

Through the communication with the elder brother and the second sister, Jiang Ci's anxious mood also recovered.

This is the only way for the earth. Compared with the gentle integration into the universe in the future, the cruel integration now can really bring more pressure and power to the earth people.

As for where the earth will go in the future, it is beyond his control.

The only uncertainty is whether he can still control the earth.After all, this is the place that even the emperor of Ming Dynasty attaches great importance to, the ancestral land of Tao League!

Adults don't choose to give gems to children for safekeeping.

in the same way, with the power of the three sects and six sects of the Taoist League, I'm afraid that such an important place won't be put in the charge of a little guy in Yuanshen period?

The following day, the senior leaders of earth summer alliance finally determined the initial strategy to deal with the great change.

Generally speaking, it is mainly to keep the same, to cope with changes, to appease emotions and to maintain stability.

A day later, Jiang CI received a message from Tieshan Zhenjun.

Here we go!

Jiang CI knows that the top management of Dao League has already discussed the result.

After receiving the arraignment, his arraignment phantom appeared again in the palace of Tieshan Zhenjun.

In the hall, which covers an area of one million square kilometers, there is one more person besides him this time.

There is also a beautiful lady in green beside Tieshan Zhenjun, who is wearing bloody armor.

From the momentum point of view, Qingyi female immortal is similar to Tieshan Zhenjun, and she is also a strong real monarch.

Who is this person?