I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 504

The senior leaders of the earth summer alliance are still digesting the great changes mentioned by Jiang CI just now.

With shock, they began to discuss what might happen and what to do next.

Jiang CI picked up the missing materials and put forward the guiding opinions to help them make various decisions.

Jiujianxian, Yiliang and Chuhe, the three nine robbers, were not involved.

Because it's the earth people's own business.

Before long, Jiang Ci's subpoena pearl received a new subpoena.

"The message of the true king of iron mountain." Jiang CI took a look at Jiu Jianxian.

"Don't worry, Mr. iron mountain summoned me to inquire about what happened just now." Yi Liang said with a smile.

Chuhe also echoed.

"Go ahead, I'll show you this way." Jiujianxian gave a reassuring look.

Jiang CI nodded and went into another quiet conference hall to get through the message.

Through the Pearl of communication, his spiritual consciousness turned into a phantom of communication and appeared in the palace of liuchongtian of Zixiao sect and Zhenjun of Tieshan.

Tieshan Zhenjun, dressed in bloody armor, sits on the huge throne of the palace, overlooking Jiangci.

"See you, Mr. Tieshan." Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"I asked you to confirm whether you are the only one who came out of the earth?" Tieshan asked in a low voice.

"There are three people in total. Besides me, there are my elder brother Xuantian and my second elder sister Libai. They are now..." Jiang CI told Xuantian and Li Baibai about their current situation.

There is no need to hide this kind of thing. Although few people know about his relationship with Xuantian and Li Baibai, zixiaozong can find out if he wants to find out.

"One is in daomen, the other is in Tianting Hall of daomeng." Tieshan Zhenjun nodded slowly: "no wonder daomen can find the situation of the earth."

Jiang Ci's brow is slightly wrinkled. He understands the meaning of Tieshan Zhenjun.

it sounds like daomen discovered all this because of Xuantian?

"This time, a lot of Zhenjun strong people in daomen sent people to the earth, but they were robbed by Wandu Zhenjun and Baoyan Zhenjun. The other Zhenjun strong people are still on the way." Tieshan Zhenjun said again.

"Remember, except for the promise to give Wandu Zhenjun a cave world, everything on the earth is now forbidden to be sold,

no matter what the other party's origin is, if someone is looking for trouble, you say it's the order of Zixiao sect!"


Tieshan Zhenjun didn't ask any more questions. The subpoena ended.


Jiang CI sat alone in the quiet conference hall, thinking about the short conversation just now.

This time, Mr. Tieshan revealed two important messages to him.

First of all, the high-level of Sanmen LiuZong must still be debating and discussing about the earth, and did not come up with the final result.

Secondly, the reason for the discovery of the earth may be related to the dark sky.

Although with the departure of the old bluestone and the first moon, the mysterious boundary protecting the earth also disappeared.

But if no one takes the initiative to expose the earth, perhaps in another thousand or ten thousand years, no one will discover the existence of the earth.

Because the belt itself is a natural shield, few people can go through it.

There are thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years as a buffer. With the speed of his strength, he may be able to protect the earth from these shocks.

Unlike today, he can only passively accept this sudden change.

"Although big brother's temperament is sometimes not very reliable, he will never take the initiative to expose the existence of the earth."

Jiang CI can be sure of this.

"It's useless to think about it. It's better to ask elder brother directly!"

This idea just falls, suddenly his subpoena bead shows somebody subpoena comes over again, it is Xuan Tian.

Jiang CI laughs.


In this conference hall, he was the only one in the room.

soon, Xuantian and Li Baibai appeared one after another.

"Third, what's the state of the earth?" Xuantian came up and asked.

This question made Jiang CI confirm that what happened on earth today is really related to Xuantian.

Because it's a very confidential matter whether it's the real king of daomen or zixiaozong's mobilization of immortal army.

Xuantian has only joined daomen for a few years. He is just an ordinary core disciple, and has no authority to know this.

"Brother, how do you know that?" Jiang CI asked rhetorically.

"It's a long story. Let's talk about the earth first." Xuantian said with a smile.

The dialogue between them made Li Baibai confused.

"No, wait a minute Big brother, third brother, what are you talking about? " Li Bai said.

Jiang CI just told what happened before, from Wan Du Zhenjun to Baoyan Zhenjun, who was contacted by him, to take Qiao Da away.

Finally concluded: "now can only use four words to describe the earth now, a mess!""Make a mess." Xuantian nodded naturally.

"Big brother, what is chaos? Just now, there are almost 10 billion people on the earth!" Jiang CI said with staring eyes.

"Ha ha, third brother, don't underestimate the resilience of the earth people It should be said that we should not underestimate the resilience of Daxia people.

history has proved that temporary setbacks and pressures will make our race and civilization rebound to a higher level. " Xuantian laughed.

Li Baibai already understood what had happened, and she also said with a smile: "yes, third brother, you may want to keep the earth in a closed state, moderate development,

wait until you or both of us have enough strength to protect the earth, then let the earth integrate into the universe,

this is right, but there will always be something less."

"Without cruelty and blood! If you don't see the cruelty of the universe, you will only raise a group of sheep!

The strength of the earth can not be limited to the strength of a few people, but to the strength of the whole! " Xuantian added.

Jiang CI nodded thoughtfully, gentle and cruel, of course, cruelty is easier to promote progress.

"I see." Jiang CI took a long breath, and then said: "but, brother, listen to what you mean, you really made this thing?"

"Yes, it's me!" Xuantian's generous admission.

"Is that you?" Jiang CI stares again, you are so unreliable.

Li Baibai is also puzzled, looking at Xuantian and asking for reasons.

"Ha ha, you two don't use this expression. I didn't mean to do it." Xuantian smiles.

Looking at Jiang Ci, he first asked, "third brother, do you know why Wandu Zhenjun gave in? Why did Baoyan Zhenjun leave at last? "

Jiang CI shakes his head. Now he doesn't want to understand this question. Why do the strong people of the real monarch level treat him so gently.

"Because I asked Yanqing Daojun for help, daomen said there was no doubt about it! No matter how strong Zhenjun Wandu and Zhenjun Baoyan are, they can only obey orders obediently! " Xuantian said with a smile.

"Emperor Yanqing?" Jiang Ci was really shocked.

You know, there are not many powerful people in the whole Terran.

It can be seen from the number of inheritance altars in Daoyuan ancient world.

At least the top of Daojun level is qualified to leave the inheritance altar in Daoyuan ancient world.

A total of 44 heritage altars, representing 44 of the highest strength of the human race!

The whole Terran, endless years, I do not know how many disasters, in order to give birth to a king.

Any one of these Taoist Kings is the supreme existence, which is powerful all over the world.

Jiang CI thinks his upper class relationship is very good. He can not only talk with Tieshan Zhenjun, but also get the advice of Liuxian Zhenjun.

But I didn't expect that brother could directly ask Dongyan qingdaojun for help.

When did Xuantian realize such existence? Can you ask for help?

This is not a simple one-sided relationship, but a real one.

"Elder brother, I heard of Yanqing Daojun in Tianting. He is the real leader of daomen and the top five in the whole Terran. How do you know him?" Li Bai asked questions about Jiang's Ci.

"It has something to do with my carelessness." Xuantian smiles.

"Laosan, there are Tongtian mountain and Tongtian River in the picture of Tongtian mountain and river. You should know that?" He asked Jiang CI.

Jiang CI nodded: "well, any new core disciple of the three sects and six sects of Daoyuan League has 30 years of training opportunities in the Daoyuan ancient world.

after the Daoyuan ancient world has chosen the inheritance altar, it is qualified to break through the Tianshan Mountains and the Tianhe river."

"Brother, did you break in?" As soon as Jiang Ci's eyes brightened, he realized something.

"Well, I'm practicing in Daoyuan ancient world now. Some time ago, I broke through Tongtian mountain first, but I failed in the second level." Xuantian said calmly.

"The time flow rate of Daoyuan ancient world is 3.6 times that of the original universe. In fact, the elder brother has only practiced in Daoyuan ancient world for more than a year, and it's very good that he can pass the first pass of Tongtian mountain. Only a few of our talents in the nine regions war at that time can do it." Jiang CI said with a smile.

Xuantian's talent of Dao is not weak. Before they left the earth, Xuantian had already understood Dao.

However, after stepping into the starry sky, his chance and cultivation environment are not as good as Jiang CI.

After more than 200 years of cultivation, the strength of Taoism can only pass through the first pass of Tongtian mountain.

"Big brother, your achievements in Tongtian mountain are not enough to attract the attention of Daojun, are you "The Tianhe river?" Jiang CI is full of magic light in his eyes.

Tongtian mountain tests cultivation and Taoism, and Tongtian River tests state of mind and spiritual strength.

There are three states of mind: false, big and empty.

Xuantian's state of mind reached the second state of perfection before entering daomen, which can be called abnormal.

Even if Xuantian is only the spiritual strength of Yuanying in the middle stage, with such a state of mind, he should be able to make a good achievement in Tongtianhe.Li Baibai also looks at Xuantian. After she understands the situation of Tongtian mountain and Tongtian River, she also looks forward to where she can go in Tongtian River with Xuantian's mood?

"Yes, I went to the Tongtian River again, and then something big happened.

those islands had spiritual authority and mirage, and I didn't care about them, so I rushed step by step.

in the end, it was a pity that my spiritual strength was too poor. As soon as I set foot on the 21st Island, my spiritual collapsed." Xuantian shook his head and sighed.

To the 21st island of Tongtianhe?!

Jiang Ci was frightened when he stopped breathing.