I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 503

Qiao tea no longer see before the domineering, arrogant attitude.

Now he was like a bird in a big shock, his body trembling slightly.

Yanqing Daojun has absolute power in daomen. Only when the supreme heaven of the human race opens his mouth can Yanqing Daojun be suppressed.

Even if put into human race, even universe ten thousand race, Yan Qing Dao Jun is also in the first rank of the peak strong, the strength can surpass him, very few!

In addition to the peak ethnic groups such as the human race, the demon race and the ghost race, any other ethnic group must kneel down in front of the emperor Yanqing.

"Father, what shall we do?" Joda was completely flustered and at a loss.

Now is Yanqing Daojun to punish him, if Yanqing Daojun let him die, he absolutely has no possibility of living.

Even his father would help to kill him, just as he was punished for 30000 years.

"Now you know how to be afraid?" Baoyan Zhenjun looks like he hates iron but not steel.

However, this is his own son after all, and the Ghost Skull on Qiao Da's body is also the key to his future impact on the realm of Taoist monarch.

Now, Qiao tea is still of great use and can't go wrong.

Thinking of this, Baoyan Zhenjun sighed: "I don't know the specific reason why Shizun punished you.

you don't have to worry too much. As a Shizun, you don't have to worry about your seven robbers."

Joda was a little relieved.

"According to my guess, the reason why the master punished you this time should be related to that Jiang CI." Baoyan Zhenjun said again.

"Jiang CI?" Qiao tea was surprised: "he is a little guy in Yuanshen period. How can he get involved with Yanqing Daojun?"

"It may have something to do with the secrets of the earth." Baoyan Zhenjun has a deep vision.

Just after he arrived at the starry sky where the earth is, he realized that the earth and the first moon are special, and even the whole starry sky is different from the outside world.

"Earth..." Joda fell into silence, and of course he discovered the special features of the earth.

Unfortunately, this opportunity passed him by, and he paid a heavy price for it.

"This time, the master punished you to Beiyuan Xinghai for 30000 years. It seems like a punishment, but it's also a good thing for you.

the environment of that place is very suitable for refining the skulls of gods and demons. If you can completely refine it in 30000 years, it's not impossible for you to become a real king in the future." Baoyan Zhenjun said.

"I see." Joda clenched his fist, but he was not reconciled.


In the starry sky near the earth, the immortals did not leave, and the mighty momentum still covered the starry sky.

"Jiang Ci, we are ordered by the real king of Tieshan to help you guard the earth for the time being. Which place do you think is suitable for us to stay?" Yi Liang asked.

What happened just now changed Yi Liang's attitude towards Jiang CI.

He did not directly request to be stationed on earth, but first asked Jiang CI for his opinions.

After all, Jiang CI is the Lord of the earth, and what the earth registered before was a private territory, not a life planet under the jurisdiction of the Taoist alliance heaven.

According to the law of heaven, private territory is sacred and inviolable. Even immortals should abide by this law.

Violators, please refer to Jorda.

Jiang CI looks at master jiujianxian first, and the latter nods to him slightly.

Then he said: "master Yiliang, the earth people have been in a closed state all the time,

the immortal army is stationed rashly. I'm afraid they will collide and offend you all,

you should stay on the planet just sent here for the time being."

He was referring to the first moon.

The storm caused by the earth has not yet subsided, and then there may be other people coming from the real king and the strong.

Immortal army stay here, enough to ensure the safety of the earth.

"Not bad." Yi Liang has long realized the extraordinary features of the earth and the first moon.

even if Jiang CI allowed the army to stay on the earth, he would ask Tieshan Zhenjun first.

Then the immortals crossed the void and came to the first moon.

This time, we have time to carefully observe the broken Guanghan palace.

All the immortals marvel at this palace, which seems to have experienced endless years. It seems to be disrespectful, but there is a big secret hidden.

But they didn't dare enter without orders.

Jiang CI didn't plan to invite them in either. He said with a smile, "master, master Yiliang and master Chuhe, you've all come to my house. Go to my house first."

"It should be." Jiujianxian grabs the gourd and drinks.

"Ha ha, just to see what kind of environment it is to cultivate such a genius as you!" Yi Liang laughs.

Chuhe also looks very interested.

Having said that, they have no plans to explore the earth.

Even Baoyan Zhenjun didn't do this just now, which is obviously taboo.

Now in this situation, no one dares to move the earth if they don't say anything.Above, it naturally refers to the real high level of the Taoist League, the strong one of the Taoist monarch level.

After returning to earth, Jiang CI first came to shuntianfu.

In fact, in this war, only one person on earth died, that is, the senior leader of the great Xia alliance, who was controlled by Qiao Da with the secret method of spiritual knowledge, was implicated and died.

There are many other injured and frightened people, more than half of them.

Now the whole earth is in a mess, because when joda released people just now, everyone's order was in a mess.

Some of them used to live in beishanfu, but now they have gone to shuntianfu, which is quite near.

Some people may be from shadow house in North America, but they are in the Cape of good hope in Africa at this time.

Jiang CI released more than 100 people, including Zhang Wei and Jiang Sheng, many of whom were senior leaders of the Daxia League.

"Jiang CI!"


"Master Jiang!"

Everyone was very excited when they saw Jiang CI.

"Jiang Ci, what happened? Doesn't that person seem to be an earthman?

And where did you get us just now? Is it storage space? " Finally, Zhang Wei, who has a close relationship with Jiang Ci, asks a lot of questions for everyone.

Jiang CI laughed, but he didn't answer immediately. Instead, he said, "here, I'd like to introduce you. This is Jiujie sword immortal from Zixiao sect of Taoist League, my master Jiujian immortal,

this is senior Yiliang of Jiujie immortal, and this is also senior Chuhe of Jiujie immortal..."

Jiang CI is introduced one by one.

He knows that from today on, the earth will change, and unprecedented changes will come.

Earth people must quickly learn and understand the situation of the universe Tao alliance. To know these legendary immortals is the first step.

Fortunately, the earth has experienced five Reiki recoveries, and we still have a certain degree of acceptance of this kind of myth and legend into reality.


At the same time, Zixiao Zong liuchongtian, Tieshan Zhenjun's Heishan palace.

The immortal army under Tieshan Zhenjun almost went out, which attracted the attention of many senior members of Zixiao sect.

Many Zhenjun strong people came to Tieshan Zhenjun to ask for details.

Tieshan Zhenjun didn't hide it, and there's no need to hide it.

"Earth? The planet of life deep in the belt of broken stars? "

"Is it the broken star belt that zongmen sent people to search for thousands of years ago?"


"No wonder, it seems that there is a big secret there. At the beginning, a Taoist priest of the clan explored there, but he got nothing. I didn't expect that there was a life planet there!"

"What's so special about that planet?"

"But why was this secret place first discovered by the Taoist people?"

"Jiang CI is the core disciple of Zixiao sect. The earth is his private domain. Such an important place can't be occupied by Taoism. It should belong to Zixiao sect!"


Zhenjun people talked about it one after another, and soon learned the general situation of the earth from Tieshan Zhenjun.

These strong people with endless longevity yuan were shocked, and even some real Jun exclaimed.

"The ancestral land of daomeng!"

"Forgotten place?"

Only then did they understand why Baoyan Zhenjun of daomen came to the earth in person.

Finally, when we learned that the army of Tieshan Zhenjun had been stationed there, we were relieved.

In this way, the earth will not run away. It must belong to zixiaozong.

However, the final conclusion of this matter should be drawn from the above. After all, it involves the collision of the two major forces.

They are the real monarchs who used to be in power. Now they can't speak.

After a group of really strong left, iron mountain really king sitting high on the throne, overlooking the starry sky.

Suddenly shook his head and chuckled: "did not expect that little guy, actually have such a background, such a chance!"

He learned about the earth from a Taoist king in zongmen.

At first, he was also very shocked, that's why so many powerful fairies came out.

"There's something else to ask the little guy." Tieshan Zhenjun contacted Jiang CI with communication pearl.


On the earth, Jiang CI introduced the identities of jiujianxian and daomeng.

In a word, his words severely impacted everyone's world outlook.

It is estimated that it will be difficult for us to digest all this for a while.

Jiang Ci's last words are: we don't have much time left. We must accept these changes as soon as possible.

Many of these more than 100 people are decision-makers of the great Xia alliance,

only when these people accept the new world can they control the impact of the subsequent changes on the earth through public opinion.

"This is a part that any indigenous planet must go through before it can integrate into the universe." Jiujianxian said with a smile."Yes, in fact, the earth is in a very good situation. Unlike other Aboriginal planets, some have to accept violent and bloody massacres, while others have to accept tragic slavery..." Yi Liang sighed.

"The particularity of the earth, coupled with Jiang Ci's identity, the earth will not be in a bad situation in the future." Chuhe also said.

These three nine robbers are comforting Jiang CI.

They can tell that Jiang CI is obviously a little anxious now.

"Well!" Jiang CI nodded and relaxed a little.

He knows all these things, but he is not reconciled.

If he is a strong man of Daojun level, then the earth will never be the same as it is now.

To put it bluntly, there is no strength, no backing!

For example, recently, the indigenous planet Karo was not strong on the whole, and there was no strong one to support it. As a result, it became a breeding farm of white feather star trade.

Of course, in fact, the earth also has a backer, but master Qingshi doesn't care!!

Just reminded him: in the near future, there will be a crisis on the earth

Then, he took people away.