I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 502

In the starry sky with the breath of war, the power of the real king and the strong frightens everything.

More than a thousand immortals dare not make any movements. The only ones still standing are Jiang Ci, Jiu Jianxian, Yi Liang, Chu he and Qiao da.

Baoyan Zhenjun looked at his son Qiao Da with anger in his eyes, and he was quite angry.

he yelled: "it's 70000 years since you've had the skulls of gods and demons in your hands, and you still can't fully exert its power.

this time, you have to work hard to damage the foundation to perform unique moves, which really makes the treasure dust!"

This sentence makes many people wonder, how do you feel that in the eyes of Baoyan Zhenjun, the skulls of gods and demons are more important than sons?

"Father..." Jorda knelt down in fear, her body trembling.

Baoyan Zhenjun no longer looked at him. He looked a little indifferent, as if he was not looking at his son at all.

Then he turned his eyes to jiujianxian, Yiliang and Chuhe.

"You ordered me to be arrested?" This time, there was no emotion in his voice.

But the feeling is more terrible.

A kind of pressure from the soul, let jiujianxian three face slightly changed.

"Zhenjun, it was Qiaoda who violated the law of heaven first." Wine Sword Fairy not humble not overbearing said.

However, if he speaks first, he will bear more anger from Baoyan Zhenjun.

"Zhenjun, we are ordered by Tieshan Zhenjun to protect Jiang CI. If Qiao Da wants to hurt Jiang Ci's life, I can't just sit back and ignore him." Yi Liang also respectfully explained, sharing the pressure for jiujianxian.

Chu he said little, but nodded solemnly, indicating his attitude.

"Hum!" Baoyan Zhenjun snorted coldly: "even if my son is wrong, it's not your zixiaozong's turn to punish him!"

The thunder reverberated in the starry sky, and the sky and earth trembled!

All of a sudden, jiujianxian, Yiliang, Chuhe, and more than a thousand other immortal troops were struck by lightning,

everyone's face turned pale and their breath was faint.

This time, Jiang CI still didn't feel the pressure, and his heart was even more strange, but he couldn't ask more.

"This is your punishment." Baoyan Zhenjun said without expression.

"Yes None of the immortals dare to refute.

It's the lightest punishment to violate the power of the real king.

Moreover, Baoyan Zhenjun is stronger than Tieshan Zhenjun. As members of Tieshan Zhenjun, they dare not say anything more. They can only respond. After all, the strong are respected.

Baoyan Zhenjun, who is covered with gold grain armor, suddenly turns his eyes to Jiang CI.

What shocked the immortals was that Baoyan Zhenjun, who was so overbearing and fearless just now, showed a smile.

"Jiang Ci, right?" Baoyan Zhenjun said with a smile.

Jiang Ci was stunned for a moment, but he was not too shocked,

because when Wan Du Zhenjun contacted him, he talked to him like this at the beginning, and his attitude was more kind than Baoyan Zhenjun.

"Jiang CI visits Baoyan Zhenjun!" Jiang CI is still a respectful salute.

He knew that Baoyan Zhenjun would definitely buy the earth next.

Sure enough, Baoyan Zhenjun said: "in fact, I asked Qiao Da to come to the earth, just to discuss the purchase of the earth with you. Unexpectedly, he misunderstood my meaning and actually started directly on you."

Jiang Ci was really surprised. It seemed that Baoyan Zhenjun was explaining to him.

He didn't expect a strong man to say sorry, sorry and so on.

detailed explanation like Baoyan Zhenjun is equivalent to apology.

When she heard this, she was directly confused: "father..."

Before he came to earth, he was ordered to do whatever it took?

"Well?" Baoyan Zhenjun looked at him indifferently.

Joda shuddered and shut up.

This is the second time in his life that he has seen his father look at him with this kind of eyes.

Next to them, jiujianxian, Yiliang, Chuhe and other immortals, of course, can also hear that Baoyan Zhenjun is explaining to Jiang Ci, and they are even more surprised.

From their point of view, Baoyan Zhenjun's reaction is very strange.

No matter how talented Jiang CI is, he is just a man who has not yet become an immortal.

baoyanzhenjun is not only a strong man in the nine regions of Weizhen Taoist League, but also a genius of the era. In terms of talent, he is even better than what Jiang Ci shows now.

In other words, Baoyan Zhenjun doesn't need to explain to Jiang CI.

Jiujianxian and others are at a loss. They don't understand the secret.

I saw Baoyan Zhenjun smile again and said to Jiang Ci, "Jiang Ci, now I come to interview you personally. I wonder if you are willing to transfer the earth to me?

If you ask for your own price, no matter it's points or treasures of the universe, as long as I can satisfy them, I will take them out! "Jiang CI had the previous experience of negotiating with Wandu Zhenjun. In the face of this situation, he looked very calm: "Zhenjun, the earth is my hometown and the place where our earth's ethnic groups thrive. I can't sell it!"

Baoyan Zhenjun nodded gently: "I'm abrupt. In this case, I won't force you."

Jiang CI Leng for a moment, is it so simple?

I thought Baoyan would be furious again after he refused.

In his stupefied kungfu, Baoyan Zhenjun's face changed again and regained his dignity.

"Joda!" Baoyan Zhenjun said in a deep voice.

"Father..." Qiao tea is still at a loss, a father has called many times.

"I just ordered you to come to earth to negotiate, but you have caused such a disaster. If jiujianxian Zhongli hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Jiang CI would have died!" Baoyan Zhenjun said.

Everyone could hear the anger in his voice.

"Father, this is you..." Joda's face changed greatly.

"Shut up The real king of Baoyan gave a roar.

Qiao Da was confused, as if a big pot had fallen from the sky.

"You have precious things, but you don't know how to make progress. You make trouble outside all day long, and this time you violate the law of heaven.

in this case, I will punish you to Beiyuan Xinghai for 30000 years!" Baoyan Zhenjun said coldly.

"Father Joda was completely confused, then frightened and frightened.

Jiujianxian and others were even more surprised. They didn't understand Baoyan Zhenjun's method at all.

What is Beiyuan Xinghai?

That is the place where the heaven specially imprisons important prisoners. There are ferocious human immortals and powerful people, as well as alien demons and ghost immortals.

The environment is extremely bad. If you live there for 30000 years, you can absolutely torture people crazy.

The Shouyuan of the Hedao period is ten thousand years. After that, every time a natural calamity is passed, the Shouyuan will increase by ten thousand years.

All in all, the ultimate longevity of jiujiexian is 100000 years.

Qiao Da is now a seven robber immortal. He has reached the limit in every realm, and his life span is nearly 80000 years.

Even if he could cultivate Jiujie immortal, Shouyuan would have more than 20000 years left at most.

Facing the wall for 30000 years, that is to say, if he didn't get to the real king from the cultivation of jiujiexian, it would be equivalent to facing the wall in the star sea of Beiyuan until he died!

This is almost equivalent to the death sentence for joda!

Jiujianxian and others don't understand, because even if Qiao da just killed Jiang Ci, it's hard to get this kind of punishment.

It's like Baoyan is showing an attitude towards Jiang CI.

How strange!

Jiang CI is silent. It's none of my business for you to kill your son.

Even, he wanted Baoyan Zhenjun to destroy Qiao tea on the spot.

At this time, Baoyan Zhenjun said: "put the earth people back."

Qiao tea's face was like ashes, but she didn't dare not do it.

He flew back to the earth and released all the earth people who were put into the storage space.

Tens of billions of chaotic people on earth, after seeing the familiar environment, like the afterlife.

They have experienced unprecedented changes today,

although they did not see the immortal war, their experience in the storage space just now made them realize that the sky is changing.

After all this, Qiao Da returned to Baoyan Zhenjun.

Baoyan Zhenjun finally looked at the earth and the first moon, and sighed in his heart. Xianli was wrapped in three immortals, Qiao DA and the rest of the rose,

there was a wave in the space, and the group disappeared into the starry sky.


Daoyu, in the endless sky of a starry continent, floats a huge palace, which is the residence of Zhenjun in Baoyan.

In the palace, the figures of Baoyan Zhenjun and Qiao Da suddenly appear.

When she came back, she couldn't help it any more and asked directly, "father, why? Even if I make a mistake, I won't go to Beiyuan star sea for 30000 years, will I

Now he doesn't care whether he will offend his father. If he doesn't ask, he will be put into Beiyuan Xinghai. That's the end!

"Well, you think I want to!" Baoyan Zhenjun said coldly.

When he punished his son in public, he actually hit his own face in public.

This matter will certainly spread out. At that time, everyone will think that it is he who has softened to Jiang Ci and a little guy in Yuanshen period. He is afraid!

"My father just made a show for them?" Said Jorda pleasantly.

"It's not a show." Baoyan Zhenjun shook his head: "my master asked me to punish you. He said that your pressure is too small,

the skulls of gods and demons are totally wasted on you, so let me put you in Beiyuan Xinghai for 30000 years and give you some pressure.

at the same time, he said You are really in trouble this time. It's a small punishment. "

"Father's master?" As soon as she stopped breathing, her face was full of incredible expression, and her heart was full of waves. Besides shock, she was in a state of panic.His father, Baoyan Zhenjun, was a genius of daomen. Few of them are qualified to be teachers of Baoyan Zhenjun.

What's more, it's also related to the master that Baoyan Zhenjun has great power in daomen, and even can control the decision-making of important affairs of daomen!

Baoyan Zhenjun's master is the real high level of daomen, second only to the powerful existence of daomen Tianzun, and belongs to the second person of daomen.

"Yes, my master, Mr. Yanqing!" Baoyan Zhenjun said solemnly.

"This This Father, Yanqing Daojun is aloof, how can he notice me and order to punish me personally? " Joda was terrified that he was targeted by such a strong man!