I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 501

This is the black mountain in the starry sky. The palace of Tieshan Zhenjun sits on the top of the mountain.

On the throne of the palace, you can just see the stars changing.

Tieshan Zhenjun, dressed in bloody armor, sits high on the throne. His momentum seems to coincide with the starry sky, just like the domination of the starry sky.

In the hall, the phantom of Jiang CI appeared, and then bowed to salute: "Jiang CI meets the real king of iron mountain!"

"I already know the situation of the earth, but the terrain of the broken star belt is complex. It will take a lot of time for my people to get there." The real king of iron mountain has a roaring voice.

"Zhenjun, with this transmission mark, you can directly reach the starry sky where the earth is." Jiang CI says the interstellar transmission array in the first moon.

Then he looked sincere and said: "my master jiujianxian is trying his best to resist each other. Please do it as soon as possible!"

"Good!" Tieshan Zhenjun nodded.

The subpoena is over.


Soon, one by one, the immortals with the flavor of immortality came to the palace of Zhenjun in Tieshan.

Below the hall, all the immortals gathered, more than a thousand immortals, the worst of which is also the four plundering immortals!

Tieshan Zhenjun was sitting on the throne. He said in a deep voice, "people of daomen want to take advantage of Zixiao sect disciples. You can go to earth, the hometown of Jiangci, and expel people of daomen."

"Remember, Jiang CI can't die!"


The immortals were astonished.

Even if Jiang CI is the core disciple of sizhongtian, it doesn't make Tieshan Zhenjun pay so much attention to it?

Their more than 1000 immortals are almost all the power under the command of Tieshan Zhenjun.

There are two nine plundering immortals, more than 100 seven plundering immortals and eight rank immortals, and the worst one is also four plundering immortals.

Now just for a Yuanshen period of Jiang Ci, so many strong people are mobilized, it's really shocking!

The mighty immortal army left from the sixth heaven of Zixiao sect and came to the transmission platform in the sky of Zixiao sect.

They're going to be sent to the first moon of the earth in batches.

Such a great momentum naturally attracted the attention of Zixiao sect's immortal and core.

They are shocked, but also have to guess, this is what happened?


In the starry sky outside the earth, the war continues.

Because Jiang CI added the sword meaning of Qinglian in the fire prison, for a while, the three rose could not break the shackles of the two kinds of Taoist attacks.

On the other hand, jiujianxian fought alone against the six immortals, gaining the upper hand.

And his attack move is very simple, just one sword after another.

Each sword is like a river of stars breaking through the dark starry sky, and the overwhelming sword light has suppressed Qiao DA and others.

"Damn, he's so strong!" Qiao Tea Face ferocious roar.

"My Lord, if the stalemate continues, the other strong men of zixiaozong will arrive!" Yinglu and other five immortals were extremely anxious. Their attack could not do any harm to jiujianxian.

What worries them even more is that since jiujianxian can come to the earth through the interstellar transmission array, other strong people of Zixiao sect will surely come here in this way.

The problem is, now they're being suppressed by jiujianxian.

And rose and others, in a short period of time still can't get Jiang CI.

If you drag on, you'll be in trouble!

"Ha ha, are you in a hurry?" Jiujianxian laughs, holding a sword in one hand and drinking in the other.

Another sword cut out, this attack, all swept to the other five immortals.


Star River is broken!

The five immortals' faces changed greatly, and they could not care about their anxieties. They ran away and did not dare to stop them.

Because if you can't stop it, you will die!

"Zhong Li, how dare you do that!" Joda was in a hurry this time.

These are all the strength of his men. He would be very distressed to lose one.

However, jiujianxian won't listen to him,

sword falls!

Two six robber immortals and three five robber immortals have no time to escape from the area covered by sword light.

Under the light of the sword like a river of stars, their bodies and spirits, like ice and snow, melt away, instantly disappear into the starry sky and die.

"So strong!" Jiang Ci's eyes widened.

It seems that this is just his master's casual sword. He hasn't done his best yet.

"Clock away!" Qiao Da was furious. This sword made him lose a lot. The five immortals who died were almost the strongest fighting power under his command.

Under the anger, the weird smell on his head is more intense, and the black lines on his face are more and more, so he is going to be demonized.

In the starry sky, the magic face is roaring.

The devil roared!

The power of imprisoning space suddenly increased thousands of times.

The whole starry sky continued to produce waves and began to collapse.

"No!" Jiujianxian's face changed.Because in this kind of confinement, Jiang CI can't avoid the roar of the gods and demons who destroy heaven and earth.

The situation is just as he expected. 30000 kilometers away, Huo prison and kendo Qinglian dissipate with the collapse of space.

Four robbers rose and the other two three robbers came out.

They were not affected by the roar of gods and demons, and immediately attacked Jiang CI.

The distance between the two sides is less than a thousand li, which is no different from being close to each other.

Jiujianxian is 30000 kilometers away, so it must be too late to come.

The situation of Jiang CI is in danger.

At this time, there is a strong breath, spread out in the starry sky, and the number of breath is increasing.

It's the first moon tens of thousands of kilometers away, a batch after batch of Sendao strongmen come!

Boom boom!

Then, these fairyland strongmen crossed the starry sky and came to the place where the two sides were fighting.

Tieshan real king's immortal army came, more than a thousand immortals exuded great momentum, headed by Yiliang immortal and Chuhe immortal.

"Ha ha, Zhong Li, you are finally willing to come out!" A hearty laughter rings out in the starry sky.

I saw Yi Liang immortal wearing a green shirt and hair, very freehand condensation of an open book, calming the collapsing star.

It also imprisons the three of them and relieves the crisis of Jiang CI.

Yiliang immortal saves Jiang Ci, while Chuhe immortal crosses the void and comes to the place where jiujianxian and qiota fight,

he wears black armour and exudes the air of iron and blood. He nods to jiujianxian first, and then looks at qiota with dignity.

At this time, because Qiao Da had just used the roar of gods and demons, her breath was weak, and she had no power to fight again.

"Qiao Da, if you intrude into the private domain of the core disciples of Zixiao sect, you will also hurt people's lives. You have violated the heavenly court decree and committed a heinous crime!" Chuhe cheered coldly.

"Ho ho..." Joda laughed scornfully.

"Come on, take him down!" Chuhe waved to the immortal army behind him.

Immediately, ten eight robbers flew out to capture Qiao da.

Qiao tea's face immediately changed, he didn't expect that Chu River immortal dare to directly order to take people.

In other words, Zixiao sect is no worse than daomen.

If he is taken by zixiaozong people, then daomen will have to pay a price if they want to redeem him.

This is only the second, the most important thing is that he can't afford to lose this man!

"Why do you want to arrest me? Go away With a roar,

his whole face was covered with black lines, and the strange smell from the top of his head was strong to the extreme.

As a result, his haircut, which was originally bald, became bald, covered with black lines.

In the starry sky, the face of the gods and Demons also became dark, like full of fangs, ferocious and terrifying.


The starry sky with a radius of 100000 kilometers is rapidly stagnating, just like the lake is rapidly freezing.

This time, he will fight for serious injury, even damage the foundation, but also to exert the full power of the roar of the gods and demons.


All of a sudden, the space burst and the faces of gods and Demons dissipated.

The roar of the gods and demons of Qiao DA has not been fully exerted, and it has stopped suddenly.

A figure wearing gold grain armor appeared slowly in the starry sky.

Far more powerful than the nine robber immortals, they spread out and merged with the starry sky, just as the starry sky dominates.

No matter jiujianxian, Yiliang or Chuhe, they all feel the strong pressure and can only try to keep standing posture.

More than 1000 other immortals, not to mention, knelt down in the starry sky.

You are so dear!

"Father Joda was ecstatic.

This is the true king of daomen Baoyan!

"Meet Mr. Baoyan!" Jiujianxian, Yiliang and Chuhe saluted respectfully at the same time.

More than a thousand immortals kneeling in the starry sky also cried in unison.

Jiang CI also saluted respectfully. Strangely enough, he didn't feel the powerful pressure, so he was still standing.

However, even so, Jiang Ci was still full of worries,

because of the appearance of Baoyan Zhenjun, the situation changed again.

This strong man from daomen was once a genius of the era. After he was successful, he could survive nine disasters in a row.

After hundreds of millions of years, the strength of Baoyan Zhenjun has become more unfathomable.

Among the strong real monarchs, Baoyan real monarch is second only to Wandu real monarch and Liuxian real monarch.

More than a thousand immortal troops of Tieshan Zhenjun can't stop Baoyan Zhenjun at all!

Even if the real king of iron mountain is going to the earth now, it's too late.

Interstellar transmission across star domains also takes time.

This time is enough for Baoyan Zhenjun to do a lot of things.It is only a matter of one word to take the sovereignty of the earth from him.

What to do?

When Jiang Ci was worried about this, Qiao Da yelled: "father, these immortals of zixiaozong are so overbearing that they want to join hands to take me down!"

The villain will complain first!

Jiujianxian, Yiliang and Chuhe all frowned.

"Hum!" The real king of Baoyan gave a cold hum. His voice echoed in the starry sky like thunder.

All of them felt the anger of Baoyan Zhenjun in the cold hum, and they were scared.

If you are angry, you will die.

However, it is surprising that Baoyan's anger is not directed at jiujianxian, Yiliang and Chuhe.

He looked like a river of stars in his eyes. He gazed at joda and said slowly, "I'm very disappointed!"

Joda was stunned.

He heard it for the first time in his father's mouth.


Is it because I didn't take the earth?

Or something else?

For a moment, joda became a little nervous and at a loss.

(start before change...)