I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 500

A powerful spiritual consciousness swept across the earth.

By virtue of the strangeness of the skulls of gods and demons, Qiao Da realized that it was the spirit of the nine robbers.

"Is it the other strong robbers under the command of the real king?

It's impossible, they can't get to the galaxy until now at most,

it will take at least half a day to get to the earth! " Joda frowned slightly.

"Maybe which nine robber fairy happened to be near the galaxy, so he came faster?" Said Rose, the fairy in coloured clothes.

Joda nodded gently. It's possible.

He was the first one to get to earth because he was in the Milky Way galaxy and had been to the fragmentary belt before.

However, even if jiujiexian comes, he is not afraid,

as long as he is not the real king, the nine of them can deal with it together.


A figure appeared out of thin air.

Under the slovenly, open and uninhibited appearance of the visitors, the sense of vicissitudes is revealed.

The wine gourd in his left hand shows his identity.

"Master!" Jiang Ci was so surprised that the master came faster than he could imagine.

"Clock away!"


Qiao DA and his eight strong fairies all changed their faces.

Jiujianxian hasn't been out since it entered Daoyuan ancient world for cultivation 50000 years ago.

However, his prestige has been circulating among the strong men of Xiandao.

After all, this gifted Kendo genius has a remarkable record of hitting the real king of the demon clan!

"How did this madman come out?"

The enemy's eyes were very red when they met, and Qiao Da's eyes flashed with anger. He remembered the memory of being beaten by Jiu Jianxian at the ten thousand immortals meeting.

When Qiao DA and others were shocked, Jiu Jianxian and Jiang CI began to talk.

"Disciple, your earth is not simple!" Wine Sword Fairy eyes deep say.

He discovered the secret of the first moon when he just sent it to the earth.

now he comes to the earth and finds that there are many things he is familiar with.

For example, Kunlun secret land, Buddhist relics and so on.

There are many similarities between these places and Sanmen LiuZong.

Before that, he was still wondering why Wan Du Zhenjun and Qiao Da of daomen were looking for Shangjiang CI one after another.

Now he understands that the earth is a planet with big secrets, and Jiang CI is the Lord of the earth!

"This is my home." Jiang CI said with a bitter smile.

Four words contain a lot of emotions.

"Good! Since it's home, we should protect it well.

when the guests come, we'll treat them well.

when the enemy comes, we'll treat them well too! " Jiujianxian laughed and didn't ask.

The good hospitality of the two shows his attitude.

It can't be more obvious who the enemy is.

The momentum of Qiao DA and his eight immortals was united, and they didn't relax for a moment.

"Zhong Li, I didn't expect that you would leave Daoyuan ancient world?" Said Jorda in a deep voice.

"Heaven and earth, where can I not go?" Jiujianxian laughed, then his voice became cold again: "it's you. Why did you rush into my apprentice's hometown? Is it possible to seek death? "

"Arrogance! Nine of us join hands, that is the real king pro to, also have the power of a war!

You are the nine robbers sword immortal who will die of Shouyuan. You'd better be wise so that you won't be able to live for thousands of years! "

Qiao tea's look gradually ferocious, he already wanted to start.

"Ha, it's the end of Shouyuan that makes a big fight!" The jiujianxian laughs wildly,

his momentum rises abruptly, his hair and beard are all open, a kind of Kendo rhyme with a higher level than the meaning of the sword, diffuses in the heaven and earth, just like the emperor of the sword.

"This madman!" Qiao DA and his eight immortals became more dignified. They all sacrificed their magic weapons and were ready to start at any time.

War is on the verge of breaking out.

A big fight!

It seems that a fairy will fall today!

This is the first time that Jiang CI has seen the master show his strength.

Really strong!

Under normal circumstances, only Zhenjun can suppress the cooperation of Qiao DA and others.

Now, there is only one person in jiujianxian, who wins in momentum.

Jiujianxian's momentum did not start. After a drink of wine, he said, "you can retreat now. After three breath, there is no room for maneuver."

"This is my father's favorite planet. Do you want me to retreat? Hum! Zhong Li, I admit that you are very powerful, but you can't kill me.

today I want to see whether your sword is powerful or my demon skull is powerful! " Qiao Da was biting her teeth. Her face had become ferocious, and black lines appeared on her face.

At this time, jiujianxian's spiritual consciousness wrapped Jiang Ci, trying to put Jiang CI into his storage space.


Suddenly, an air wave burst out of thin air, and the space was in disorder."This space has been completely covered by my skulls. Do you want to take away Jiang CI? Ha ha... " Joda laughs triumphantly.

Sure enough, even Jiang CI felt that the surrounding space was like a swamp, and their bodies were limited.

Jiujianxian's face sank down. He didn't start immediately because he was afraid that the next battle would affect Jiang CI.

Only when Jiang CI is safe can he fight safely.

Obviously, Jorda knew this, so she was on guard.


Jiujianxian makes another move, and the majestic Xianli bursts out, breaking the confinement of space by the demon skull, and then rushes out of the sky with Jiangci and Liuchuan.

At his speed, in an instant, he came to outer space.

"Damn it

Qiao Da angrily scolded, and with the other eight immortals, she chased away.

At the same time, his hairless head, once again gushed strange breath, the black lines on his face seemed to come back to life, swimming rapidly.

In the starry sky with a radius of 100000 kilometers, a face of gods and Demons appeared,

the complicated black lines were like cobwebs, which imprisoned the whole starry sky.

All objects in this starry sky are restricted and their speed slows down abruptly.

In the starry sky 50000 kilometers away from the earth, jiujianxian was also affected and had to stop.

He said to Liuchuan, "protect Jiang CI!"

"Yes Liu Chuan nodded hard.

"Master, be careful!" Jiang CI is a little worried.

Because Qiao Da's method is really terrible, that magic face is obviously Qiao Da's.

"Ha ha, don't worry, I'll be afraid if he can refine 100% of the skulls. Now Let's see my sword cut the evil guest! " Jiujianxian laughs.

He went away with a sword.

After he didn't need to be distracted to take care of Jiang Ci, the confinement of the magic face to the space had no effect in front of him.

On the other side, joda and her men have caught up.

"Rose, you three go and catch Jiang CI!" Qiao tea said a word to the three men, such as the fairy in colorful clothes.

The female fairy in colorful clothes is a four robber fairy, and the other two are both three robber fairies. Their strength completely crush Liuchuan.

The remaining six of them, in addition to qiaotan himself, have two liujiexian and three wujiexian. Together, they are enough to deal with jiujianxian.

"Today, it's a shame to kill jiujianxian!" Qiao Da's spiritual consciousness has locked on jiujianxian.


The faces of gods and demons, which cover an area of 100000 kilometers, emit a huge roar from heaven and earth, which frightens the mind.

It's an instant attack on jiujianxian.

The other five immortals also attack each other.

Huge spiritual and immortal attack moves wreak havoc in this starry sky and space collapses,

as long as some meteorites or asteroids are affected, they will be directly smashed.

Boom boom!

All attacks are focused on jiujianxian.

"Ha ha!" Jiujianxian laughed wildly.

With one sword, the dark sky is divided like a river of stars.


Directly cut the roar of the gods and demons, and then block all the fairyland attacks.

Fight alone with six immortals who have been robbed for more than five years!


At the same time, the four immortals rose and the other two three immortals have caught up with Jiangci and Liuchuan.

The powerful immortal power, together with the best immortal weapon, condenses a powerful Taoist attack and instantly covers both of them.

"Fire prison!" Liu Chuan roared, and the fire method burst out.

At the next moment, the starry sky turned into a sea of fire, which not only blocked the other party's Fairy way attack, but also temporarily trapped the three roses.

However, after using this unique skill, Liu Chuan's breath was reduced to the lowest level,

even Jiang CI could feel that Liu Chuan's spiritual consciousness was collapsing.

This is a desperate move.

"Liuchuan!" Jiang Ci's face changed, and he quickly gave Liu Chuan his own healing elixir.

This has stabilized Liuchuan's injury.

In the fire prison, the three immortals, rose, release their immortal power to protect the whole body.

"Desperate? How loyal Rose sneered.

Then she clapped it, only to find that the attack was quickly destroyed by the fire prison.

"Break it together!" Rose's face became serious. She knew that the battle was going to be decided quickly. If it was too late, it would change!

The three men attacked at the same time.

Boom boom!

After all, Liuchuan is the immortal of three robbers. Even if he tries his best, he can't resist the attack of the three.

Soon, the fire prison, like a sea of fire, was crumbling.

At the same time, Jiang CI naturally won't wait to die, his attack also went out.

Although his cultivation was only in the early stage of Yuanshen, the realm of Taoism and Dharma had already surpassed most of the immortals.A sword is cut out, and the meaning of the skyward sword is suddenly diffused out.

a huge sword path green lotus blooms in the starry sky!

It's like the world of sword, and then it's integrated with Liuchuan's fire prison.

last time in the land of reincarnation, he was attacked and killed by the ghost gods of yinyecha.

Even if the three robber ghost immortal has the strength comparable to the four robber immortal by virtue of his blood, he can hold on for 30 seconds.

Now, he uses Kendo green lotus to trap people. Even if the enemy is a four robber immortal and two three robber immortals, I believe he can trap them for at least 10 seconds.

In a match between the strong and the weak, the outcome is often decided in a flash.

More than 10 seconds, you can do a lot of things!

Liuchuan breath weak in the starry sky, this is a man of gratitude.

Jiang CI is constantly wielding sword light, condensing one after another sword way green lotus, want to persist for a longer time.

At this time, his subpoena bead finally received Tieshan Zhenjun subpoena.

"Here we are at last!"

There's no time for ecstasy. I'll get through the subpoena.

However, he has no spare power to present his own situation.

Only with a wisp of spiritual consciousness, through the communication bead, it turns into a communication illusion, and appears in the cave of Zixiao sect liuchongtian and Tieshan Zhenjun.
