I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 499

"Since the earth has been sold to Wandu Zhenjun, even if I want to sell it to the elder, I can't help it. Does the elder say that?" Jiang CI had no choice but to smile.

With a gloomy face and a silent voice, she was holding a messenger bead in her hand. She should be communicating with someone.

Soon, he said in a cold voice: "you are lying. I asked the people of daomeng Tianting that you are still the Lord of the earth!

If you have transferred your sovereignty, the earth Lord registered in the heaven court of the Taoist League should be the true king of ten thousand poisons! "

"This is a deal just concluded ten minutes ago. Wandu Zhenjun is on his way to the earth, and then he can make a face-to-face transaction and transfer it.

if you don't believe me, you can ask Wandu Zhenjun." Jiang CI said with a smile.

Qiao Da's eyelid jumps, and asks Wan Du Zhenjun?

I'll go when I'm tired of living!

He has believed 60% of Jiang's words in his heart.

Because the position of wanduzhenjun in daomen is too high, this ancient existence has lived longer than some Daojun of human race!

It is not surprising that such a strong man can know the information of the earth.

"I still don't believe it? Do you want me to contact Wandu Zhenjun? " Jiang CI takes out the communication pearl.

"Well, you don't have to!" Joda looked unhappy.

He doesn't want to offend Wandu Zhenjun for no reason.

the first expert of human poison way is not joking. He can easily wipe out a life galaxy.

The reputation of Wan Du Zhen Jun is even greater than that of many Daojun.

Qiao Da thought in her heart: "now the sovereignty of the earth is still in the hands of Jiang CI. If I can get it, when Wan Du Zhenjun asks,

I can also shirk that Jiang CI sold it to me on his own initiative,

although Wan Du Zhenjun is powerful, he has been alone all these endless years,

unlike my father, who lives in daomen and daomeng heaven You have a lot of power to speak,

even if you really want to get angry, you have to weigh it up! "

He's weighing the consequences.

When Jiang Ci and Liu Chuan look at each other, they both feel relieved, and the situation seems to have eased.

At this time, Qiao Da's eyes fell on Jiang CI again and said, "Jiang Ci, the true king of ten thousand poisons is really powerful. I really dare not provoke him, but you are not the true king of ten thousand poisons!"

"Master, you dare not offend Wan Du Zhen Jun, of course I dare not!" Jiang CI shakes his head.

"You don't think I'm going to kill you?" All of a sudden, Qiao Da uses her spiritual sense to communicate.

Jiang Ci's face sank: "the earth has the brand of the eye of heaven. If you kill me, zixiaozong will not let you go."

Strange dialogue, let Liuchuan alert, with more immortal force to protect Jiang CI.

Qiao Da didn't care. She continued to speak to Jiang Ci's spiritual sense: "the fairy in colorful clothes behind me, named Rosa, is a four robber fairy. She is also a slave controlled by my spiritual sense. This is a secret that even my father doesn't know."

"I can ask her to kill you. Now I'm a psychic messenger. No one knows that rose is my slave, even if I have the eye of heaven.

when you die, the earth will become an ownerless planet of life,

and I can lose at most one slave of the four immortals, and then I can apply to the Taoist alliance heaven to become the new Lord of the earth,

as for wanduzhen Jun, he is very powerful, but my father is also a real Jun. if I offend him, I will be punished at most and my life will be safe.

JIANG Ci, what do you think? "

Jiang CI is silent, holding the communication bead in his hand. He reads a message quickly.

The contents are as follows:

Zhenjun, I'm Jiang CI. Today, I don't know why, Wandu Zhenjun of daomen took the initiative to contact me and wanted to buy my hometown earth.

I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for money and sells his hometown. I flatly refused the deal.

fortunately, Wandu Zhenjun didn't get angry, but just wanted to go to a cave world of the earth.

However, what I didn't expect was that qijiexian qiodai of daomen came to the earth with a group of strong immortals,

qiodai took all my people into the storage space as a threat to buy the earth by force,

moreover, he threatened that if I didn't transfer it, his slaves would kill me and then gain the sovereignty of the earth.

Now I have only one three robbers around me. In the face of this threat, I don't have any resistance.

Please make up your mind!


He edited these contents in an instant, then sent them to Tieshan Zhenjun, and repeated them for hundreds of times.

He took part in the nine regions talent war, which was presided over by Tieshan Zhenjun.

According to the rules, if he becomes an immortal in the future, he will be a strong man under the command of Tieshan Zhenjun.

Now, of course, there is a problem. It must be right to find Tieshan Zhenjun.

As for Liu xianzhenjun, another powerful real monarch he knew, they only met once,

it would be too abrupt to go to Liu xianzhenjun for such a thing.What's more, he didn't know the imprint of the six sages.

After the subpoena, Jiang CI knew that a storm was coming.

At present, wanduzhenjun and Qiaoda who are looking for him to buy the earth are all from daomen, which means that only daomen know the information of the earth.

Zixiaozong didn't know, otherwise someone would have summoned him.

He took the initiative to send a message to Tieshan Zhenjun. Zixiaozong would surely find the clue and know the secret of the earth.

As long as the high level of zixiaozong is not stupid, it will definitely fight for the earth!

At that time, it will be daomen and zixiaozong who will fight each other!

However, he still has to wait and delay. After all, Mr. Tieshan has not answered his letter. Everything is unknown.

Jiang CI sighed and said helplessly: "elder Qiao Da, if I transfer the sovereignty of the earth to you, can you save my life?

That is the true king of ten thousand poisons. He can poison the powerful existence of a life galaxy by waving his hand. He wants to kill me. Can you keep it? "

A smile reappeared on Qiao Da's face. He could hear that Jiang Ci was softened. The threat just now had an effect.

"If I say I can keep it, you won't believe it." Qiao Da said with a smile: "but I can tell you exactly that after you transfer the sovereignty over the earth,

you can go back to your Zixiao sect in the fourth heaven, or go to the Daoyuan ancient world. As long as you are in these two places, Wandu Zhenjun will not dare to move you!"

"What you said is very true." Jiang CI nodded, and then shook his head: "I can't stay in these two places all the time. I always have to come out. Then I will face the real king of ten thousand poisons."

"Well! If you want to live, there is only one way. Otherwise, you will die with all the people on the earth!

I can also get the sovereignty of the earth! " Jorda's face turned cold again, and this sentence was transmitted by the spirit.

It's hard for him to be patient and entangle with Jiang CI for a long time.

Jiang Ci's mind changed quickly. He decided to continue to delay, and was about to think of other words.

But at this time, Qiao Da's face changed greatly,

"nine robbers

Just at that moment, he noticed that a powerful spiritual consciousness had swept by.

He has the skulls of gods and demons, and can sense the spirit of the nine robbers.