I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 498

Jiang Ci's request, which yinglu didn't expect, caught him off guard.

"Jiang Ci, to be honest with you, in fact, the planet of life in the galaxy is the earth that I like most.

if you think the price just now is not suitable, we can discuss it again and add one hundred or two hundred thousand points." Yinglu said again.

"Master yinglu, if you can find the earth, you must know that this is my hometown. I'm not the kind of person who is poor enough to sell his family." There was a trace of banter on Jiang Ci's face.

"Not really?" Yinglu frowns. He is not stupid. He knows Jiang CI is teasing him.

"Not for sale!" Jiang CI has a firm attitude.

"Alas..." Yinglu sighed, holding the messenger bead, and sent a message to Qiao da.

Because his negotiation strategy failed.


Eight immortal figures appeared in the yard.

"Joda!" Jiang Ci's face changed greatly.

It was Qiao DA and the other seven strong fairies who came. They didn't restrain their momentum.

Eight immortals, even the weakest one, are almost the same as Liuchuan, at least three robbers!

So in this situation, even Liuchuan, who has been robbed of immortals for three years, feels the pressure.

Not to mention Jiang CI. At this time, Jiang CI became difficult to breathe, his body trembled slightly, and his mind was also on the verge of collapse.

However, the Yuanshen in Jiang Ci's mind once again came to power, and the liantai earthquake dispelled the power of these immortals.

This situation surprised Qiao Da,

even the three robber immortals beside Jiang CI didn't get rid of their pressure, but Jiang CI got rid of it quickly.

Last time in the land of reincarnation, the three robbers who could be forced by the ghost fairy exploded, it was already very surprising.

Now it seems that there are many means in Jiang CI.

"Jiang CI!" Qiao tea gives people a kind of high posture, like to look down on the world.

"I've met senior Jorda." After all, Qiao Da is a seven robber immortal.

Liu Chuan's face was still a little pale. He voiced to Jiang cilingzhi: "my Lord, the overall strength of these nine people is very strong. Only if they are real, can they be controlled."

Jiang Ci's heart sank, Zhenjun!

Just now, before returning to the earth, he had sent a message to master Jiu Jianxian for help.

But Shizun is only Jiujie sword immortal. Even if his fighting power is more powerful than ordinary Jiujie immortal, he doesn't reach the level of real king!

"Jiang Ci, do you know the purpose of my coming? Tell me, is the earth for sale? " Joda is very overbearing.

"Not for sale!" Jiang CI shook his head.

"Oh? Are you not satisfied with the price


"100 million points! Is it for sale? " Said Jorda in a deep voice.

The price shocked everyone except Jiang CI.

Just now, in addition to 1 million yuan, yinglu has directly mentioned 100 million points.

Even Liu Chuan was moved and couldn't help looking at Jiang CI.

If he had the money, he would be able to survive at least three more disasters.

However, Jiang CI still shook his head firmly: "sorry, it's not for sale."

"What's the matter? Is it because of the last reincarnation? Do you still complain about me? "

"I dare not!" Jiang CI has no expression on his face.

"Ha ha, I dare not That's it Joda burst out laughing.

Then he said, "that's OK. I've practiced for more than 70000 years. Except in front of my father, I rarely give in.

this time, I'll make an exception to give in. It's a buy it now price, one billion points, and many of the seven robbers are just worth it.

with your talent, if you have this wealth, the success rate will almost reach 100% in the face of the Chengxian robberies in the future!"

"Not for sale!" Jiang CI is very calm.

"No face?" Qiao tea's face became cold, and the powerful momentum broke out again.


The mansion of the high-rise of the summer league turned into powder in an instant.

Liuchuan reaction is also very fast, with Xianli to protect this area, did not let Qiaoda's attack threaten other areas of shuntianfu.

"Jiang Ci, how dare you challenge my will again and again in your little Yuanshen period? You should know the end of disobedience to immortals! " Jorda said coldly, with a trace of madness in her eyes.

Jiang Ci's face changed.


Suddenly, Qiao Da burst out a powerful immortal force, imprisoning Jiang Ci and Liu Chuan.

At the same time, his spirit covers the whole earth.

"Take it for me!"

Just in an instant, all human beings on the earth disappeared without a trace and were collected into the storage space by joda.

He didn't dare to accept the earth, because it was the planet valued by his father and many powerful people.

"Now, we are the only one left on this planet!" Qiao Da sneered and let go of the confinement of Jiang Ci and Liu Chuan.

Jiang Ci's face changed greatly, and his spirit spread out to explore the world.Sure enough, the total population of more than 10 billion people on earth, all disappeared, leaving only no mutation of ordinary beasts.

Qiao Da snorted coldly: "now it's up to you to sell it or not. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. It depends on your own choice.

if you honestly sell the earth to me, you can get 1 billion points, and those Terrans will be safe.

otherwise, you will get more than 10 billion Terran corpses!"

Joda seemed to have a chance.

Jiang CI clenched his fist, full of anger!


He once again realized what is the absolute strength of the gap!

The law of the jungle, the weak have no right to speak!

"He didn't dare to kill me, because I was the core disciple of Zixiao sect, the top talent of the Terran."

"But it's just genius! In front of the real strong, it's not worth mentioning! "

"In the end, we have to rely on our strength to speak!"

At this moment, Jiang Ci's mind and thinking suddenly changed.

He felt that although he had many adventures in the past two hundred years, he was still too stable!

In order not to let those strong people find that he has secrets, he deliberately controls the speed of strength improvement, which leads to the fact that the experience panel does not play its role to the extreme.

"In this case, simply do not hide!"

The top talent of the Terran is the kind of existence that can survive nine calamities in a row after the completion of harmony.

An era is not necessarily one.

He is still far from that level.

"Think it over? Sell or not Joda drinks cold again.

After the change of heart and mind, Jiang Ci's point of view has also changed.

he suddenly calms down, his thinking is much clearer, and says with a frank smile: "to be honest, it's not that I don't sell, but that I dare not sell."

"Oh?" Qiao Da thought Jiang CI had been shaken.

"Master Qiao Da, in fact, just before you contacted me, your master Wan Duzhen contacted me and wanted to buy the earth.

I also knew that Wan Duzhen was terrible. Finally, I had to sell the earth to him." Jiang CI shrugged and looked helpless.

"True king of all poisons!" As soon as Qiao Da's face changed, the other eight immortals behind him also became dignified.

This is an ancient existence more terrible than his father, baoyanzhenjun.

(send it first, then change it, and then write a chapter...)