I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 93

Hearing Mrs. Gao\'s praise, Leon smiled and didn\'t make a sound.

After all, that\'s his mother tongue

Sitting in a chair with her hands folded on a crutch, Mrs. Gao didn\'t care about the thick smell of blood in the air, stared at Lyon and said:

"I don\'t know where you know about Kunlun. But I know you don\'t come from Kunlun."

As soon as Mrs. Gao came up, she exposed Leon\'s identity.

However, Leon was not too surprised, just curious about how she found it.

After all, the secret of Kunlun is only known by Kunlun people except the leaders of shouhe society.

This is a lie that is not easy to expose

Leon sat up straight and asked with interest, "Oh? Why?"


Mrs. Gao paused and slowly explained, "there is no" Qi "in you. Moreover, you are too cruel, which is completely inconsistent with Kunlun\'s practice."

Then she stretched out her hand and said, "well, what\'s your purpose to find me through Fisk?"

Fisk and Wesley sitting on the other side of the table, although they both know Chinese, he can\'t understand the dialogue between Lyon and Mrs. Gao.

"Qi" and "Kunlun" are words they have never heard of before.

Even if they are partners, they don\'t know much about this mysterious Mrs. Gao.

Pop, pop

At this time, Leon suddenly clapped his hands and looked at the old lady who had lived for 400 years with appreciative eyes: "I am worthy of being the leader of the hand and society. You can see my careful thinking clearly..."

Hearing Lyon say the name of "hand and meeting", Mrs. Gao obviously shook her eyebrows, and her inner killing intention suddenly raised a lot.

The other party not only knows about Kunlun, but also about the hand and meeting!

This is not good news.

It seemed that he felt a trace of malice from Mrs. Gao. Lyon stopped clapping, took back the smile on his face, and said seriously: "yes, I not only know about Kunlun and the hand and meeting, but also know the real identity of the five of you. They are the elders who defected from Kunlun!"

Hearing Lyon tell the biggest secret in her heart, Mrs. Gao\'s eyes narrowed slightly, suddenly opened, murderous eyes, stared at Lyon tightly, as if she wanted to see through his soul: "you... To the bottom... Who is...!"

Lyon pressed his hands down and motioned the old lady not to be too excited: "relax, I\'m not interested in that little thing between you and Kunlun."

"All I want is the entrance route to Kunlun, that\'s all."

Although Lyon came straight to the point, Mrs. Gao was not in the mood at this time and continued to listen to him.

Because Lyon\'s words have touched the most untouchable scales of her hand and other leaders of the society

It doesn\'t matter who the man in front of him is or how he knows these secrets.

Because, in Mrs. Gao\'s eyes, he is already a dead man

"Since you know the existence of Kunlun, you must know that Kunlun will be opened every 15 years. There are still several years before the next opening..."

"Of course I know." Leon got up from his chair, stepped forward, spread out his hands and said, "that\'s why I came to you."

"I\'m sure you have a way to take me into Kunlun, don\'t you?"

Mrs. Gao looked up and down at Lyon, then stood up with a crutch: "then you have to see how determined you are!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old lady suddenly stepped forward, palmed her right hand and sent it to Leon\'s chest!

For a moment, Lyon only felt a powerful palm wind attacking his body.

He only had time to cross his hands against his chest, and was pushed by the palm wind, and the whole man flew out!


Leon\'s whole body smashed on a table, and the table was directly smashed to pieces.

Fisk and Wesley, who saw this scene, also looked at each other and showed surprised expressions.

They did not expect that the old lady who dealt with herself should have such amazing combat power!

It seems that a light palm can blow the other party away, which is simply not what normal humans can do.

However, they are more surprised than these


Under Mrs. Gao\'s slightly unbelievable eyes, Leon stood up from the wreckage of the table, patted the dust on his clothes with his hands, and said, "since conversation can\'t solve the problem, he can only see the real chapter under his hands!"

I was slapped by myself, but I didn\'t lose anything!

In Mrs. Gao\'s eyes, there was not only surprise, but also deep fear.

In that case


With Mrs. Gao\'s shout, the men standing behind her took out pistols and fired at Lyon!

Bang bang!

For a moment, a series of gunshots rang out again in the whole restaurant.

This time, Lyon did not intend to avoid, but chose positive hard resistance!

He just closed his eyes, stood in place, opened his arms, and let the bullets continue to shoot through his suit, hit every inch of his skin, and then made a "clang clang clang" sound, and then fell to the floor without exception.

Under the powerful skill of [invulnerability], these shootings are just tickling for him

Oh! And clothes were shot into horse beehives.

A volley of bullets poured out, enough to tear a man to pieces.

However, looking at standing there well, there was no scar at all. Lyon, not only Mrs. Gao, Fisk and Wesley, but also the hands and miscellaneous soldiers with guns, all showed a frightened expression.

Wesley\'s words spoke the voice of everyone present: "God! What kind of monster we met!!!"

"All right? Now, it\'s my turn!" with that, Lyon suddenly stepped on his legs and rushed to the nearest hand and meeting miscellaneous soldier at a very fast speed like a black shadow!

Under the frightened face of the other party, Lyon made a right hook and directly put him down.

Then, he grabbed the colt M2000 with changed magazine from his hand and began to shoot accurately!




While facing the enemy\'s shooting, he reaped the lives of miscellaneous soldiers with one shot.

A moment later, all the men brought by Mrs. Gao fell into a pool of blood.

The price Lyon paid was just a suit full of holes