I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 92

Lyon\'s third choice, which is very obvious, is: don\'t advise, just do it!

He suddenly got up, turned around and grabbed it with his right hand!

The big man with a gun aimed at his head behind him was pulled by Leon before he could pull the trigger.

At this time, there was a loud gunfire all around!

Bang Bang

Poof poof, the sound of the human body in a series of sub projectiles surrounded Lyon\'s ears.

Unfortunately, the man who was shot, not him

Push the body beaten into a beehive forward. While blocking the other party\'s line of sight, Lyon starts harvesting life with the pistol he grabbed!




One shot, destroy an enemy.

Lyon didn\'t need to look at it at all. Using his sensitive senses, he had already mastered the positions of all the enemies in the restaurant.

He just stood there, holding a pistol, pulling the trigger in all directions.

Just five seconds later, Lyon emptied 15 bullets from the Beretta m92 magazine.

At this time, the only thing left in the restaurant was Wilson Fisk, who sat in a chair and looked surprised, and James Wesley, who lay on the ground and curled up with his head in order to avoid bullets

With a "pop", Lyon slapped the empty cartridge pistol on the table, then leaned forward with his hands on the table, leaned close to the motionless Wilson Fisk\'s ear, and said softly, "now, you have only one choice, that is to do as I say, okay?"

A cold sweat slipped slowly from Wilson Fisk\'s forehead and finally onto his spotless suit.

Wilson Fisk\'s heart told him that the man standing in front of him was different from any enemy he had dealt with before!

He doesn\'t seem to care who the ghost under his gun is. I don\'t care, these people\'s

Especially seeing the skill of the other party, Wilson Fisk knew that even if he could fight again, he could not escape the trial of a bullet under the other party\'s rapid shooting.

He is a person who knows current affairs very well and knows that his best choice in this case is to cooperate.

"I see."

When he got the answer he wanted, Leon smiled, reached out and patted the fat man on the face, "that\'s right..."

Sitting back in his chair, Leon tapped the table with his finger and asked, "now, tell me, where is Mrs. Gao?"

Hearing this question, Wilson Fisk felt relieved for some reason.

The other party is not looking for trouble.

This is good news for Fisk, who is afraid of the haze of each other\'s strong strength.

At least he doesn\'t have to worry about the other party killing himself.

Fisk didn\'t ask why he wanted Mrs. Gao.

Knowing Mrs. Gao\'s name and the information that she is cooperating with is enough to prove that the other party is prepared.

"Her whereabouts are erratic. She has never had a fixed stronghold. Every time we meet, we just make an appointment somewhere."

"In that case, please call her for me, ask her to meet here and say..." Lyon looked down and thought, then looked up and showed an inexplicable smile:

"An old friend from Kunlun wants to catch up with her."


Fisk doesn\'t know what this awkward Chinese word means, but it obviously represents a place name.

Perhaps this is Mrs. Gao\'s enemy from the Far East?

Lyon didn\'t give him much time to think. He urged, "Fisk, you can call now."

There was no way, Fisk had to look at James Wesley standing aside and said, "Wesley, call Mrs. Gao."

"Uh... Yes!"

At this time, I remembered the phone number of my employer. James Wesley, who was on his body, also quickly took out the phone and dialed the phone.

The mobile phone with the loudspeaker turned on was placed on the desktop and sounded the sound of "di..." being connected.


While the phone was connected, a woman voice experienced many vicissitudes came from the other side:

"Fisk, you should know that this is not a suitable time."

Hearing each other\'s voice, Leon raised his eyebrow and motioned Fisk to answer.

"Mrs. Gao, I\'m sorry to bother you so late. It\'s just that things happen so fast that I have to call you."

"What happened?"

Fisk first glanced at Lyon and then said to his cell phone:

"I have a... Friend here. He asked me to tell you: an old friend from Kunlun wants to catch up with you..."

Hearing the familiar name "Kunlun" from Fisk\'s mouth, Mrs. Gao at the other end of the phone was surprised!

Since she left Kunlun, Mrs. Gao has not heard the news of "Kunlun" for nearly ten years.

Who will come to her at this time?

Did Kunlun finally choose a new iron fist and send him to New York in order to pursue and kill himself?

Thinking of this possibility, she asked with a little urgency: "what does he look like, a man or a woman? Age..."

Before Fisk answered, Leon picked up the mobile phone on the desk, looked at the mobile phone, and said in standard Mandarin:

"Mrs. Gao, come and see for yourself, don\'t you know..."

Suddenly hearing such fluent Chinese, Mrs. Gao was stunned and asked, "who are you?"

"I said, I\'m from Kunlun."

This sentence makes Mrs. Gao more sure that the other party is the person sent by Kunlun to pursue her.

"I\'ll wait for you in XX restaurant, waiting for you to come..."

With that, Leon hung up the phone.

On the other side, Mrs. Gao returned her mobile phone to her men standing aside, and then immediately ordered, "prepare the car, call someone, and we\'ll go to a place."

Twenty minutes later

Several Mercedes Benz cars, carrying Mrs. Gao and more than a dozen people, came to the restaurant.

Looking at the unguarded restaurant door, Mrs. Gao frowned and realized that things didn\'t seem to be as simple as "nostalgia".

When Mrs. Gao walked into the dining hall and saw Lyon\'s appearance, even after living for 400 years and used to seeing the big waves, she couldn\'t help showing a trace of amazement.

Leaning on crutches, Mrs. Gao stepped over a corpse lying on the floor, leisurely came to the center of the restaurant and stood still.

Leon sat in a chair, stretched out his right hand and motioned in Mandarin: "please, don\'t be polite, just sit down."

His men pulled a chair and put it behind him. Mrs. Gao sat down.

She looked at Leon quietly. After a moment, she said:

"You are different from what I imagined. Also, your Mandarin is very good."