I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 94

When the muzzle of the colt M2000 gun in Lyon\'s hand was aimed at his forehead, Mrs. Gao, who had lived for more than 400 years, also raised a trace of chill from the bottom of her heart.

When your life is in the hands of others, no matter who you are, you can\'t escape fear and anxiety.

What\'s more, Mrs. Gao, a traitor who betrayed Kunlun in order to live forever?!

Death, for a person who is afraid of death, is always the most feared thing

In a hurry, Mrs. Gao quickly stretched out her hand and said, "wait! If you kill me, you will never get a way to enter Kunlun!"

I wanted to frighten Mrs. Gao, and then forced her to say how to enter Lyon in Kunlun. Unexpectedly, at the muzzle of the gun, Mrs. Gao asked for mercy first.

In this duel, Lyon seems to be a little better.

Lyon deliberately took a gun, took another step closer and said in a ruthless tone: "as I said, I know the Kunlun hand peace meeting and the existence of the other four people besides you..."

"Even if you don\'t say it, I can go to other people and treat them in the same way to see if they are as backbone as you!"

With that, Leon\'s fingers moved, as if he was about to pull the trigger.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Gao stopped her noble posture and quickly raised her hands: "I say! I say!"

Seeing this, Lyon also slowly put down the pistol, pulled the corner of his mouth and drew a perfect arc.

"If it had been so early, wouldn\'t it have saved so much trouble..."


Half an hour later, when Leon walked out of the French restaurant, he had one more token from Mrs. Gao.

It was a jade crane carved to life.

Although the identity and background of the five leaders of the opponent and the meeting have some knowledge. However, Lyon never thought that Mrs. Gao was one of the seven cities of Kunlun, the divine beast of Hecheng, and one of the many daughters of the crane mother!

The crane mother will have a daughter every ten years and a son every three hundred years. For the crane mother, her daughter is naturally less precious than her son.

The son of crane mother is the immortal weapon of Hecheng - Crane champion.

According to Mrs. Gao, the relationship between Kunlun and Hecheng has not been very good in recent hundreds of years.

That\'s because hundreds of years ago, an iron fist killed the crane champion of the crane mother in a big competition.

Therefore, Hecheng has less contact with Kunlun since then.

However, as one of the seven cities, Hecheng still retains the channel to Kunlun.

Therefore, Mrs. Gao handed her crane mother keepsake to Lyon, and then asked him to go to Xigaze, Tibet, to find a Hecheng man named "Chen Zhen".

He can take Lyon into Kunlun.

Of course, Lyon also considered the possibility of Mrs. Gao lying.

However, he also believed that doing so would be of no benefit to Mrs. Gao and the hand.

After a positive fight, Mrs. Gao has already learned the strong combat effectiveness of Lyon, and will not deceive him to travel to Tibet at the risk of being chased by Lyon

Therefore, two days later, Lyon packed his bags, carried a large wild backpack and the dark Tang Dao "dark moon" all over, and got on the plane to the magic capital of China.

It is worth mentioning that the "dark moon" doped with unknown metal can be completely unresponsive under the metal detector!

In other words, as long as Lyon puts it in his backpack, it can pass the detection of any detector in the world without being regarded as a terrorist.

This is also a good thing for Lyon.

From New York to Mordor, and then from Mordor to Lhasa

When Lyon came to Shigatse at the foot of the world\'s highest peak, he was blinded by the light of the sun.

In Shigatse, it seems to blur the time. It\'s always sunny here.

However, the lower temperature forced Lyon to change into a down jacket.

Although a foreigner with brown hair and blue eyes, speaking fluent Mandarin, asked about the picture of "Chen Zhen" everywhere, which was a little strange.

However, the Tibetan people are very enthusiastic and point out the maze to Lyon.

After more than half a day\'s inquiry, Lyon finally found the man with the same name as a national art master in an unknown Master\'s Academy under the Himalayas.

It was a middle-aged man in a monk\'s yellow robe, sitting on a futon for meditation. The face full of wind and frost is full of leisurely.

His eyes are slightly closed, as if he is communicating with the Buddha in his heart all the time.

"Hello, Mrs. Gao asked me to come. This is my Keepsake..."

When the other party saw the jade crane handed over by Lyon, his eyes suddenly opened, flashed a light, and immediately got up from the futon.

After confirming the keepsake, he looked at Leon carefully and asked, "what do you want?"

"Mrs. Gao said, you can take me into Kunlun."

The other party was silent for a long time. When Leon thought he was asleep, he suddenly said, "come with me!"

Following the monk who is not like a master of Chinese martial arts, Lyon left the temple and gradually walked into the mountainous Himalayas along the mountain road

Along the way, brother Chen Zhen spared no words. Only when Lyon accosted him would he answer briefly.

For example: "how far is it from Hecheng?"

"Not far."

"How many people are there in Kunlun now?"

"Not much."


When they walked through the towering coniferous forest and into the steep snow area, Lyon finally couldn\'t help taking out all the gloves and wool hats in his backpack.

As the altitude gets higher and higher, the air becomes thinner and thinner. Every breath from your mouth turns into a visible gas.

The ambient temperature has reached below zero.

However, Lyon found that Chen Zhen, who was walking in front, was only wearing a thin robe, but he didn\'t seem to feel the cold. His pace of walking upward was still steady.

On a steep mountain road, two people climbing the mountain met a "monk" who was walking down, wearing a worn yellow robe and hood to cover his face.

Chen Zhen put his hands together, bowed down and saluted each other, and passed by.

And Lyon did the same and saluted each other.

However, at the moment of staggered body shape, Lyon looked at each other\'s face and seemed to be wearing an iron mask.

This strange dress made Leon stop.

He stood where he was, turned his head, stared at the distant figure, and whispered to himself, "that man..."

At this time, Chen Zhen, who was walking in front, also found that Lyon didn\'t follow up, turned back and asked, "what\'s the matter?"

Looking at the figure and disappearing at the end of the mountain road, Lyon turned around and replied, "nothing, go on..."