I Have a Doomsday City

~: The first two hundred and forty-five

Duan Xingliu asked Song Jian to ask about the strength of Taishang elders, but he couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t think Song Jian wanted to use force to seize that equipment from Taishang elders. With Song Jian’s strength, even if he killed a secret area by himself, The guardian surprised everyone, but there was no peak master. The elders thought that Song Jian's strength could already be compared with them.

After all, until now, Song Jian is only a young man with second-tier combat power, and the peak masters and elders are at least the peak of third-tier combat power, and even have the power of legendary strength.

"Why, do you want to start with Taishang Elder?" Duan Xingliu smiled.

Song Jian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "How is it possible, how could I be the opponent of the elders too!"

You should know that although Duan Xingliu is the master of a sect, the actual rights are almost the same as those of the other peaks. He can only govern the main peak where he is located. Once he encounters something, he must also Convene other peak owners and elders to negotiate together.

Similarly, if the suzerain of Duan Xingliu does not do well, other lords have the same right to remove him.

However, Taishang elders are different. According to Song Jian, there are only three Taishang elders in the entire Yujianzong, each of which is extraordinary in strength. In Yujianzong, it belongs to the role of Dinghai God. They will only alarm the three of them when they are in trouble. None of the previous wild beast invasions are eligible to alarm them.

One can imagine how much power these three elders have!

"Half God!" Duan Xingliu glanced at Song Jian and spit out two words.

These two words are like thunder. They froze Song Jian directly, and it took him a long time to recover.

"Really, there really is a semi-god realm?" Song Jian felt his hands and feet tremble slightly. He originally thought that the legendary realm was already the highest realm in this game. Unexpectedly, above the legendary realm, still There is a demigod state.

"There is a semi-god realm, then that means, there is a **** realm?" Song Jian secretly said, the idea, like a weed, suddenly began to grow wild in his mind.

"The elder Taishang is one of the backgrounds of the Imperial Sword Sect. Every elder Taishang can be comparable to the deity if he hits it with all his strength..." Duan Xingliu looked at Song Jian and explained: "But he is sending out that one After the attack, the longevity of this elder came to an end!"

"What is comparable to a deity?" Song Jian's face was dull, and there were many deities in the city of hope. He had never encountered the gods lowering the projection once, and performed magic on the believers.

Even the projection of the gods gives Song Jian an irresistible feeling, not to mention the deity itself?

"This is simply the existence of nuclear weapons!" Song Jian couldn't help but sigh. If it wasn't for Yu Jianzong inherited too many inheritances of the ancient Jianzong, the responsibility for the ancient Jianzong was also inherited by most of them.

In order to avoid the revenge of the gods, Yu Jianzong can only hide in this ancient sword star similar to the half plane.

"With three nuclear elders like nuclear weapons, Yu Jianzong can become a super-class sect in the main plane, but unfortunately..." Song Jian sighed in his heart, and suddenly felt that he hoped to get the parts of the sword fairy suit, and A little bit slim.

Soon, Duan Xingliu and Song Jian came to a cave house in Houshan. As soon as they approached, Song Jian felt that the power of formation was pervading in front of them. The entire cave house was actually guarded by a large formation.

"This is the Sun and Moon Starlight Array, which can draw the power of the stars to enhance the power of the array. We can't break into it!" Duan Xingliu whispered.

The two stood so quietly outside the cave house. After a quarter of an hour, Song Jian suddenly saw the scenery in front of him change. The original pine and cypress forest outside the cave house was suddenly twisted, and countless stars appeared in front of Song Jian's eyes.

After a while, Song Jian saw a closed stone gate in front of him. There was a stone monument beside the stone gate, which was about three feet high and eight feet wide. The stone monument was full of fist-sized golden runes. Song Jian looked, not even any kind of script he was familiar with, but felt that every rune exudes infinite power.

This stone tablet turned out to be an amazing treasure, similar to the existence of the market! It seems that the guardian of this cave house is not only the large array of sun and moon stars in Duan Xingliu's mouth, but also the stone tablet in front of him that resembles an existing array!

After a while, the stone door opened automatically, and a boy wearing a wide avenue robe walked out of it. It seemed that he was only about twelve or three years old. He had a beautiful appearance and appeared to Duan Xing. Now, Master already knows that you are here, and follow me to visit Master!"

"There is a broken star brother!" Duan Xingliu said Yili back.

Song Jian's speech, this elder is really powerful, even one of the serving boys around him can be called brother and brother with the master of Yujianzong, and when he meets him, he must also call Shishu.

However, calling a boy who is ten years younger than him as a teacher, Song Jian always felt a little awkward in his heart, but the other party did not seem to care about himself, Song Jian also enjoyed being ignored, and indifferently followed behind Duan Xingliu and stepped forward. Walk towards Dongfu.

After entering the Dong Mansion, a breath of coolness came suddenly, and he took a deep breath. The sword energy in his body and the energy of the sword energy that he ran in unexpectedly accelerated a bit.

Looking at the cave house, it was almost condensed into a physical aura, and Song Jian was horrified. The aura here was even more terrifying than the Dongtianfudi where Duan Xingliu is located. Just taking a sip and improving his combat experience by more than 3,000 point.

You know, even the Dongtianfudi where Duan Xingliu is located is just to improve the efficiency of cultivation. There is no way to directly improve the combat experience and level as now!

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but breathe faster, hiding behind Duan Xingliu, swallowing the aura in the air.

After a while, Duan Xingliu seemed to be aware of Song Jian's movements, and couldn't help turning his back to stare at Song Jian fiercely, which was really shameful.

However, Song Jian didn't care about these things. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was just a little less dynamic, still swallowing the spirit around him, and his combat experience also began to improve rapidly.

In the information bar, the screen has been swiped by Song Jian's prompt to gain combat experience. Song Jian can't take care of these at all, and in just a few minutes, the experience slot that had just reached level 70 has already exceeded three points. One of the positions, his face could not help showing a happy look.

The boy in front led the two to a courtyard, pointing to one of the rooms and said, "Brother, Master is inside. You can enter by yourself."

After talking, the boy looked at Song Jian strangely, his face inexplicable, he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he still didn't speak.

Duan Xingliu walked forward blankly, pushed the door open, and walked in first. Song Jian could only smile slightly at the boy, followed closely behind Duan Xingliu, and entered the house together.


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