I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1246: Star God Eye

Song Jian's behavior, in the eyes of NPCs such as Duan Xingliu and Boys, naturally feels a little vulgar, but in the eyes of players, it is just normal.

Is there real interest in the face? Just a few glances of the two, in exchange for a third of Song Jian's experience, where to find such benefits?

However, Song Jian would not have forgotten this, so he forgot about his business here. If he did that, he would have lost his life. So he always followed behind Duan Xingliu and walked into the cabin. Among.

Entering the house, Song Jian found that there was almost no furniture in the house. There was a calligraphy hanging on the wall opposite the door. Several futons were placed under the calligraphy. An old man with white hair and white beard was sitting cross-legged on one of the futons. He can't feel any strong breath from him, just like an ordinary old man.

In the game, whether it is a NPC or a player, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, the body will naturally emit a breath. As the strength increases, this breath will become stronger and stronger. Therefore, in many cases, as long as the opponent’s body emits Breath, you can probably guess what the opponent is.

Some occupations have the skills to cover up the breath of the body, but such skills will only be used in specific environments, and they will not cover up the breath of the body. Once this is done, people will find that it is easy to cause hostility. .

"Meet the elder Taishang!" Duan Xingliu paid a respectful salute to the old man, and Song Jian followed him and paid a salute to the old man.

In the Imperial Sword Sect, no matter the status or strength, the elder Taiyuan far exceeds the suzerain of Duan Xingliu, and even the suzerain of Duan Xingliu, the three elders of Taishang Liu can make a final decision at any time. Duan Xingliu came down from the position of the suzerain.

But because of this, the three Taishang elders have been keeping their humiliation, hiding in the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, and reluctant to participate in the affairs of the sect. Human gaze.

Unless Zongmen encounters a major event that destroys the annihilation faction, under normal circumstances, these three Taishang elders will never show up at all.

"I don't know why the Sovereign came here today, why?" Duan Fei asked without even opening his eyes.

Duan Xingliu respectfully said: "Yang Taishang Elder, this is my close-father disciple Song Jian that I just received. This time he made great achievements, hoping to use the contribution value to exchange the sword fairy set in the hands of Taishang Elder, That’s why I brought him to visit the elder Tai!"

"Make great achievements?" Elder Taizhang Duan inorganic suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards Song Jian. His eyes were as bright as the stars. Song Jian didn't detect it for a while, and even Duan inorganic met his eyes, and his eyes suddenly changed. Must be confused.

At the moment, Song Jian felt like the whole person was thrown into space. There was darkness all around, only some stars shining in the distance.

There was silence and no vitality around him. Song Jian felt as if he had been abandoned. In the latter half of his life, he would die alone in this starry sky. For a time, his heart was wandering and he even had a thought of suicide.

At this moment, the talented skill "Indestructible Body" in the skill bar shone, and a cool feeling appeared in his mind, and the starry sky in front of him suddenly became blurred, as if across A layer of frosted glass.

Song Jian suddenly understood that he seemed to have entered into the illusion, but with his own ability, he could not break away from this illusion, but the feeling of silence that this illusion gave him had weakened a lot, and he had not affected his mind. Too.

"Here, this is more terrifying than any charm skills..." Song Jian was horrified. He clearly remembered that Taishang Elder Duan inorganic only opened his eyes and gave him a glimpse, which made him fall into such a situation. In the terrible illusion, if it is not immortal, Song Jian will now be lost in the starry sky, desperately wanting to commit suicide.

Song Jian knew that Duan Noi could not exert any skills on him. After all, he was just an ordinary disciple of Yujianzong. If the elder Taizhang shot him, it would definitely be a shameful thing.

"Sure enough, it's a demigod state..." Song Jian sighed in his heart, and suddenly felt that he was like an ant in front of Taishan Elder Duan Yuan, and the other party wanted to crush himself, even without extending his hand, one eye, just It can make you into a situation where there is nowhere to go.

For a long time, the starry sky in front of Song Jian suddenly shattered like glass, and he found himself returning to the house without any changes in everything around him!

"Yang Taishang elder, Song Jian obtained Zi Xiao robbery Thunder Zhu God Array from the secret realm of the array method, willing to contribute!" Song Jian heard Duan Xingliu, he didn't seem to realize that he had fallen into the illusion before. Among.

"Zi Xiao robbed Lei Zhu Shen array?" Duan did not lift his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "The secret realm of the formation method has been in existence for thousands of years. If I want to obtain the formation method, I have already taken it myself, even now. Can’t enter the secret realm and let other disciples get it! Why wait until now?"

Only people below the legendary level are allowed to enter the secret territory, but the most precious formation in it is the formation of nine secret guardians, but the formation of the secret guard will no longer appear every time the guardian of the secret kingdom is killed. Although the Mysterious Guardian will reappear and build a new formation, the rank of the formation will drop a bit every time it is killed.

Therefore, the continuous killing of the guardians of the secret realm is tantamount to killing chickens and collecting eggs. Therefore, Yujianzong only used this secret realm to train disciples, and did not intend to wipe out the array inside.

However, these unspoken rules are obviously not applicable to Taishang elders. If they are really interested in a certain array in it and send someone to take it out, no one in Zongmen will say anything.

"The elder Taishang said yes!" Duan Xingliu said awkwardly.

"Okay, your disciple is not bad, it can withstand my star god's eyes for a quarter of an hour, amazing!" Taishang Elder Duan inorganic closed his eyes again and said softly.

Duan Xingliu was shocked and quickly turned his head towards Song Jian. When he saw Song Jian's blank face and did not suffer any harm, he felt relieved.

"Crush the star, get the sword fairy belt!" Duan inorganic said indifferently.

"Yes~www.novelhall.com~ Master!" The boy next to him looked at Song Jian and turned to leave. After a while, he walked in with a wooden box in front of Duan inorganic .

Duan inorganic touched the wooden box with his hand, a look of reluctance appeared on his face, and sighed: "Ten years, passing in a hurry, the inheritance of the ancient sword immortal , Pity, sigh, sad!"

After a while, Duan inorganic recovered his expressionless face, put his hand back, waved towards Duan Xingliu and said, "Take it!"

Duan Xingliu paid a salute to Duan Fangfang, held the wooden box with both hands, and left the quiet room backwards. When both of them left, the quiet room door closed automatically.

Duan Xingliu looked a little sad, while Song Jian looked at the wooden box in Duan Xingliu's hand with a look of anticipation. There was an urge to open it.


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