I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1244: exchange

Duan Jian dragged Song Jian towards the main peak sacrificial hall. On the way, Duan Jian couldn't help but ask: "Tell me, how did you get it, even letting the secret realm end the trial ahead of time, and it takes another three years to recover. Turn it on again?"

In fact, the secret realm of the array of swords is also inherited from the ancient sword sect, and because of the existence of the magic seal formation method in the ancient sword star, many disciples of the sword sect are particularly interested in the formation of the sect. Nei is also focusing on cultivating talented disciples in the formation. After all, the foundation of the entire Imperial Sword Sect's existence can be said to be the existence of the demon seal formation!

If there are not enough formation masters, if there is any problem with the seal of the town demons next time, the entire Sword Master is in danger of being destroyed!

"I don't know the specifics!" Song Jian shook his head and said: "But I guess it should be related to the killing of a guardian of the realm!"

Duan Jian stumbled to his knees and almost fell to the ground. After quickly stabilizing his body, he looked at Song Jian in shock: "Impossible!"

The strength of the guardian of the secret realm, even if Duan Jian has not entered the secret realm once, he knows it. The entire sect has thoroughly understood the nine secret guardians in the secret realm of the formation of the formation, as long as they have a sense of the formation None of the interested disciples did not first understand the nine secret guardians, and then went to understand other formations.

"Every guardian of the mystery can only use the power of the formation to cause damage to them, and any other attribute damage, they can be immune!" Duan Jian growled in a low voice: "Although they only have the third-level combat power peak Level, but in fact, even the legendary strongman, if not the formation master, it is impossible to kill them!"

"Don't you say that you are more powerful than the legendary strongman now?" Duan Jian stared at Song Jian with his eyes squinted, and asked, "Or do you already have the level of an array master?"

Song Jian heard the mocking taste in Duan Jiankou's mouth, but he didn't take it seriously, shook his head and said, "The mysterious guardian I killed was a giant with a golden light shining on it, and Zi Xiao robbed the gods of thunder. Built, it is said that it ranks among the top three of the nine guardians of the realm..."

With that in mind, Song Jian explained the appearance and attributes of the Jinguang giant in detail, and also specifically talked about the thundercloud above the Jinguang giant's head.

Duan Jian listened for a long time. Although he still couldn't believe that Song Jian could kill the guardians of the secret realm by himself, he wasn't making a mockery, but his eyes were still strange.

The two came to the hall. Almost all the senior members of Yujianzong had gathered in the sacrificial hall except for those who went out.

After listening to Song Jian's detailed explanation of the battle with the Jinguang Giant, everyone's eyes showed a happy look, and they looked towards the Sect Master Duan Xingliu together.

Duan Xingliu naturally knew what these old foxes were thinking, and could not help rolling his eyes in his heart. After coughing twice, he said softly to Song Jian: "Song Jian, this time performing well in the secret realm, he was able to rely on With his own strength, he defeated a guardian of the mysterious realm.

Song Jian's mouth was slightly raised, and his face was full of respectful expression, but he was a little disappointed with Duan Xingliu's words: "The front pavement is just for the requirements to be mentioned later, but I don't know what they want to get what?"

Song Jian knew that his time to enter the Imperial Sword Sect was still too short. Although he was a disciple of the patriarchal clan, some things, even Duan Xingliu, could not directly obtain the benefits he obtained.

"Master, I am already your personal disciple, and a member of Yujianzong. If you have anything, just say it!" Song Jian arched his hand toward Duan Xingliu.

An awkward look suddenly appeared on Duan Xingliu's face, and he coughed twice and said, "The nine secret guardians in the secret realm of the formation method are immortal, and each one guards a powerful one. The formation is actually the formation of their body! This time you defeated the Golden Light Giant, and the Zi Xiao robbery Thunder Zhu God Array you obtained is a top-notch legendary quality formation! If you can contribute it, Can greatly enhance the strength of Zongmen..."

Song Jian's face showed a sudden enlightenment, it turned out to be a pattern that wanted Zi Xiao to rob Thunder Zhu array!

"Master, this Zixiao robbery Leizhu Divine Array is very powerful, and the value must be very high. I don't know, can I exchange it with that item?" Song Jian smiled and smiled at Duan Xingliu, asking.

Duan Xingliu's face was stagnant, and after holding his beard for a moment, he nodded slowly and said, "With your merits, it is not impossible, just..."

After hesitating for a long time, Duan Xingliu sighed and gritted his teeth: "I will take you to see it first. If not, you can choose a treasure as compensation in the Yujianzong secret library, and the contribution value you deserve will not change!"

Song Jian was stunned, and his heart sank suddenly. It seemed that he had thought too simple before. The contribution of 1.5 million can be exchanged for the parts of the Jianxian suit. Obviously it is just a rumor, even if it is Duan Xingliu. He didn't tell the truth.

"In terms of the value of Zi Xiao's robbing Lei Zhu Divine Array, it is no less than a spare part of a sword fairy suit. Could it be that the problem lies with the elder of the Taishang?" Song Jian secretly said.

After understanding what happened in the secret realm, the eyes of all the peak masters and elders looking at Song Jian are a little weird. You must know that the nine secret realm guardians are the foundation of the existence of the secret realm of the formation of the formation of the method, each of which is extremely powerful. The formation of the formation, even if it is the peak master, the elders are coveted for the formation of the guardian of the secret realm, but none of them will pull down their faces and a group of apprentices and descendants enter the secret realm to fight.

Unexpectedly, Song Jian defeated one of the top three guardians of the secret realm with one person, causing the secret realm to be closed for three years.

This three-year period is actually the time when the secret realm gestates another powerful formation, and then a new secret guardian is constructed by this formation. Three years later, a new brand will appear in the secret realm of the formation catalog. Guardian of the Mysterious Realm.

After everyone was gone, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com section star flow sighed, motioning Song Jian to follow behind him, and the two of them walked toward the main peak back mountain.

"Song Jian, that piece of Jianxian suit was originally stored in the Yujianzong secret library..." Duan Xingliu explained to Song Jian along the way: "But a dozen years ago, Taishang Elder Duan inorganic suddenly took this piece of equipment from the secret store, saying that it contained the big secret of becoming a sword immortal. He wanted to study it. At that time, he did say that if someone contributed value, it can be exchanged. He certainly won't hide the items, but after so many years, Taishang Elder Duan inorganic hasn't found any secrets. I'm afraid it will be difficult to ask for it now..."

"This great elder, I don't know what his strength is?" Song Jian frowned slightly and couldn't help asking. Even Duan Xing Liu is so afraid of this elder, it seems that it is not an easy task for him to obtain this piece of Jianxian suit.


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