I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 953: Feast

If Cuibao bamboo leaves are used directly, the increased health value is immediate, and the maximum can only increase by 100 points. Song Jian has taken it a few times, and only once reached 100 points. The other points are not high. ;

"This bamboo leaf can only eat five pieces per person, and no more will be enough. Not only will it not increase life value, but it will also be poisoned!" Song Jian said;

"Treasures, treasures, really good treasures!" Several demon kings sitting in the front row, with envious expressions, admired;

Hearing the contents of Song Jian's gift list, Mrs. Xuanyue's face finally looked better. After glancing at Song Jian, she suddenly asked: "Did you not say that there is an egg of the Flame Raven Beast, why did I not listen to the gift list? To this? "

"Mother, people have given you so many treasures, why aren't you satisfied!" Lan Ling said on tiptoe;

Mrs. Xuanyue: "... If this silly girl is staying with this human for a while, I'm afraid she won't even recognize my mother."

"Mrs. laughed and laughed, the egg of the Flame Raven Beast was originally I and Lan Ling destroyed a lord Boss, the booty obtained by the three-legged Flame Raven Beast!" Song Jian laughed: "This was originally Lan Ling's How can I take her things as a birthday gift? "

Then, Song Jian took a delicate wooden box out of the parcel box and handed it to Lan Ling;

"Me, mine?" Lan Ling looked puzzled and took the wooden box subconsciously, but soon she seemed to think of something, and quickly returned the wooden box and said, "This is your loot. You killed that Ravencrow alone. I have got its tail feathers. How can I have this pet egg again? "

"Give you a gift!" Song Jian laughed;

Lan Ling froze, then flushed her cheeks, took a wooden box and looked at Song Jian, turned and walked towards the inner house;

Looking at Lan Ling's back, Mrs. Xuanyue sighed, nodded slightly towards Song Jian, and smiled: "This is really costly!"

"Should!" Song Jian smiled slightly and returned to his seat;

Mrs. Xuanyue has acknowledged Song Jian's seat at this time, and no one has stood up afterwards. The birthday feast was held as scheduled. Soon, a famous servant brought wine and dishes to each seat;

Song Jian only found out at this time why so many demon kings were dissatisfied with him sitting here. It turned out that the quality of these wine dishes was also related to the seating order;

The closer to Mrs. Xuanyue's seat, the better the wine and dish order, Song Jian and the two or three demon kings with second-order combat power, even share the same quality of wine and dish;

The demon king behind should be one level lower. In the future, the lower the level of wine dishes, in the end it is only ordinary wine dishes;

"This, food that can permanently increase the agility attribute, and drinks that can permanently increase the spiritual limit?" Song Jian looked at these wine dishes in front of him, suddenly shocked;

These dishes are much more precious than Cuibao bamboo leaves, and each person is limited to one, and no more can have an effect. This table of wine and dishes has increased Song Jian's attribute value by a dozen points;

The three Wangyue rabbits looked at Song Jian, and their envious eyes were almost bleeding;

"Damn, a weapon of dark gold quality, there are three dishes with a little more strength attributes, which is a big loss!" The young man beside Wang Yuetu whispered;

"You don't eat it for me, isn't it a bit of strength?" A man next to him said dissatisfied: "Don't take beanbags as dry food!"

"Who said I wouldn't eat it!" The teenager hurriedly plucked a plate of dishes in front of himself into his mouth;

"Look at people, this trip to the feast, it is estimated that you can increase the attribute value by at least ten points, is it a big profit?" Wang Yuetu whispered;

"He also has a lot of stuff, so many dominant BOSS materials, and so many precious herbs and treasures. Say, you know, what is a dominant BOSS, and how have I never encountered this product? BOSS? "

"Who knows, it is estimated that the strength of those big demon kings is similar. The demon kings next to us are at most equivalent to the boss-level boss ...

"By the way, you said, is there any Cuibao bamboo leaf in his hand? That is a good thing that can directly increase the health value. One person can take five tablets, even if it can only increase by a minimum of thirty points, five tablets can Increase your blood and blood by 150 points! "The boy whispered;

"Looking at him taking out so much, there should be a lot of inventory left. We will try to see if we can buy some from him!"

"We just challenged a demon king to oppose him. Will he avenge it?"

"Huh, we shouldn't find our actions!" Wang Yuetu narrowed his eyes and whispered, "After a while, you two will leave the seat in advance to call the brothers in the League of War. If he is willing to sell to us, he would say, If you do n’t want to, hum, let him know that this is the site of the demon tribe. He ’s a human who ran here and grabbed the benefits for us without paying a little price! ”

"Sister head, that guy is so powerful, can we ever beat him?" The man next to hesitated;

"Can't beat? We have more than a hundred people, and the pile also killed him. How could it not be beaten?" Wang Yuetu said with a stare: "Finally, we don't need to fight with him, so many people come to him Standing, scared and scared him, do you still need to do it? "

"The elder sister is right, even if he is awesome, we have a lot of people, and here is our demons' territory, how can it make him a human being so arrogant here!"


The banquet lasted from morning to evening. Song Jian's satisfaction was satisfied. Although not every dish can increase the attribute value, these dishes taste very good and are all foods that can't be eaten outside;

Song Jianchi was satisfied, and each attribute value was increased, which is equivalent to obtaining 17 or 8 points attribute value, which can be regarded as eating back some books;

Just then ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Several waiters brought up a food similar to roasted whole lamb and placed it at Song Jian's table;

"Yu Xiu feast: Qizhen, food, use effect: eat this item, you can get a lot of combat experience;"

"What kind of food is this?" Song Jian looked at the food exuding a faint fragrance, couldn't help but looked up and looked around;

"Hahaha, this is Xuanyuedong's unique food, but this demon king came at this feast, and it did not disappoint me!" A demon king with second-order peak strength laughed, Grab this lamb-sized food and bring it to your mouth.

This dish looks very precious. There are nearly a hundred people at the full banquet, and there are only three or four guests who can eat this dish.


PS: Thank you for the 1000 starting coins that are rewarded for "what you want".

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