I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 952: Birthday gift

Lan Ling was surprised when she saw her mother came out ahead of time. She ran to Mrs. Xuanyue, holding her arm, and coquettishly said, "Mother, it was the ugly eight that was rude to my friend. How can you help outsiders? ? "

"Oh, so, isn't he an outsider?" Mrs. Xuanyue glanced at Song Jian with a blank expression and said softly;

Lanling blushed, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't say a word;

"Why, boy, when are you still hiding behind my daughter?" Madam Xuanyue raised her eyebrows and stared at Song Jian.

Song Jian stood up, smiled slightly, took out a gift from his arms, and said, "This is a birthday gift for the wife!"

"Mother, he used the pet of a three-legged flame crow beast to wish you a long life, that three-legged flame crow beast, but a flying mount, is exactly the same as the ancient three-legged golden beast, this is him. Treasure obtained by slaying the Raven Beast yourself! "Lan Ling said with a frown on his side;

"Flaming Raven Beast, Flying Mount?" Madam Xuanyue froze, then thought about it, and patted Lan Ling a little, airing: "For a long time, you want a flying mount, hum, before you said Do n’t you want any mounts other than dragons and lizards. If you start early, what kind of flying mounts do you have to use to be a thief? ”

Lan Ling's face suddenly became redder when he heard the thief;

Mrs. Xuanyue glanced at the maid next to her. The maid immediately stepped forward, took it over, and handed it to Mrs. Xuanyue. Mrs. Xuanyue smiled slightly: "To the housekeeper, let the housekeeper read it, look at the man Lan Ling was looking for. My friend, in his mind, how much is Lan Ling's weight? "

When Lan Ling's face changed, Mrs. Xuanyue said that the birthday gift of Song Jianxian and the position of Lan Ling in his mind were tied together. If Song Jian really only took a flame crow beast egg as a gift, although it was better than most People are precious, but they still seem a bit thin, which means that Lan Ling's status in Song Jian's mind is not high, and he will embarrass Song Jian invisibly;

"Mother, this ..." Lan Ling was about to speak, and a young woman with three tails came in;

"Fox mother, read it!" Madam Xuanyue said blankly;

The fox maid made a sorry expression towards Lan Ling, then glanced at Song Jian, took the gift sheet handed by the maid, and opened aloud and said, "One hundred levels of dominion in the abyss of the domination, hundred catties ..."

After speaking, the fox maid looked at Song Jian with a surprised look. The other demon kings in the audience immediately whispered, and many demon kings showed an unbelievable look;

You must know that most of the demon kings here are the strength of bosses at the level of 40 and 50. At most, they are the peak of the first-order combat power and the dominion of the abyss. For most of them, absolutely Is unparalleled existence;

If it is only one or two bones, it can be said that the other party had good luck and picked it up, but a hundred pounds, this is obviously the loot that Song Jian obtained after hunting himself;

You know, the dominance abyss demon keel, whether it is pharmaceutical refining or forging, is an absolutely precious material. Although it is only dark gold quality, in the eyes of many people, it is no different from epic grade materials. There is absolutely no market on the market;

Even when Mrs. Xuanyue heard it, her face changed. Although she did not put her eyes on the dragon keel, the present alone exceeded 90% of the present from the demon king;

"Keep reading!" Mrs. Xuanyue's face was not very good-looking, and she glanced at the fox mother;

"Yes, it's Madam!" The husband-in-law took a look at the gift list, and her forehead even sweated coldly. After looking at Song Jian with a dreadful look, she continued to say, "Two bright holy stones, three angel wings, ... "

The gifts on the back of the gift list are becoming more and more precious. The dark gold materials are only the lowest grade. Many of the materials behind are all epic materials.

Most of these materials are the loot that Song Jian obtained from the dominated bosses. These materials are not available to players for the time being. Although the value is very high, it is not very precious for Song Jian now; Yes, it ’s a big deal to brush the copy a few more times;

However, for the demon king present, this birthday gift is simply a display of the force of Chi Guoguo. These materials are all materials on the dominance-level BOSS, and the quantity is very large. Obviously, it was obtained after killing the BOSS. Booty

Can kill so many dominated bosses. If Song Jian kills them all by himself, even if his strength is not as good as those demon kings with second-order combat power, he is much stronger than most other demon kings. ;

Mrs. Xuanyue also thought of this, and her brows frowned. This guy seemed to be showing off his force? But soon, her face calmed down a lot, and the gifts on the back of the gift list all turned into some herbs;

"... Cuibao bamboo leaves, ten!" After finishing all the gifts, the fox mother slowly closed the gift list, then handed it to the maid, and after giving a gift to Mrs. Xuanyue and Lan Ling, she slowly walked backwards. hall;

All the demon kings present were silent, even the powerful demon kings with second-tier combat power, looking at Song Jian, showed a bit of prudence;

"Song Jian, what treasure is Cuibao Bamboo Leaf?" Lan Ling asked curiously;

"It is also a kind of refining material, but even if taken directly, it can increase vitality!" Song Jian found a piece of Cuibao bamboo leaf from the parcel box and handed it to Lan Ling, smiling;

Cuibao bamboo leaves can increase physical properties if made into Qi and Blood Pills, but if taken directly, they can increase the upper limit of Qi and blood values;

The jadeite carved bamboo leaves, like jadeite, are shining in the hands of Lan Ling, and it is just a piece of art!

"Increase health?" The eyes of all the demon kings were all attracted by Cuibao bamboo leaves. In their eyes, this is simply the world of Qizhen ~ www.novelhall.com ~ some demon kings even showed a greedy look.

"Yeah, so precious?" Lan Ling was startled, and quickly returned the Cuibao bamboo leaves in his hand to Song Jian. "Hurry up, don't lose it!"

Song Jian smiled slightly: "I'll give it to you, take it and play."

Lan Ling froze, then showed a bright smile, nodded, and stuffed Cuibao bamboo leaves directly into her mouth;

The whole bamboo leaf turned into a clear stream and entered into Lan Ling's stomach. As soon as Mrs. Xuan Yue wanted to stop, Lan Ling had swallowed the bamboo leaf into her stomach. She could only shake her head secretly in her heart. This girl turned out to this human It's not a good thing for juveniles to have no sense of defense;

"Yeah, my life limit has really increased by a hundred points!" Lan Ling said cheerfully;

"One hundred points?" Song Jian said for a moment, couldn't help but say, "Another emperor!"


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