I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 954: go away

Song Jian was curious. He tried to cut open a piece and put it in his mouth. A scent of fragrance suddenly poured out of his mouth. He didn't eat it. What kind of ingredients were used to roast it out, he just felt full of oily fragrance and extremely delicious taste. good;

System: You have eaten the "Yuxiu Feast" and get 36,000 battle experience points;

"Thirty-six thousand points of combat experience? With just one sip, you got thirty-six thousand points of combat experience?" Song Jian was startled, and could not help but bite into his belly again;

This time, an upgrade of the light, blooming from the Song fitness, had already been full of combat experience, actually went directly to the maximum, and raised a level;

"Forty-two levels!" Song Jian secretly said. However, he has gained a lot of combat experience before. Even if he does n’t have a feast, he can upgrade one level for a day or two.

"There's so much more, I don't know how much it can be improved?" Song Jian looked at the feast that almost occupied the entire table, with an excited look on his face.

You must know that after upgrading to the forty level, each level you upgrade requires a geometrical multiple of the previous battle experience. He does n’t know how much of the large amount of combat experience mentioned in this Yuxiu feast;

The upgrade of Song ’s fitness made the three of Wang Yuetu dumbfounded. The three of them were not qualified to enjoy the Yuxiu feast, but from the envy of the demon king next to him, they also learned the edible effect of the Yuxiu feast;

"What a good thing made him meet, feast, that feast!"

"Only the most distinguished guests of Xuanyuedong are eligible for the feast, which can make an ordinary person step into the feast in one step!"

"You said, how many levels can he upgrade? Will it be, can it be directly upgraded to 50?" Wang Yuetu asked in a trembling tone;

"No, it shouldn't be, isn't it to say that after forty levels, every level promotion requires a lot of combat experience, the feast of feasts is awesome, and it is impossible ..."

"Mistweed, one level higher, have you seen the upgrade Jinguang?"


Although he has already eaten it, Song Jian is still biting and devouring it. Each bite of meat is a lot of fighting experience, which makes him feel unable to stop;

"Good support!" Song Jian ate more than half, and his level has been raised to forty-five. The rest of these really have a feeling of being unable to eat;

For the four additional skill points, Song Jian directly clicked on the sword shadow avatar, Kurong Qinglong sword body, royal swordsmanship and Xuanyue streamer sword. The legendary level moon-shaking and light-slicing skills just acquired, because the proficiency has not been fully trained. , There is no way to upgrade immediately, you can only stay until the next upgrade;

"This is simply a happy pain!" Song Jian took another hard sip and gained more than 40,000 points of combat experience. Looking at a puppet feast on the hind legs, Song Jian decided to take a break and eat again;

"This human brother, since you ca n’t eat the rest of the feast, then our monster alliance is willing to bid 10,000 yen and buy the rest of the feast. What do you think?" At this time, Wang Yuetu Suddenly stood up and shouted loudly;

Ten Thousand Doomsday?

Song Jian froze and looked up towards Wang Yuetu. You know, although there is only one hind leg, judging from Song Jian's experience, this hind leg can provide at least tens of millions of points of experience. He upgrades one level, but for a player of more than thirty levels, he can at least upgrade several levels in a row;

Maybe it ’s because Song Jian ’s level is so high that Wang Yuetu made a misjudgment and thought that the remaining leg could not provide much experience value. Maybe Wang Yuetu just held a mentality similar to white wolf with empty gloves and wanted Pick a bargain, so I quoted the price of ten thousand yen;

After looking at her for a moment, Song Jian lost interest in these monster-born players. The levels of these three people were too low, not even 35, or even higher than the average players in Doom City. To be low, if it is in the city of doomsday, these players are probably not qualified to meet with Song Jian;

Song Jian didn't even bother to talk to them, but just waved at them and rejected Wang Yuetu's proposal;

Many demon kings who knew the value of the feast all looked at Wang Yuetu with amused faces, and some even laughed at them with utter scruples, ridiculously ridiculing that Wang Yuetu was going to buy it with ten thousand yen. A plan to feast on the hind legs;

"Are you a savage pig family, and you are planning to use the 10,000 yen to buy the remaining hind leg that he eats?" The unicorn devil taunted rudely: "Even if there is only one hind leg, one can make a rigid Born little demon, as high as your strength, how could that person be sold to you? "

"What, the newly born little demon, enhance me the strength we are now?" Wang Yuetu had a little annoyed emotions, and suddenly became surprised. She secretly calculated in her heart, that is, just a post With her legs, she can now raise her level seven or eight, and directly break through forty?

"He ate almost a whole head, but why did he improve his appearance by four levels?" Wang Yuetu was surprised;

"He is close to the existence of the Demon King, and of course it is slow to improve!" The unicorn demon king shook his head and said, "But if you talk about strength, he may already be comparable to the Demon King, otherwise they will be the Pingshan Demon King. , He wo n’t want this human being to sit on an equal footing with them, even if the gift he gave is precious! ”

The three of Wang Yuetu were silent for a while, and they could only watch Song Jian openly, showing a painful look, and taking a bite to clean the feast.

"What kind of creature is this ~ www.novelhall.com ~ It's amazing that even the bones are all brittle, if you know where to capture it!" Song Jian said secretly in his heart;

This feast can not only provide a large amount of combat experience, but also the taste is extremely delicious. The cooking technique is one aspect, but the more important thing is the ingredients. This little beast is precious and unusual. Without it, even the best cooking methods are available. , There is no way to make a feast;

"Since it's called a feast, isn't it really a pup's pup?" Song Jian suddenly flashed in his mind, but quickly smiled and shook his head: "How is it possible, pups are ancient gods and animals, even pups, It's impossible to slaughter like this! At best, it only has a thin bloodline of a sacred beast. "

Soon, the birthday party ended. Song Jian originally wanted to return to the courtyard where he lived yesterday, but was stopped by the fox maiden;

"My son, I'm really sorry, Madam Xuanyue has orders. Since the birthday party is over, Xuanyue Cave is not convenient for you to stay overnight, my son should leave as soon as possible?" Fox maid said carefully;


Speed ​​text hand hit me with a list of doomsday city chapters