I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 951: Birthday party

In the early morning of the next day, the outer courtyard of Xuanyuedong became lively. Everyone looked cheerful. Many powerful demon kings came to celebrate the life of Mrs. Xuanyue, some small-powered demon clan. , Can only leave gifts and names, not even qualified to make a cup of tea;

"Alas, is it a player again?" Song Jian sat in a stone pavilion and was able to see the gate of the outer courtyard. At this time, it was time to increase his knowledge. Song Jian also wanted to take a look. This piece belongs to Jiuli Demon Clan How strong is there on the earth;

In his eyes, the Jiuli family is just a special NPC. Although it is far from the doomsday city, it does not prevent the possibility of dealing with it in the future;

"The Longfang Demon King wishes to his wife Xuanyue, and presents a birthday gift, a nine-star begonia, a meteorites outside the sky, weighing 13 pounds and sixty-two;"

"The giant demon king wished his wife a birthday, specially presented a birthday gift, a piece of jade for the bright moon, and a golden lotus of Sanpin!"


After listening to Song Jian for a long time, he was a little speechless. The birthday gifts of these demon kings turned out to be only some green and blue-quality materials, which were put on the auction house of the city of doomsday.

"This is a bit too shabby, isn't it?" Song Jian shook his head slightly;

"Monster Alliance, the leader Wang Yuetu wishes his wife a special birthday gift, a nine-winged glazed boring, a piece of dark gold weapon, Mrs. Xuan Yue's life, please sit in front of the main hall of Wang Yuetu League!"

"Wangyue Rabbit? Player?" Song Jian froze. Soon, he saw a girl in her twenties, followed by two men, walking towards the front hall of the banquet under the guidance of her servants;

On these three people, there are obvious traces of beasts. Either the ears or the eyes are different from ordinary humans. Other monsters are humanoid and can stand and walk, while players have only two or three points of beast traces, which are similar to ordinary NPCs. The obvious difference

But this is just an ordinary demon NPC. Those powerful demon clan are almost no different from humans in appearance;

Soon, a large group of demon kings came to wish birthday. These demon kings, all of which are powerful demon kings, gave birthday gifts that were much more precious than those before them, but did not exceed the birthday gift of Wang Yuetu. value;

"Song Jian, why are you here, I'm looking for you everywhere?" Lan Ling's voice came from a distance. Turning his head, Lan Ling was running towards this side quickly: "Hurry on, hurry off, the birthday party is coming soon It's started, I'll take you to a big meal, haha! "

Speaking, Lan Ling pulled Song Jian and walked towards the Shouban Hall. At this time, the Shouban Hall was filled with the demon kings. Most of these demon kings exceeded the 50th level and had a first order. The strength of combat power, but there are also two or three demon kings, the breath emanating from them has surpassed the first-order combat power and has second-order combat power. Such demon kings are all sitting in the front of the hall;

The previous three players of the Monster League also had a high ranking, but they did not rely on their strength, but on their financial resources, and a dark gold-quality weapon had already allowed them to contend with their heroes;

Lan Ling took Song Jian and sat at the forefront of the hall, even before the ranks of several demon kings with second-order combat power; this scene made almost all the demon kings notice, the leader of the monster alliance, Wang Yuetu, looking at Song Jian with a burning look, had an expression of interest on his face;

"Well, you little monsters, even sitting side by side with the demon king, aren't you afraid that after the birthday feast, the demon king will find you guys trouble?" At this time, sitting at the table of Wang Yuetu A demon king with a one-horned head on the side next to him looked at Wang Yuetu three with a sullen face;

"This demon king, we have given Mrs. Xuanyue a dark gold weapon. This is a treasure that was obtained after more than a dozen people were killed in our alliance!" Wang Yuetu said with a smile. Look at the human above, but he did n’t pay a penny, and he sat on the high position, would n’t the demon king not hesitate? If the demon king can fight at this time, he can be famous among the demon kings and have a great reputation Going up, even if it is Madam Xuanyue, I am afraid that it will be jealous to Lord Demon King! "

This unicorn demon king, at first glance, was a man with developed limbs and a simple mind. Wang Yuetu's words made him transfer his hatred to Song Jian;

The other demon kings saw Song Jian sitting at the front. Although they were angry, they all knew Lan Ling. Because of Lan Ling's face, no demon king stood up against it.

At this moment, the unicorn demon king fiercely stood up and shouted with fingers at Song Jian: "Hey, human boy, what qualifications do you have to sit on the seat and stand above all demon kings?"

Many demon kings saw that some people had made head birds, all of them were smiling, silent, and sitting next to the theater;

Song Jian froze and looked towards the unicorn demon king. The demon king was burly and full of anger, pointing at how much humiliation he seemed to have suffered;

Song Jian did not speak, but glanced around, and saw the Wang Yuetu next to the Unicorn Demon King. These players also looked at themselves with a smile, and seemed to want to be ugly.

"This is the man that Wang Xiaohu said?" Wang Yuetu asked in a low voice;

"Look at his relationship with the three princesses of Xuanyuedong, I'm afraid!" The young man with a pair of eagle eyes behind him whispered, looking at Song Jian's eyes full of envy and jealousy, said: "This guy is also a means Gao Ming had a relationship with the three princesses of Xuanyuedong. If we also have such a method, the monster alliance may have already established a city ... "

"Well, think about good things one day. The winner is king in the game. It is the strength of the player that is strong. Isn't it more embarrassing like him now?" Said a man with a disdainful expression;

Lan Ling next to him saw that the unicorn demon king said Song Jian, UU read the book wwwww.uukanshu.com, and suddenly shivered, pointing at the unicorn demon king and shouting loudly: "You ugly monster, how dare you say this to my friend , What qualifications do you have to sit here, come, ah, this princess is not beaten out yet! "

All the demon kings were stunned, they did not expect that this human's position in Lan Ling's mind was so important, and the unicorn demon king was stupid. At this time, he only found that he seemed to have been shot by another man!

Several servants quickly walked into the hall, preparing to pull down the unicorn demon king, but heard a yell: "Go on, guys who don't know the rules, how can you treat the guests of Xuanyuedong like this?"

Mrs. Xuanyue stepped forward dignifiedly, waved her servant to drink, stared at Lan Ling severely, and then turned her eyes to Song Jian, and said with a smile on her face: "The old man also wants to know, this friend of Lan Ling What kind of birthday gift did you wish for your old life? "



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