I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 950: Legendary swordsmanship

"Unexpectedly, there really is a legendary skill book below this book mountain?" Song Jian was surprised. The reason why he went to look for books on the bookshelf was also because the quality of the books on the bookshelf could give a glimpse of the quality. Looking at the blue, green and even silvery books, Song Jian didn't read them. He only picked the books with gold quality or higher;

However, the highest quality books on the bookshelf, that is, dark gold quality, there is no other book with higher quality than dark gold, which made Song Jian only choose a tall man in the dwarf and chose three dark gold quality skill books;

Seeing Lan Ling pull out a legendary quality skill book from below the mountain of the book, Song Jian naturally abandoned the skill book that he had just chosen.

Mrs. Xuanyue, who has been paying attention to her daughter in the outer courtyard, couldn't help but sigh when she saw this scene;

Lan Ling's selection is naturally suitable for Song Jian's swordsmanship and legendary quality swordsmanship. Don't say that the value is invaluable among the players. I am afraid that most players have never seen it before;

"In exchange for this sword technique with the eggs of a flame crow beast, it's a big profit!" Song Jian took a look at the sword technique, and his face suddenly showed a pleasant surprise.

"Covering the Moon and Breaking Light (Active): Legendary, Level 1 (0%), Skill Effect: Lock the target, increase your critical strike rate by 10% + 1%, consume all sword energy, spirit and blood of the whole body , Causing damage to the target (all energy * 1000% + damage * 500%). After the skill is released, the user forcibly retains a little blood value and falls into a weak state. In this state, the sword energy value, mental value and energy cannot be automatically restored. Blood value, this state lasts 5 minutes, after 5 minutes, the state of weakness will be lifted; skill cooldown time: 5 minutes, skill use conditions: Qi and blood value is not less than 5,000 points; "

"This skill is simply a desperate skill. After one move, either the enemy will die or he will die on his own. There is no second possibility!" Song Jian couldn't help but be surprised after reading the introduction of this skill book;

"But it ’s very powerful, isn't it?" Lan Ling said, "With your current attributes, you can deal about 100,000 damage even if you don't trigger ten times the critical strike rate, if you trigger ten times the critical strike rate, that one. That's a million damage, who else is your opponent? "

Song Jian calculated it secretly, Lan Ling underestimated his attributes. You must know that Song Jian now has more than 8,000 points of Qi and blood. If he casts his sword body, it will increase the false health by 5,000 points. This is more than 13,000 points. The spirit value of Song Jian already has more than 2,000 points, and the sword energy value has also exceeded 1,000 points. In addition to his current physical damage, if Song Jian used this trick to break the light, Even if the Qinglong sword body is not cast, it can cause more than 200,000 damage to the target. If a ten times chance of critical strike is triggered, that is more than two million damage. Even the master-level BOSS can be killed with one sword;

This sword skill hurts horror, but like before, once you ca n’t kill the opponent, then you are dead. You are 5 minutes weak and have only a little blood value. Even if the wind blows, it will hang up. For others For example, after learning, maybe only once in a lifetime, but for Song Jian, this shortcoming will be weakened infinitely;

"I am a person with a broken kingdom of God. After the show, I just hide in the broken kingdom of God for five minutes!" Song Jian said secretly in his heart, and then patted his hand on the skill book without hesitation;

A purple-gold light flew from this book and got into Song Jian's mind. A large amount of information emerged in Song Jian's mind. Such a huge amount of information, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will shed blood on the spot. Become an idiot, but Song Jian's spiritual attributes have exceeded one hundred points. After learning this skill, he just felt a little stuffy in his head;

After learning the skill book, it disappeared. Song Jian was still struggling with God's work, and Lan Ling pulled him towards the tower: "Time is coming, let's leave here quickly. If my mother knows it, she will be scolded to death. mine!"

"You brought me in, didn't you tell your mother?" Song Jian said for a moment, if the owner of this cave house didn't know, he didn't know why the old man who guarded the library would speak so well without giving him wine. ;

"Huh, of course I don't know. I secretly brought you here." Lan Ling seemed very proud, and said with a raised head: "Now the two sisters are not there. The whole Xuanyuedong belongs to me except the father and mother. The biggest, take you to the library to see what happened, do they dare to stop? "

Song Jian was suddenly speechless. Now that things have been done, Lan Ling has become proud. Before this, she was not like this, she was careful to tell, and she was preparing a bribe to protect the old man in the library in advance;

"By the way, this bottle of wine is useless. Give it back to you." Song Jian found the little gourd from the parcel box and handed it to Lan Ling;

"Forget it, Grandpa Poor has no food, give it to you. It was made by my elder sister. I stole a lot, hehe!" Lan Ling laughed;

The two returned to the first floor of the library. At this time, the old man in the white robe was gone, but Lan Ling waved toward the empty hall and said, "Poor grandpa, let's go. There is no delay in the work of a tea. Can't you tell my mother, otherwise, there will be no Baizhen wine next time! "

At this time, the old man hiding in the dark, his cheeks were red. He must know that now every move, every word and every action of Lan Ling was under the supervision of Mrs. Xuan Yue. The matter of treasure wine is also exposed!

Lan Ling and Song Jian did not stay in the hospital too much, but returned the same way. This time, Song Jian proposed to hold Lan Ling to fly to the top of the mountain. Lan Ling did not refuse, but blushed by default. After all, It is not easy for the inner courtyard to follow the winding stone steps to the top of the mountain, but it is much easier to fly directly;

Back in the courtyard, Lan Ling's red on her cheek had not faded, and she was shy, and Lan Ling explained a few words: "Tonight, no one can tell, yes, after the birthday feast tomorrow, you can Stay here for a while, I will show you around the territory of Xuanyuedong. The scenery in many places here is good ... "

Just then, a deep voice blew into their ears: "Huh, Lan Ling, it's late at night, and I won't go back to my room to rest!"

"Ah ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Mother ..." Lan Ling's face was flustered, and she didn't dare to say a word, but she made a begging expression towards Song Jian and left quickly. Small courtyard;

Song Jian's face changed. At this time, he realized that the owner of the Xuanyue Cave, Madam Xuanyue, seemed to be staring at his daughter, and then thought of Lanzhi Bookstore, and easily got the permission of the old man to enter the bookstore. Song Jian Jian suddenly understood that what he said and done at night might have fallen on the face of this Mrs. Xuanyue;

After waiting quietly for a while, Song Jian found that Madam Xuanyue didn't seem to want to talk to herself. She slightly shook her head and turned back to the room;

"This silly girl, hey, it looks like tomorrow's birthday gift will be changed again!" Song Jian sighed in a low voice;



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