I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 949: Book stack

Entering the stone tower, Lanling suddenly looked up;

"Well, why is the poor grandpa not here?" Lan Ling said strangely, looking at the empty hall on the first floor of the stone tower;

"Little guy, why do you want your poor grandpa?" An old voice came from the second floor. Soon, an old man in a white robe walked down slowly from the second floor. He still had a bright piece in his hand. Kampa!

"Well, isn't this mother's Jinpa, why is he here with the poor grandpa?" Lan Ling's gaze was immediately attracted by the Jinpa in the hands of the old man, asking curiously;

"Oh, this was accidentally left by your mother before coming here. The poor grandpa knew that you were coming, and brought it here deliberately, so that you could bring it back to your mother-in-law!"

The old man looked at Lan Ling with kind eyes and handed Jin Pa to him, but did not look at Song Jian beside her, as if he was air.

"Poor grandpa, this is my good friend Song Jian. I want to take him to the library to turn around, you know, he is a human, he likes it ..." Lan Ling took the hand of the old man in the white robe, aside Shaking while spoiling;

"Yes, go, but there is only one tea effort!" The old man narrowed his eyes at Song Jian and nodded;

"Grandpa poor, he is my best friend, and he gave it to you ... Well, what do you say, you allowed us to go up?" Lan Ling froze, some could not believe his ears;

"Hey, who made the poor grandpa like you the most? Come on up, remember, there is only one tea effort!" The old man in the white robe gave a glance at Song Jian and snorted coldly;

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly fell into the abyss, and a scene like the blood and blood of the corpse suddenly appeared in front of him. The blood of the waves rushed towards Song Jian, which drowned him instantly;

There was a clear stream in his mind, which spread all over his body. Song Jian suddenly woke up from the hallucinations. The old man's eyes almost demanded Song Jian's life. At this time, Song Jian realized that the old man's killing intention was strong It is just like the substance, but it is difficult for ordinary people to feel its existence;

"This is a strong man whose strength is no less than that of Mochizuki River Turtle, at least it is the peak of the third-order combat power, no, this old man should have surpassed the third-tier combat power!" Song Jian wiped his forehead Cold sweat, secretly in my heart;

"Well, the young man has good willpower!" The old man flashed a strange color under his eyes, and said softly, "Go up, there is only one tea effort, and you will be kicked out automatically when time is up! You can pick a sword, and if you choose more than one, you can't learn it! "

After speaking, the old man did not look at the two of them at one glance, walked to the side and sat down, his eyes were slightly closed, and he drank tea;

"Hurry on, hurry off!" Lan Ling was afraid of the old man's remorse and hurried Song Jian towards the second floor;

Seeing Lan Ling's hurried appearance pulling Song Jian, the old man sighed secretly and shook his head;

Song Jian was pulled onto the stone ladder by Lan Ling, feeling as if he had passed through a layer of light curtain, and suddenly entered an extremely vast space;

It's like a huge hall. The walls around it are filled with bookshelves that are more than ten meters high. The shelves are full of books. In the center of the hall, a strange book is stacked randomly. Ten meters of Shushan, from time to time, there are books falling from the top, it looks like a pile of garbage, no one cares at all;

"Huh, really, those guys don't know where to return to when they read the book, hum, next time I see them, I have to beat them hard!" Lan Ling looked at the book hill in front of him, and he was suddenly angry. Road

"Where are the swordsmanship you said?" Song Jian asked;

"Here it is?" Lan Ling said with a strange look at Song Jian. "The number of books in Lanzhi's library exceeds 100,000, and very few people usually deal with it. The poor grandpa is lazy, and knows to drink every day, so It ’s messy here. You can only find what books you want! "

"The effort of a tea, I found the swordsmanship I need from so many books?" Song Jian opened his eyes wide and said with a look of disbelief: "Are you kidding me?"

"I can help too!" Lan Ling nodded;

"So let's get started, we have already wasted a lot of time!" Song Jian finished, directly casting the sword shadow clone, one identical Song Jian emerged, two Song Jian were facing the bookshelves in two directions respectively Looking for it, it is obviously impossible to go through the pile of books now. You can only browse the books on the bookshelf quickly, which is the fastest way;

But if the swordsmanship books are really in the pile of books, Song Jian has no choice but to say that his luck is too bad;

"Advanced forging analysis, the 10 forging levels that can be upgraded after use can only be upgraded to the expert level ..."

"After the use of 36,000 herbal medicine identification methods, the level of harvesting can be greatly increased, and it will also affect the success rate of refining. Must a master herbalist be qualified to study?"

"Specialized planing methods are available. After use, you can master special planing techniques. There is a certain chance to advance planing techniques to decomposition. You need a master level planing technique to learn!"


The Lange Library is indeed a treasure trove for players, with a variety of skill books, in addition to life professional skills, there are a large number of other combat professional skills;

However, what Song Jian found were just ordinary swordsmanship. When he saw the highest quality swordsmanship, it was similar to the sword finger or Taiji sword learned before;

Don't say that the swordsmanship comparable to Wan Jianjue, even the skills that are comparable to the Xuanyue Streaming Sword or the Spiritual Walk have not been found;

The time passed by one minute and one second, the effort of a tea, that is, fifteen minutes. If you cannot find a swordsmanship comparable to Wan Jianjue, Song Jian can only choose a slightly weaker one;

Soon ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian placed three sword skills in front of him, one of which is "Believe Sword Techniques-Reform" that can be practiced without the need for a palace. Broken whip style, broken sword style "Dugu Nine Swords-Residual", and a dark gold quality "Easy Wind Sword Technique".

"Hey, it looks like I can only choose the last Xiaoyao Fengfeng Swordsmanship!" Song Jian saw these three skills, hesitated for a long time, and finally chose the full version of Xiaoyao Swordsmanship!

Just when Song Jian was preparing to study, Lan Ling, who had been turning over in Shushan, suddenly issued a "Beep!" Song Jian shook his hand, and almost shot it directly in the "Happy Sword Technique";

"Song Jian, come and see, is this the skill book you need?" Lan Ling clutched a skill book and shook it towards Song Jian. Song Jian looked up and suddenly his eyes brightened. The surface of the skill book even exudes a faint purple-gold light.

"Legendary level, this turned out to be a legendary skill book!" Song Jian suddenly became happy and threw the "Easy Wind Sword Technique" in his hand and ran towards Lan Ling;


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