I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 938: 3 Saiha

Wan Jianjue!

With a right-handed wave of Song Jian, the spirit sword burst out and flew towards the Jinwu beast. The spirit sword burning with karma was extremely damaging to these ordinary monsters with less than 10,000 health and could easily be triggered. Crit damage

If there are not a lot of Jinwu beasts, I am afraid that you can't wait for them to kill them all!

With one stroke of ten thousand swords, there were only seven or eight of the Jinwu beasts destroyed. There were only five or six fish that leaked the net. The remaining Jinwu beasts did not escape, but continued to pounce towards Song Jian. Is fierce

Qi Song Jian waved his sword and chopped down the remaining golden black beasts one by one. Lan Ling, who was holding the magic scroll by the fire and rain, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly closed the scroll again;

The scroll of this large-scale magic attack is a one-time consumable. Although it is very powerful, it is also very valuable. Even the blue spirit is quite painful to use.

Dozens of Jinwu beasts were beheaded and killed, and many good things were blown out. These are ordinary monsters near the 50th level, and all the items above the 45th level are burst, although they are all blue and green equipment. , But also valuable

"Wu Jin Jin Wu Yu, do you want this?" Song Jian pinched a long feather from the booty and turned to ask;

This feather is more than a foot long, three-colored, with moire on the surface, shaking it gently, and a faint fragrance exudes from the feather. It smells refreshing, although it is a blue quality Forging material, but forty or fifty golden black beasts only burst three of these feathers, which shows that it is also very precious;

"This is only three-colored feathers, but worth a bit of money!" Lan Ling glanced at the feather in Song Jian's hands, and looked at the corners of his mouth. Jiu Caiyu, only the brocade fan made by Jiu Caiyu is suitable for my mother! "

"Jiu Caiyu? Well, it's my turn!" Song Jian shook his head, picked up all the loot into the parcel box, and followed Lan Ling toward the deep valley;

When I first entered here, it was just a low mountain stream. Who knows, the farther you go, the wider the space. Originally, it could only accommodate two or three people walking side by side. By now, it has become one that can hold dozens of people. Grand Canyon walking side by side;

The cliffs on both sides are also lush, and from time to time you can hear the crisp birdsong and the roar of wild beasts, which is obviously a place inaccessible;

For players, love and hate for places that no one has ever visited, and love such places, often encounter treasures, but hate unfamiliar with the new environment, it is easy to encounter strength beyond yourself The monster, once unable to escape, will lose his life here;

But for Song Jian, he naturally likes this kind of place. Along the way, Song Jian's perception has been released to the maximum, lest he miss any treasure;

Within a short time, Song Jian discovered seven or eight precious medicinal materials, but unfortunately, these medicinal materials require at least ten levels of medicinal herbs to collect them. Song Jian's medicinal techniques only have seven grades. Significantly improve the experience of medicinal collection, but the medicinal materials collected will not be very good, and the medicinal properties will definitely be lost, maybe it can only be thrown away as garbage in the end;

"If Meng Tiantian can be here, she will definitely be overjoyed!" Song Jian suddenly appeared in Song Jian's mind, but then thought that she still owed her three million doomsday, and the date of return was far away. Song Jian felt a twitching pain in his heart;

"After walking for a while, there is the lair of that lord-level boss. If you can't beat it, if you can't beat it, you said earlier, although Xiao Jin can run fast, but he can't fly, I have wasted it before. Several telegraph scrolls. "Lan Ling whispered to Song Jian;

"You are so rich, how many teleportation scrolls do you care about?" Song Jian couldn't help but say;

"How can you not care, do you know how much a teleportation scroll sells?" Lan Ling's face suddenly showed a painful look of pain, and said, "A scroll can sell ten thousand yen, which is expensive!"

Song Jian glanced at her, and suddenly she was speechless. If all the equipment on her is sold, I am afraid that it can be worth tens of millions of doomsday coins. Some things are still worthless and cannot be bought. But now Distressed for the 10,000 yen, I really don't know what she thinks;

"Say it first, when I kill that BOSS, we will clear it up, Jiu Cai Yu will return to you, and the rest of the booty will belong to me!" Song Jian thought for a while and said;

"Okay, okay, okay, that big bird will have a beautiful tail feather, and what good things can burst?" Lan Ling said indifferently: "As long as you can kill it, I only need the tail feather, and the rest, all It's yours, stingy! "

Song Jian smiled a little, didn't care about Lan Ling's attitude, and continued to walk deep into the canyon;

As you go deeper into the canyon, the higher the cliffs on both sides are, the sun is no longer able to shine in. Theoretically, the temperature should be getting lower and lower. High, at this time already around 30 to 40 degrees, ordinary people can not stay in this environment for too long, otherwise it is prone to dehydration and heat stroke;

的 The trees around it have already died away ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Looking around, it is all a desolate sandstone, but this is such a harsh environment, and the number of monsters has increased;

桌面 A desktop-sized sand scorpion constantly swims on the ground, making a "rustle" sound. Fortunately, these monsters seem to be afraid of dragon lizards. When they detect the existence of dragon lizards, they will avoid it far away;

Seeing this scene in front of me, Lan Ling seemed very proud. He glanced at Song Jian, hummed, his head was high, and he looked proud, and seemed to feel that Song Jian had touched her light.

Song Jian can't help crying and can only speed up his pace and kill the boss-level boss here quickly, so it's better to go back sooner;

"Look, look, that BOSS is out!" Lan Ling suddenly pointed forward and shouted;

Song Jian looked up, and a huge three-legged Jinwu appeared in front of him, burning with a blazing flame, standing on a high rock, looking forward to his posture, and seeing a sand scorpion crawling fast on the cliff next to him, The Jinwu pecked at it lightningly, and the long bird's beak instantly broke through the hard shell of the sand scorpion, and took out a ball of fair and tender fresh meat and ate it in his mouth;

The remaining scorpion shell still maintained the complete appearance of the sand scorpion, and fell off the cliff, and suddenly fell apart;

"Three, three-legged Jinwu? This is an existence that only appears in myths and legends, how can it appear here?" Song Jian was surprised, unable to help looking at the top of the three-footed Jinwu;

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Bread84"

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