I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 937: Cloud pattern golden black beast

The group played mobs near the rocky mountain for more than an hour, and the experience value increased by 3%. After earning one point of loot, they were ready to return to the city to rest;

"Captain, you go first, I will play here for a while!" Dulu said: "It took a lot of time to do professional tasks before, the level has been pulled down a bit, I want to play for a while!"

Ma Shao nodded, Doulu spent nearly a month because he had obtained the professional task of "Abyss Earthwalker". Although he obtained an epic class, the level has been pulled down. Now he is only 35.

行 "Okay, be careful yourself. If there is danger, you can use the city roll, don't be afraid of waste!" Ma Shao whispered, and shoved the two city rolls into Dulu's hands;

Touched by Doro's heart, returning to the city is rare in the abyss hell. Only a high-end grocery store in the main city will sell it, and it is limited. The fallen angels will have a certain quota because it is the largest battle alliance in the main city of the flame furnace. ;

Back to the city roll is also considered a strategic reserve. Because Ma Shao is a member of the elite group, he will have a few life-saving cards. Even members of ordinary war alliances cannot afford to buy them;

"Thank you very much, Captain!"

Shao Ma Shao smiled slightly, waved his hands towards Dulu, and led a group of people towards the entrance to the Demon Canyon;

Seeing his companion leaving, Dulu did not fight, but instead walked around the gravel mountain, seemingly looking for something. The other players searching for the entrance to the shrine just looked up Dulu and didn't care. Curious players, they saw a lot, but there were few who could really sink their hearts to search for the guardian temple, most of them were disappointed and left after walking around for a few hours;

The abyss earthwalker is actually a profession similar to the soil magician. They can use the power of the earth. The environment in the abyss **** is harsh. The ordinary person's field of vision is only three or four meters, but Dolu can sense the tremor of the earth. More than ten meters away;

This is a special professional talent of the Abyss Earthwalker. No one at Dulu has told it, nor has it been shown in the battle. This kind of professional ability is very concealed. It would be difficult for outsiders to detect it if Dulu did not take the initiative to tell;

Before he stunned, he felt a change in the ground beneath his feet. The closer he got to the Rocky Mountain, the more obvious the change was, as if someone was sending him a message through the ground;

At first, Doru thought it was his own illusion, but soon, he felt the special abyss energy from the pulse of the earth. This abyss breath was extremely pure. Reminiscent of the legend of the abyss demon, Doru suddenly became excited. Got up

Following the guidance of the earth's pulsation, Doru came to a huge stone, and inadvertently turned, the figure suddenly disappeared into the vision of the people around him;

The original vision of the player in Abyss Hell was very small, and Doru's disappearance did not attract the attention of others, thinking that he could not bear the loneliness and ran away;

实际上 But in fact, behind Dulu, at the foot of Doru, somehow cracked a gap that could only accommodate one person;

There was a **** under the ground, Dou hesitated for a moment, and walked along the **** toward the depth of the ground, just before he entered the ground, this ground was closed slowly again without a sound;

Uh ...

At this time, Song Jian was flying with his royal sword, followed by the golden-eyed dragon lizard, and Lan Ling rode on the spine of the dragon lizard, with an envious look at Song Jian flying in mid-air;

"It's so handsome!" Lan Ling stared at Song Jian, his cheeks were red, but he said to himself immediately, "I'm talking about Yu Jianfei, but I'm not talking about him!"

"I said, where is the big bird you said?" Song Jian couldn't help asking, at this time the two had been running for more than two hours, already beyond the scope of the poisonous swamp;

"Ah?" Lan Ling said for a moment, and said quickly: "It's not far away. When I turn over the mountain in front, I will reach the big bird's lair! That big bird is a boss and there are many mobs around us. We You have to clear it all the way! "

"Yes, my name is Lan Ling, what's your name?" Lan Ling's cheeks were reddish and she couldn't help asking.

Song Jian usually hides his information. Even if other people have exploration skills, if the level is not Song Jiangao, his attributes will not be detected.

"My name is Song Jian!" Song Jian glanced at Lan Ling and said;

"Song Jian?" Lan Ling frowned slightly, and whispered, "The name is so familiar, I seem to have heard anyone mention it!"

After more than half an hour, the two crossed a hill and came to a mountain stream. If it wasn't for the Ling Ling to lead the way, Song Jian might not find this place at all;

"Just in front, be careful, here is the realm of that BOSS, monsters will appear at any time!" Lan Ling looked alert.

Qi Lanling is just an elite BOSS template. Forty-six, his blood value is only more than 70,000 points. Song Jian can't see what kind of job Lan Ling is, but there are a lot of good things on her.

After the necklace that can completely withstand the power of Wan Jianjue was damaged, Lan Ling turned into a magic again, and took out another necklace to wear, and saw the appearance of this necklace, which was not inferior to that of the previous necklace;

In addition to the necklace, Lan Ling's earrings, three rings, the accessories on the belt, and even the clothes worn on the body, the quality is extraordinary. Before Song Jian did not pay attention, but along the way, Song Jian accidentally noticed the strangeness, Lan Ling It's like a little rich woman. The equipment on her body is almost all epic, and there are even two legendary quality equipment with good attributes.

At this moment, a large number of monsters suddenly came out of the cliffs on both sides. These monsters had flame-like feathers, long tail wings, and clear calls, but the claws and long beaks were shining with metal. Cold light

"Cloud moth golden black beast, normal, level 48, blood value"

"That's them, these monsters found us!" Lan Ling screamed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The Golden-eyed Dragon Lizard snarled, exuding a powerful breath, and shot two golden lights in his eyes, striking A golden black beast pounced in the mid-air. After the explosion, the golden black beast screamed and fell towards the ground;

"Hurry up, they are too many, and Xiao Jin is not their opponent!" Lan Ling held a scroll in his hand, shouting anxiously to Song Jian;

Song Jian couldn't help rolling his eyes. You must know that the Golden-eyed Dragon Lizard was able to fight with the Black Dragon for more than half an hour. Although no spell was cast at that time, it was entirely based on the physical strength, and the Dragon Lizard was also killed by the Black Dragon during the whole battle. Suppression, but how can these forty-eight ordinary monsters be compared with the black dragon?

If the black dragon is here, even if you don't use the magic of the dragon language, you can quickly kill these ordinary monsters in melee combat alone. The dragon lizard will suffer the loss because it will not fly, but the skill just cast shows that the dragon lizard The beast also has a long-range attack method, which poses a great threat to these Jinwu beasts;

If the skill consumption is not very large just now, Song Jian believes that all ordinary monsters in front of him can be killed by the dragon lizard alone;

Moreover, Song Jian's scroll in his hands, stared at it for a while and threw it out. This is obviously a powerful fire and rain magic scroll. Once it is deployed, let alone the dozens of ordinary monsters in front of it. Even if you double it again, you can kill it all;

Uh ...

PS: Thank you "Book Friends 20190813223721586" for the 1000 starting coins ~

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