I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 939: 3 Foot Flame Raven

"Three-footed Flame Raven Beast, Lord Boss, Level 50, Blood Value: 00"

Looking at the attributes of the BOSS, Song Jian was relieved. This BOSS only looks like a three-legged Jinwu, but it is actually another species;

The three-legged Jinwu is a mythical beast in myth and legend. The blood level is even more noble than the dragons. Even the underage three-legged Jinwu can not be killed by Song Jian alone.

"Fifth-level lord boss ..." Song Jian glanced at the blood value, and secretly relieved, fortunately, this boss has not reached the second-tier combat power, if it has reached the second-tier combat capability, I am afraid even if it is exhibited The karmic red lotus sword array may not be able to kill it;

Players at level 50 will be able to apply for a second-order combat strength assessment. Once they pass, the strength will change dramatically. The same is true for monsters. After level 50, they will be promoted to obtain second-level combat strength, but the monsters with stronger strength themselves, The more difficult it is to advance to second-tier combat power.

Apparently, this three-legged flame crow beast is one of them;

Song Jian looked towards the tail of this BOSS. Sure enough, on the tail of the three-footed flame crow beast, there were several long feathers. Each feather was more than three feet long, and the surface had cloud patterns, from the root to the tail. There are a total of nine colors, slightly shaking, and the brilliance is like a fetish.

"What you want is its tail feathers?" Song Jian asked, pointing at a few shiny feathers on the boss's tail;

"Yes, that's it." Lan Ling captively said, "These tail feathers are fetishes. They are much more precious than the feathers you've obtained from ordinary moire before. Be careful, don't hurt its tail feathers in battle. Otherwise, there is no way to burst the complete tail feathers when it explodes ... "

He said, Lan Ling controlled the dragon lizard, slowly backed away, and said, "This BOSS is almost all a range attack skill, we have to stand a little farther ..."

Xun Zheng said, Song Jian saw the Fire Raven jumped off the rock, his wings spread, as if a beating flame, fell towards the ground;

It constantly pecks the sand scorpions on the ground, and seems to treat them as food, and even if these sand scorpions are pecked to death, they do not escape, it seems to have taken their fate, and the sand scorpions that were pecked immediately trembled. Standing still, the other sand scorpions quickly climbed deep into the canyon;

After pecking more than ten sand scorpions one after another, swallowing the tenderest flesh of the sand scorpion into the belly, the Fire Raven Beast seemed very happy, and raised its head with a joyful tweet, and spread its wings. A heat wave spread in all directions;

At this moment, Suddenly drank softly, and dozens of flame-laden spirit swords flew towards the Flame Raven Beast, chopping it fiercely;

At this moment, the Raven Beast was annoyed immediately, and the damage of the Spirit Sword was not low. Each Sword dealt more than 2,000 points of damage to the Raven Beast;

However, the red lotus industry fire attached to the spirit sword directly made Yanchou beast immune, which immediately made Song Jian's heart sink. He did not expect that this Yanchou beast could be immune to fire damage.

You know, the yehuo red lotus sword array, but Song Jian's killer, but most of the damage of the sword array comes from the red lotus yehuo. If it is immune to the fire attack, the damage of the yehuo red lotus sword array to the fire raven beast will probably Very low

This blow caused more than 50,000 points of damage to the Fire Raven Beast, and immediately attracted the attention of the Fire Raven Beast. He turned his head toward Song Jianwang. A pair of golden flames of eyes showed anger, double wings, heat waves rolling, two The flame of the road blasted toward Song Jian's location;

Suddenly, Song Jian felt like he was in a steamer, and the sand and gravel under his feet felt a kind of hot feet; all the gravels melted when the flames hit the place, and turned into a crystal liquid;

Song Jian was shocked. The temperature of the flame's impact was probably thousands of degrees, and it was not at all able to resist with the flesh. Leaping forward, Song Jian leapt to mid-air, and the flames at his feet rolled like a sea of ​​fire;

I saw Song Jian jumping to mid-air, and a look of playfulness appeared in Yan Yaju's eyes. Ordinary people in mid-air could not move, but could only bear the damage stiffly;

A fierce hissing noise and continuous flapping of the wings of the Raven Beast, a large red fire cloud suddenly appeared over the top of Song Jian's head in the gorge. After a while, a large amount of fire and rain fell from the sky. Song Jian shrouded;

Uh ~

The fire and rain dripped on Song Fitness, and it suddenly gave out a burning and corrosive smell. The durability of the Dark King-quality ancestor ancestor suit began to fall quickly, and at the same time, hundreds of points floated above Song Jian's head. Injury numbers

Although the damage was not high, it was very intensive. In just a few seconds, Song Jian lost more than a thousand points of damage. When he thought about it, the flame wings emerged, his wings fluttered, and Song Jian directly fired. Fled out of range;

I saw that Song Jian was able to fly, and a look of surprise appeared in Yan Yasu's eyes. Staring at Song Jian's back, Yan Yahou opened his long beak and sprayed a thin line of fire;

At first, this line of fire was like hair, but after spraying out, when it met the air, many branches and vines were born, intertwined with each other. After a short time, it turned into a flame with a diameter of more than ten meters. Big net, covering the past towards Song Jian;

This fire net was not fast at first, and fluttered in the air ~ www.novelhall.com ~ But as Song Jian's flying speed became faster, the speed of this fire net became faster and faster, and in the end it became faster. If lightning, it covers Song Jian's head in a blink of an eye;

Looking at the fire net under his head, Song Jian's heart tightened, as if he had a big hand slammed hard, and his hair was erected, with a sense of fear that his life was threatened;

Soul walk!

Without hesitation, Song Jian directly surrendered his life-saving skills, and the body suddenly became a transparent soul body, entering another plane;

The fire net fell head down, but passed by Song fitness body, fluttering and falling towards the ground. The moment the fire net passed through the body, Song Jian, who had already avoided the fire net, immediately felt a puppet. Movements pour out from the soul;

"This fire web has the power to hurt the soul!" Song Jian was frightened, looking at the flame crow's eyes, and suddenly became cautious. Monsters with the ability to hurt the soul were very rare. Song Jian did not believe that it only had This skill can harm the soul;

Looking at the skill bar, Wan Jianjue still has a few seconds to cast. Song Jian's thoughts moved and the sword shadow was displayed. A clone exactly like Song Jian appeared in mid-air and rushed towards the Fire Raven Beast. ;

Just after flying to half, the split sword waved forward, Wan Jianjue was released, and a heat wave rolled over. Song Jian was surprised to find that Wan Jianjue released by the split triggered the Red Lotus Sword Formation of Yehuo, sixty handles. Sword, turned into sixty red lotus petals, and rolled towards the Flame Raven Beast;

Uh ...

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