I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 936: Abyss Demon Inheritance

Song Jian looked at Lan Ling, with a sneer on his face, a little at his feet, and the whole man rose into the air, with a sharp sword in his hand.

"Take me a sword first and then say, if you can save your life, let's talk about the other!" Song Jian whispered;

Wan Jianjue was ready to drink, with a drink, dozens of spirit swords floated next to Song Fitness, Lan Ling's scared face changed greatly, and he whispered: "Damn, I have encountered a sword lunatic again!"

Seeing the overwhelming spirit sword attacking towards him, Lan Ling immediately took his decision, and twitched a jade necklace worn on his neck with a gritted tooth, chanting a spell in a low voice;

After a few weird syllables, Lan Ling threw the necklace into the air and whispered, "Mirror flower water moon, protect!"

Suddenly, a faint light curtain appeared in front of Lan Ling. Dozens of spirit swords crossed the arc of the road in the air. Under Song Jian's control, he attacked Lan Ling from the front, back, left, and right directions.

When the Ling Sword flew to a distance of three feet from Lan Ling, it seemed as if it had hit a layer of water curtain, and there was a slight ripple on the surface. All the Swords seemed to fly into the portal of light and disappeared;

"Well?" Song Jian froze. The flood of water curtains swallowed all the spirit swords, as if they had never appeared before. However, the sword tricks that could cause about 100,000 injuries did not even play a slight role. This made Song Jian's heart sank.


A crisp crackling sounded, Lan Ling exclaimed, and around her body, a thin crystal of debris was raised. Lan Ling's eyes suddenly turned red, staring resentfully at Song Jian, said in a crying voice: " This is my sixteenth birthday gift from my mother ... "

Song Jian, what happened? Touch porcelain? Looking around, except for him and the little girl in front of him, there are only two war pets;

Turned his head and looked at the Black Dragon, he opened his eyes and closed Song Jian's eyes, and then closed his eyes again. After a while, the snoring sounded;

"I'm going, you just slept, but you didn't snore ..."

I glanced at the golden-eyed dragon lizard again, and found that it looked at itself with a contemptuous look; I go, what is your own master's character, don't you know, she moved her hand first!

Song Jian glanced at Lan Ling's expression "You want to compensate me", and immediately lost his interest in continuing the fight, and sighed, "Okay, what kind of compensation do you need? Excessive! "

When Lan Ling heard it, his face suddenly changed again, and he said with joy: "In a few days, it will be my mother's longevity. I like the tail of a big bird. I want some and make a brocade for my mother. Fan, but that big bird is too powerful. I ca n’t beat it. If you help me fight it, I will forgive you! "

Ji Songjian twitched a few times, feeling that the other party was a child who had not yet grown up, shook his head and said, "Is that big bird more powerful than your dragon lizard?"

"It has my little gold!" Lan Ling immediately argued: "But it can fly, little gold can't ..."

Uh ...

Abyss Hell, Demon Canyon

A group of professional players in the abyss are playing monsters and upgrading here, the existence of the guardian temple has been known to many abyss players, but there has been a ruin, and after searching for more than half a month, most of the players have been disappointed Leaving, only a few abyss players did not give up, still exploring around;

Ludulu is a member of the Fallen Angels Alliance, whose profession is Abyss Earthwalker. Today, a group of people with the Alliance are fighting to upgrade the Demon Canyon;

Soon, they came to the hill where the guardian temple was located. At this time, the entire hill had collapsed and there were rubble everywhere, and the entrance to the guardian temple could not be found at all;

Juan Doru was curious as he looked at the people around the Rocky Mountain;

"Captain, what are these guys doing, look at them, it doesn't look like a monster upgrade!" Dulu whispered;

"A group of guys who want to be strange and crazy!" Captain Ma Shao looked up and said with a look of disdain. He forgot, just half a month ago, he was also one of the people exploring this gravel mountain;

"A strange encounter? You mean the patron saint?" Duluo wondered, "Isn't the patron saint already destroyed by the human named Song Jian, what are they looking for here?"

"Oh, some time ago, you did an epic professional mission. You do n’t know the specific situation. Although Song Jian destroyed the guardian temple, it is said that he did not obtain the inheritance of the Seven Abyss Demon Kings, or that he was unwilling. Transferred to an abyss profession, so if the inheritance is abandoned, these people are the people who want to inherit the inheritance of the seven abyss demons! "Captain Ma Shao laughed;

"The inheritance of the Seven Abyss Demon Kings?" A look of joy appeared in Doru's eyes, and asked, "Isn't this so easy to obtain?"

"Huh, that's for sure!" Shao Ma shook his head and said, "It is said that the abyss channel can only be opened by obtaining the inheritance of the Seven Abyss Demon Kings. At that time, we will be able to enter the main plane of the game! Hum, we are now The difference is also a rare class occupation. If you can return to the main plane, then you don't kill the Quartet? It is a hundred times better than staying in this abyss!

Doro nodded. Players who transferred to the abyss profession are ordinary professions selected on the main plane. To become more powerful players, the starting point must be much stronger than the players on the main plane, plus abyss hell. The environment is terrible, and the monster is a bit more powerful than the same level on the theme plane ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The players who can survive in the abyss **** are much more powerful than the players on the theme plane. Once the abyss channel opens As an abyss player on the invader side, you will definitely get a lot of benefits;

"It's a pity, this is like a Baoshan. We all know that the inheritance of the Abyss Demon is hidden in this Baoshan, but we still can't find the way to enter Baoshan!" Ma Zhao sighed and shook his head;

The whole abyss **** is extremely wide. If you add the planes ruled by the invasion of the abyss hell, it can be said that the abyss is vast and vast, but there are only eight abyss demon rulers in this hell, and one of the abyss demon has fallen to the ground. Thematic plane, inheritance is estimated to be found in the main plane;

The remaining seven Abyss Demon Kings have ruled this vast and immense land in the abyss **** for thousands of years. It is conceivable that once the inheritance of the Abyss Demon King can be obtained, it is simply a step up to the sky, even if the king in the real world is afraid Inferior to the status of Lord of the Abyss;

"Well, we will go back to rest for another hour. It is said that after two days, the League of Nations will organize an event to hunt down the boss of level 40. Only players above level 38 can participate. Everyone will work harder. Don't drop the chain at this time! "Shouted Ma Zhao.

During the time when everyone should reconcile, Dolu suddenly felt a slight tremor coming from the soles of his feet. He couldn't help but move his heart. He didn't have any expression on his face.

Uh ...

PS: Thank you "Book Friends 20191127234229646" for the 1000 starting coins.