I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 928: contract

The fallen angel seemed to understand something, and became even more crazy. Sharp claws and sky-breaking sword collided fiercely, and an invisible energy spread out in all directions. Song Jian rubbed his feet against the ground and backed away three Four meters away

"His, it doesn't look like he's a burly figure. I didn't expect that the strength attribute was so high?" Song Jian stared at the fallen angel with a look of surprise in his eyes, but soon he realized that it wasn't the fallen angel's strength attribute. How powerful, but the dark power on her is too strong;

A dark atmosphere almost enveloped the fallen angel. Around her body, an invisible armor was formed, as if the thick fog rolled over. Soon Song Jian would have difficulty seeing the appearance of the fallen angel. In the dense fog, only faintly saw countless snakes dancing constantly, and a pair of scarlet eyes, dazzling light blooming in the black fog.

Uh ~

From the rolling black mist, black arm tentacles with the thickness of arms were ejected, as if the javelin generally crossed the arc of the road in the air and shot towards Song Jian;

Song Jian fought against the sword and easily cut off the ejected black tentacles of tentacles. With each cut, the tentacles will turn back into black mist and dissipate in the air. Many, originally there were seven or eight, but now it has evolved to thirty, forty, and the number is still increasing;

Finally, Song Jian's attack speed has reached the limit, unable to withstand more and more black fog tentacles, was broken through the defense by a tentacle, and punctured the left shoulder position;

Suddenly a feeling of paralysis rushed to Song Jian's heart. A palm-sized black mark appeared where the left shoulder was stabbed by the black fog tentacles. Spreading elsewhere;

A cool sensation emerged from Song Jian's mind. Song Jian knew that this was his talent “cheeky” and began to work, but the talent skills that had not been disadvantaged before had lost immunity in front of the black mark. Effect can only slow down the effect and slow down the spread of the black mark;

This made Song Jian sink in his heart. Before, he never cared about these negative effects, and he never stored any antidote, state restoration potion or other items in the parcel box.

Although the numbness was relieved, Song Jian's shooting speed was slowed down. More and more black mist tentacles hit Song Jian. Although the damage was not high, each black mist tentacle only caused 100 to Song Jian. Multi-point damage, but the trigger of the black mist mark makes Song Jian feel a headache;

After a while, Song Jian's upper body was almost all palm-sized black imprints. These black imprints were slowly spreading, and soon became a piece. The black imprints on the neck had spread to the neck, and It spread to the elbows, and the black mark underneath had spread to the abdomen;

Song Jian now has a sense of stiffness throughout the body, and at this time the rolling black mist around the fallen angel's body has also rolled back all the black tentacles. Behind the fallen angel, a pair of large black mist wings have condensed, Nonstop call fan

"I said, you'll die anyway!" A smile of the winner emerged from the fallen angel's face, walking towards Song Jian slowly;

At this time, Song Jian's attack speed was reduced by 45% and his moving speed was reduced by 60%. His whole body seemed to be **** by ropes, and even raising his arms felt extremely difficult.

"What are you doing?" Song Jian asked in a deep voice, the sword qi in his body kept rolling, with talent skills to resist the erosion of the black mark;

"It's just the dark power, a little trick created after merging with my talent!" A smile appeared on the face of the fallen angel, walked to Song Jian, and his sharp claws lifted up, raising Song Jian's chin;

"You have terrifying power in you. If you want to be a part of the dark forces, then I can spare you!" The fallen angel laughed. "As long as you sign this contract, you will not only save your life, but also Get more powerful dark power! "

A black sheepskin roll appeared in front of Song Jian out of thin air, floating quietly in the air, Song Jian glanced at will, and found that it was a dark slave contract, and immediately lost interest in the advice of the fallen angels;

"Slave contract? Do you want me to be your thug?" Song Jian's face was struggling, as if fighting against the mark of darkness;

"Don't dream about being able to break free from the shackles of the dark mark. Over time, the power of darkness will gradually erode your body, and in the end, it will even erode into your sea of ​​knowledge, annihilating your mind. By that time, you It will become a dark beast that only knows about killing, and it will be worse than death! "The fallen angel giggled, and his face was no longer holy, but instead he had a taste of abyss succubus;

"Don't you think it's dangerous for you to be so close to me now?" Song Jian said suddenly;

The fallen angel was shocked and couldn't help taking a step back, but she soon realized that Song Jian's half of her body had been covered by the black mark. Holding the right hand of the Sky Sword, the black mark was even spreading to the wrist. Even if you want to raise your arm, it is already a luxury, let alone a sword attack;

The fallen angel couldn't help but "giggled" and smiled, charmingly sliding sharp Jian's cheeks on Song Jian's cheek, smiling: "There is not much time left for you to consider, at most two minutes, you Your whole body will be covered by the black mark. At that time, even if you want to sign this contract, it will not be possible, because then you have become a dark member! "

"Qinglong sword body!" Song Jian's heart moved, and a cyan breath burst out of his body, instantly clearing the black mark, and a set of cyan vigor armor appeared on the surface of Song fitness body.

Maybe it's because the blade of Kurong Rongqinglong has only one level. This layer of vigor armor looks like a layer of tulle, but Song Jian doesn't care about it;

Originally, there was an upper limit of more than 7,000 blood and blood. UU reading www.uukanshu.com also became more than 12,000 points in an instant. Although there were 5,000 false life, in 30 seconds, these There is no difference between health value and true qi and blood value;

The blood and spirit value were completely restored in an instant, and the dark mark was expelled. Song Jian gained freedom of movement in an instant. The sky-sharp sword in his hand penetrated fiercely into the belly of the fallen angel;

The fallen angel with a surprised face suddenly retreated, and the wings made of black mist behind him burst apart, and a pair of true dark wings appeared, quickly fanning, wanting to distance him from Song Jian;

Looking at the fallen angel desperately fleeing backward, Song Jian lifted his left hand and said softly, "Withering power!"

A grey breath entangled the fallen angel, and the movement speed dropped by 30%, which made her move slowly like a turtle.

Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

Song Jianying turned into a streamer and rushed towards the fallen angel;
