I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 929: Fallen angel 战 盔

Song Jian, who had cast the Xuanyue Streaming Sword, was extremely fast. The fallen angel screamed, subconsciously waved his left hand, and pushed forward. The black mist rolling around it quickly condensed and radiated in front of it. Black shield with metallic luster;

Clang ~

A crisp metal impact sounded a stabbing sword on this black shield. The surface of the shield suddenly appeared as a spider web-like crack. After only holding it for less than two seconds, it broke apart and restarted. Into a cloud of mist;

Although the shield was broken, it successfully blocked Song Jian's attack, and Song Jian was turned over backwards by the impact of the counter-seismic force, and the subsequent offensive was directly invisible;

As long as the first sword is blocked by the Xuanyue Streaming Sword, the follow-up can no longer be performed. The first-level blue dragon sword lasts only one minute. Song Jian must kill the BOSS within one minute. Otherwise, the BOSS will Using the skills of the black mark just now will make Song Jian completely lose his ability to control his body;

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian waved his hand, and displayed Wan Jianjue's attack on the fallen angels. This time, he did not use all his sword energy. This fallen angel is just an elite BOSS. It is not worth fighting with the Red Lotus sword array.

And using all the sword qi to stimulate the sword array is not so good for Song Jian. All the sword qi rushes out together, which places a great burden on the body meridians. Every time he stimulates the sword array, Song Jian feels that his body's meridians are cruel. Teared once

And even if you do not use all the sword gas to stimulate, there is a certain chance to display the Red Fire Sword Formation, but the chance of triggering is very small;

As a result, this time, Song Jian triggered a small probability event, but just waved the Skybreaking Sword at will, and summoned sixty-handed Swords;

"I don't know if you are too lucky or bad, and actually triggered a small probability event!" Song Jian glanced strangely at the fallen angel, a helpless expression appeared on his face: "Since so, Then enjoy the power of the Red Lotus Sword Formation. The ordinary elite BOSS does not have such treatment! "

The fallen angel watched the flying sword condensing a huge flame of red lotus, and the horror of the sword array made the fallen angel dare not move at all, as if he had encountered a natural enemy;

Frightened by a blank fallen angel, he was directly sucked into the sword array. Before the sword array killed all the mobs, the fallen angel was too far away, and the sword array was mainly not aimed at it, so except to feel the sword array In addition to its great power, it has no other personal experience;

But now, the yehuo red lotus sword array has locked it. Although the power has not been released yet, the fallen angel has been shocked that it is very difficult to move his fingers;

As soon as he was involved in the sword formation, the fallen angel didn't even make a scream, it turned directly into a pile of ashes. The power of the karma red lotus has not even been fully released yet, and it began to slowly dissipate in mid-air. ;

"This is simply killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, killing a forty-five elite elite boss, and using the karma red lotus sword array, and blinding me to such a powerful sword array!" Song Jian shook his head and sighed while facing The fallen angel's fallen objects passed by;

"Well, I have encountered a small probability event again!" Song Jian looked at an item on the ground with a purplish red light, and immediately fell into contemplation;

Because of the bonus effect of the title "Savior", Song Jian's luck value has always been good. When hunting BOSS, he can always drop a lot of good quality items, but the forty-fifth-level elite BOSS drops epic items, but it is really Never encountered it once;

Song Jian had already acquired an epic item before, but it was dropped by the Dominant BOSS. Although the probability is also low, but it is normal, but this one is dropped by the elite BOSS. The probability should be thousands. A few percent or even a few ten thousandths.

I glanced at the epic items in the parcel column, and glanced at the items that were falling from the ground. Song Jian nodded, it ’s better to dominate the items with the dominance BOSS;

Picking up a helmet with a fuchsia light, Song Jian carefully examined the detailed properties of the helmet;

"Fallen Angel Helmet: Helmet, item level 48, quality epic, equipment effects: defense +128, resistance +98, all attributes +10, all skill power increased by 15%, combat will +1; special effect 1: death gaze (Active): Instant, locks the target, emits a ray of death, inflicts 2000 critical damage to the target, and cools the skill for 5 minutes; special effect 2: death mark (passive), when causing damage to the target, there is a certain chance to trigger the death mark After marking the target's death mark, all attributes of the target are reduced by 10%, the movement speed is reduced by 15%, and the attack speed is reduced by 20%. The death mark can be repeatedly stacked 5 times. After the target dies or leaves the combat state, the mark disappears; Equipment requirements: level 40; Can this item be taken out of the game: No "

Looking at this epic-quality helmet, a satisfied smile appeared on Song Jian's face. This helmet has very powerful attributes. Whether it is defense or resistance, it is a lot higher than ordinary helmets, and even ordinary breastplates. None are as high as its attributes.

A 15% increase in skill power is most suitable for Song Jian, a highly harmful profession, but the attribute of fighting will Song Jian has never encountered before, and I do n’t know what it has increased, but I also know by name, it should be Battle-related buff attributes.

There are only two special effects, which are worse than other epic equipment, but these two special effects are very powerful. Whether it is death gaze or death mark, they are powerful skills in battle, which is more than three or four mediocre special effects. Be too strong

Song Jian directly replaced the helmet he currently wears ~ www.novelhall.com ~ There are still six suits left, which does not affect the attributes of the suit, but after replacing the helmet, Song Jian's strength directly improved a lot.

After killing the fallen angel, a light blue light door emerged in front of the stone ladder on the second floor. It seems that the boss on the second floor must be killed to access the upper floor;

Song Jian stepped towards the light blue light gate, his figure flickered, and disappeared in place, but strangely, the stone steps behind him did not have his figure, as if the light gate led to it, not the prayer temple. The third layer is average.

Song Jian felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly felt that he was in a state of weightlessness. Before he stood still, there was a feeling of stepping on the ground, which made him instinctively rush forward two steps, Stand firm

When he looked up and looked around, he found himself in a strange place;

"This, this is the Holy Spirit Hall?" Song Jian's eyes appeared a look of surprise, and looked carefully around;
