I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 927: Depravity

Abyss stealth is a skill that comes with epic necklaces. It is similar to the stealth of a rogue class. Although there is no level display, the effect of stealth is very strong. Song Jian tried it. The stealth effect is only slightly worse than full stealth. ;

Similar to this elite BOSS in front of him, even if he passes by, the other party may not be able to perceive his existence;

"Unless it is a perceptually enhanced BOSS, but most of such BOSS will not exist alone, there will be a lot of ordinary monsters to protect, I ca n’t be so lucky." Song Jian secretly said in his mind, moving towards the third As the stone staircase passed by, I couldn't help but look at the boss.

This BOSS turned out to be a woman with four arms and a thin snake on top of her hair, very similar to the legendary Medusa, but I do n’t know if this boss is similar to Medusa Petrochemical skills

It was also in curiosity that Song Jianduo looked at it twice. As a result, the BOSS who had bowed his head and prayed seemed to notice something, raised his head sharply, and looked at Song Jian's location;

The snake hair full of heads also awakened in an instant, and opened the mouth of the snake in the direction of Song Jian, exposing a thin snake core, making a roar of intimidation;

Looking at the white flicker of light in the eyes of BOSS, Song Jian sank in his heart: "Mistweed really made me encounter the enhanced BOSS of perception."

Thinking of this, Song Jian immediately cast his soul walking skills and rushed towards the stone ladder on the second floor. Behind him, BOSS stood up, tearing a gray cloth robe over his body, and unfolded a pair of black ones behind him. wing;

This BOSS, which looks exactly like Medusa, looks like a fallen angel!

Two dazzling rays of light bloomed from the eyes of this fallen angel. They were extremely fast and shot at Song Jian, which instantly bombarded Song Jian's back;

However, Song Jian, who is in the state of soul, will be immune to any physical attack and energy attack. Unless he has the ability of soul damage, he will not cause any damage;

The dazzling spark bloomed on Song Jian's back, but did not cause any harm to him. The fallen angel yelled, and seemed to feel that his attack had no effect on Song Jian. He suddenly roared, the entire second floor All the monsters all roared and rushed towards Song Jian;

Song Jian came to the stone steps from the second floor to the third floor, and was about to step up to rush to the upper floor, but a weird squeaking sound came from his ear, which made him unable to bear it, and he was gifted with skills. He quickly recovered under the interference of the but, the stone ladder in front of him suddenly became unreal;

"Damn thief, if you want to break into the Holy Spirit Hall, you must step on my body!" The fallen angel wearing a fish scale armor, roared with his teeth gritted, and the black wings behind him slammed open, causing a burst Air wave

In the second floor, there are about fifty or sixty monsters. Under the control of the boss, they all rushed towards Song Jian crazyly;

"I didn't want to take care of you, but since you're looking for death, that's no wonder I am!" Song Jian turned around, a look of coldness appeared on his face;

Wan Jianjue!

At the thought, all the sword qi spewed out of Dantian frantically, and the majestic sword qi made Song Jian even feel the pain of tearing in the meridians;

Suddenly, sixty swords burning with raging flames appeared in front of Song Jian, and as the sky-breaking sword slashed forward, all the swords flew towards the monsters;

Uh ~

On each monster, several blood arrows soared at the same time, and their blood values ​​fell wildly. Before they even responded, countless spirit swords changed into a piece of fan-red red lotus leaf, facing the center from all sides. Come together

A powerful suction gushed out, pulling all the monsters with a radius of 20-30 meters towards the center of the sword array;


A huge flame rose into the air, and the crimson lotus burning with the blazing flames slowly bloomed and opened, covering all the monsters;

A heartbreaking painful roar rang out from the lotus. After a few seconds, the roar faded away, the blooming red lotus emitted a rolling heat wave, and the temperature of the entire second floor increased instantly by dozens of degrees. Even the surrounding walls appeared a dark red.

"This, what is this skill?" A look of fear appeared on the fallen angel's face, and she stepped back and forth. She always stood in front of the sacrifice stage, a long distance away from Song Jian. She shrouded in

More than sixty monsters annihilated in a matter of seconds. Although it is only a common monster at the forty-fifth level, such a terrifying strength also makes the fallen angels feel trembling.

With a wave of Song Jian's right hand, this huge karma red lotus slowly dissipated in mid-air. These ordinary monsters are not yet qualified to trigger the second phase of the karma red lotus sword array. Only in the first phase, they are let out. Already

More than sixty monsters at forty-five levels have increased Song Jian's experience by a small amount, and the upgrade is less than 20%.

"Is it a bit regretful to find my whereabouts now?" Song Jian held the Sky Sword, stepped towards the BOSS step by step, and whispered, "If you just pretend to be a little silly, it won't kill you, I I can complete my task! "

"My duty is to guard the Holy Spirit Church, even death will not hesitate!" The fallen angel's face suddenly appeared a holy light, and now it is full of snake hair, and the black wings behind it have a strange contradiction. sense;

"You have fallen into darkness ~ www.novelhall.com ~ still thinking about your responsibilities?" Song Jian asked with some surprise;

"Fell into darkness?" A look of surprise appeared on the face of the fallen angel, and then he looked at his hands with hindsight. At this moment, a ray of snake hair fell from the horns, and she couldn't help touching it with her fingers. The snake had greasy scales, and a weird smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth;

"Yeah, I've fallen into the dark, why should I keep my responsibilities?" The fallen angel looked at his dry hands, the serpentine lines appeared on the surface, and whispered to himself;

"I am now a fallen angel!" A roar, the fallen angel was instantly shrouded in a black breath, and a strong black breath, like the Yangtze River, rushed towards Song Jian;

"But, you are still dead!" The face of the fallen angel with a sullen expression, and the black wings behind him slammed. The whole man rushed towards Song Jian, his hands that had turned into sharp claws, flashing the cold light, waving forward, The air seemed to be torn by it, making a sharp whistling sound;
