I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 926: 2nd Floor

Song Jian took the key of the Holy Light, said goodbye to Tula and others, and in the envious eyes of several people, walked toward the white tower in the center of the sky city;

Near the White Pagoda is the most important place in the entire city of the sky, and there are many important buildings distributed. These buildings have evolved into secret places. In the eyes of players, there are several copies.

Just to enter these copies, you must hunt down the monsters in the city of the sky, and blast down the key from the monster to enter the copy;

Now, more and more players enter the city of the sky. Although the level of monsters in the city is generally two or three levels higher than the players, the players soon formed a team of five to start hunting these monsters. In half a day, the speed of the monsters in the city of the sky has been refreshed, which can not keep up with the player's killing speed, and grabbing monsters has become common;

Song Jian came along all the way and encountered at least three player grabbing monsters. However, because of the increasing number of players, Song Jian came along all the way. There was no monster actively attacking him, and he easily came to the White Tower;

At this time, there were many players around the white tower. These players directly pulled a black cloth and squatted on the ground. On the black cloth, there were some items from the city of the sky;

Among these items, there are a lot of equipment with good attributes, but the most important is to enter the keys of each copy. After all, these keys only need to pop out from ordinary monsters, the probability is not small;

Some players have started to form temporary teams to prepare for these copies.

"The Warriors Temple Replica Team, one in four, come to T, have the keys!"

"Sanctuary of justice, the sanctuary of justice has a milk, and the healing amount is more than three hundred!"


Many players have begun shouting on the regional channel, because a team only needs one key to enter the copy, which makes those players who have the secret keys very popular, and those who sell various keys to the stalls. Make a fortune

Song Jian walked straight towards the White Pagoda, that is, the Temple of Prayer. This is the biggest mystery in the entire city of the sky. Although it is a fifth-class mystery, the difficulty is much lower than the shadow of the abyss. After all, the shadow of the abyss is A five-level copy of forty people, and the Prayer Temple is only a fifth-level copy of ten people;

At this time, there were already many players in the temple praying at the door, and when they saw Song Jian coming, these players immediately rushed up and stared at Song Jian with full of expectation;

The Prayer Temple is the largest copy of the entire city of the sky, and the relative keys are particularly difficult to hit. Two or three pieces of the key of the Holy Light have appeared, and all of them have fallen from the boss.

Already some teams have quoted the price of a shard of light key of 100,000 doomsday, but it is difficult to find a key, and it has not been acquired until now;

Seeing Song Jian walking straight towards the temple of prayer, the captains of the two teams flashed their eyes and immediately came around;

"Hey, brother, do you have the key to pray for the temple? Nine of us, T and Milk, have first-class equipment, and there are only three rare occupations. If you have the key, you can lie directly in the copy!" The soldier wearing armor said to Song Jian with a smile on his face.

"Brother, we are from Warsong and Alliance. Have you heard of the largest Alliance of Sin? Have you entered the team with a key to ensure a one-time pass. We are a regular army, unlike those in the wild, and our reputation is guaranteed. "Another archer in leather armor said, holding down Song Jian's shoulder;

"Sorry, one-man mission!" Song Jian smiled slightly at the two, flung it gently, threw the hand resting on his shoulder, and walked towards the temple of prayer;

Looking at Song Jian's back, several people looked at each other;

"Mistweed, single-player mission. This is a fifth-level copy. Can one person fight the mobs in the copy?"

"Maybe it's a task like reconnaissance, exploration, etc., come out in a circle?"

"Hey, I said, don't you think this person is a bit familiar, like where have you seen?"

"Fuck, aren't you blind, isn't this the leader of the City of Hope League of Fighters? Almost just one person killed a Dorothy who was a Dominion boss!" A player recognized Song Jian, and his face suddenly appeared. A shocked look.

"Domination level, what is **** level?" Asked a player who had just entered the sky city and had not seen the previous battle;

"It's a boss that is even better than the boss, world-class boss, and cattle B. The blood value alone is more than 800,000, and one hit can kill a player's horrible boss." Someone explained;

"Oh, are you an idiot or an idiot, with more than 800,000 qi and blood value, attack can be a second person, defense, is it not ordinary people can break defense?" The player who just entered the city of the sky scorned: "There is such a powerful BOSS. No one can beat it? One person can kill it. Can you be my sand sculpture? If there is such a person, I will live broadcast shit!"

As soon as his words fell, he saw a group of players around him and looked at him with strange eyes;

"Go, go, we watch you eat!"

"Would you like us to make some hot ones? The hot ones are delicious!"

"That's not enough. I'll call some brothers!"


The swearing player looked at the players who were constantly taunting him around, with a look of confusion, how could he not believe that there was really someone who could kill the dominated boss.

At this time, Song Jian has entered the temple of prayer. The familiar light gate and the stone steps behind it have not changed. Song Jian holds the key of the light and walks towards the light gate;

When approaching the light gate, a white light appeared on the surface of the key of the Holy Light. Song Jian smoothly entered the light gate and reached the stone steps behind.

Other players can only hit the shard of the key of the light, and the fragment disappears every time you enter ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but the complete key of the light is like a complete key that can be reused and can be used multiple times use;

"If I am an ordinary player, I can make a lot of money by opening the door with the key of the light!" Song Jian looked at the complete key of the light in his hand, and a smile appeared.

However, if he is just an ordinary player, I am afraid that he will not be able to receive this task, and it is impossible to obtain the key of the complete light;

Going up the stone ladder, Song Jian came to the second floor of the Prayer Temple. The second floor of the Prayer Temple is a spacious hall. There are small rooms around the hall. There are monsters of forty-five levels in the hall. At the end, a monster with curved corners on its head and four arms was hugging both hands, kneeling in front of an empty sacrifice table, and whispering something.

Song Jian performed the abyss concealment technique and slowly passed through the hall. His purpose is the Holy Spirit Hall. He did not come here to upgrade and upgrade equipment. Some unnecessary battles can be avoided.

It was just that this monster prayed to an empty sacrifice platform, which made Song Jian a little weird and couldn't help but look at it twice more.
