I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 925: Light Key

As a Jianxian ... a member of the reserve, if you don't have a practice about sword body, Song Jian feels embarrassed to say hello to others when he goes out;

This is also the reason why Song Jian felt heartache after learning Wan Jianjue. Other skills were lost, but the skill of "one yuan chaos indestructible sword body" was also swallowed by Wan Jianjue, which made Song Jiandu It's almost painful in my bones;

The one-dimensional chaos immortal sword body is simply the most perfect explosive skill. Once it is cast, it definitely has the ability to counter kill. All attributes are almost doubled. The skill power is doubled. It is not an exaggeration at all.

Moreover, under the deliberate training of Song Jian, the monaural chaotic immortal sword body has been upgraded to a very high level. It is intentionally said that the release of the immortal sword body and the non-release of the immortal sword body are completely two states;

Now, Song Jian has seen three skill books for practicing sword body in front of his eyes. The surprise in his heart can be imagined;

"The three swords of the sword-cut Suzaku body, Gengjin white tiger sword body, withered Rongqinglong sword body, and Misty grass. Listening to the name is very big. Which one should I choose?" Song Jian suddenly had difficulty choosing. I do n’t know which book to choose for a while;

"Old man, can I take a closer look at the contents of these skill books? You need to know that if you choose a skill book that is not suitable for me, it will be troublesome when the task is not completed!" Song Jian said carefully;

You know, this is a legendary task. Fortunately, once it is completed, it will be the end of the obliteration, that is, if you do n’t know whether your enemy of death can keep yourself alive!

"Of course you can, you can view the specific content of these three books!" Said the old goblin with a smile on his face;

When Song Jian heard it, he couldn't wait to touch these three skill books with his fingers, and carefully selected them;

Cutting the Suzaku Sword body can greatly enhance its ability to perceive the spirit body. Once cultivated, no matter what kind of demon or ghost, you can't escape your own awareness, and attack these so-called spirit bodies with a high damage bonus;

At the end of his cultivation, Song Jian was able to transform himself into the Sacred Body of Suzaku from the south, with a strong fire attack damage;

"The description is very powerful. I just don't know. Which of the south Liming fire and my red lotus industry fire is more powerful!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, but he already mastered the red lotus industry fire. Suddenly reduced interest;

Song Jian's eyes were looking at the second "Gengjin White Tiger Sword Body". After training in this skill book, the attack damage will be greatly increased, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. In other words, the physical attack will be very scary, but Correspondingly, for monsters with high physical defense and even immunity to physical damage, they are somewhat weak;

At the end of the cultivation, you can incarnate into the Gengjin White Tiger Holy Body and enjoy the fun of one-shot spikes, but if you encounter a monster that specializes in physical damage, it will immediately "kill"; this is a kind of advantages and disadvantages Obvious sword body training skills;

The last one is the sword body withered blue dragon. After practicing, this sword body will greatly improve the body's recovery ability. At the same time, it will have a terrible regeneration ability. For the enemy, it will have a strange way to add bad effects. It has caused more than ten kinds of adverse effects on the target, but it is not high in the promotion of damage. In the end, you can incarnate the blue dragon holy body and have immortal terror means;

"I want this one!" Song Jian pressed his hand on the third, Ku Rong Qinglong Sword Body Skill Book. Song Jian's talent "Holy Sword" already has a horrible damage bonus, and whether it is the red fire lotus Wan Jianjue, or Heavenly Sword, also has terrible attack damage. If single damage is pursued, Gengjin White Tiger sword body is undoubtedly the best choice, but as a player, he first chose a life-saving method;

If you practice the Kurong Qinglong sword body to the highest depth, it is really difficult to die!

"Yes!" The old goblin nodded with a smile, closed the remaining two skill books, and then bit his finger open, dripping a drop of silver blood on the surface of the "Dead Rongqinglong Sword Body" skill book;

Blood dripped on the cover of the skill book, and after scrolling twice, it seemed to melt into a pool of liquid. After the ripples rippled on the cover of the skill book, something seemed to disappear directly;

The old goblin handed the skill book to Song Jian. After Song Jian took over, he chose to study directly;

A low dragon groan sounded in Song Jian's ears, and he seemed to be able to feel that this skill book was turned into a green dragon, integrated with him, and his body seemed to have some strange changes, but carefully checked After exploring it, nothing was found;

Looking at the skill bar, the purple-gold "Withered Blue Dragon Sword Body" has appeared at the top of the skill bar;

Withered sword dragon body, active skill, level 1 (0%), all attributes are increased by 10 points, passively increase the speed of Qi and blood value recovery by 10%, Qi and blood value +1000; active use effect: restore all Qi and blood value and spirit value, Eliminate all bad effects on the body, have 5,000 false life, and take the priority to deduct the false life value if it is damaged. The false life value exists for 30 seconds, and the false life disappears after 30 seconds. With the power of withering, cast the withering power on any target, the target will get 30% reduction in movement speed. This effect lasts for 1 minute and cannot be dispelled. Skill release: Instant; Skill consumption: 100 sword energy; Skill cooldown: 30 minutes;

The first-class blade of the Rongrong Qinglong sword has no dazzling effect, and it can be used as an enhanced version of the full recovery and slowing potion at most;

However, Song Jian has seen the withered blue dragon sword body trained to MAX before. With the power of withering alone, he can instantly add more than ten kinds of bad states to his opponent, and they are all bad states that cannot be dispelled, no matter how scary the monster is. Once I let these more than ten kinds of bad effects get involved, I am afraid that it is very powerful, and being able to show six or seven points is already considered a gift of talent;

"Well, the mission reward has been given to you in advance ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You can get this one, and only if you get this can you enter the Holy Spirit Church!" The old goblin trembled and took out a hook jade. The items were handed to Song Jian.

"Key of the Holy Light?" Song Jian took a look, his face suddenly showed a look of surprise, you know, the key to enter the fifth secret of the temple of prayer is the key of the Holy Light fragment, and now, Song Jian in his hands Turned out to be a complete light key;

"This is the key to the temple of prayer?" Song Jian was surprised;

"Yes, the Temple of the Holy Spirit is in the Temple of Prayer. You must have the complete key of the Holy Light to enter. Well, go ahead and complete the task. There is not much time left for you!" There was a trace on the old goblin's face With a tired look, he turned around and slowly walked into the tree house behind him;


PS: Thank you for the "10,000 Golden Coins" rewarding 10,000 starting coins!

PS: Thank you very much Wanwan. According to common sense, Wanwan has to be added, but there is really no deposit. Today, please keep the bottom three chapters and see if you can write another chapter tomorrow! Oh, sad reminder, in the end, I would like to thank the "Jinlin Tianjue" book friends for their rewards, thank you for your support!