I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 920: BOSS can fly too?

"Is that guy an NPC? The damage is terrible!"

"It looks familiar to me, it seems to be the owner of the city of hope, but his wings are not steel wings. How did he become a flame wing?"

"Mistweed, 98,000 injuries, is this still human?"

More and more players are attracted by the dynamics of the battle. The entire city of the sky is originally small. The movement caused by the release of the boss has made everyone in the city aware of it. In a short time, players who can enter the city of the sky I am afraid they will be attracted to it;

Once again, Wan Jianjue was cast, and the Jianlian Red Lotus sword array that Song Jian was looking forward to did not show up, and his face could not help showing a disappointed look;

The yehuo red lotus sword array is very powerful, but the trigger method is random. Maybe it can be triggered by one cast, and maybe not more than a dozen times. For Song Jian, he would prefer the yehuo red lotus sword array to be less powerful. He also hopes that the trigger method can be Control by yourself rather than randomly;

He flew up to the White Tower, Song Jian turned his head and looked at the BOSS. As soon as he turned around, he saw dozens of golden iron chains flying towards himself;

Song Jian's face changed, and the flame wing quickly fluttered. Song Jian dodged aside. Dozens of iron chains hit the white tower severely, but still a chain hit Song Fitness, smashing him from the air. Come down

Bang ~

Song Jian's figure was severely smashed into a stone house. The entire house was smashed by a huge impact, and the dust was released. BOSS still did not give up. Grasp the golden chain on his right hand, and once again severely Swatted towards the collapsed stone house;

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ~

Huge stones were smashed into rubble, and the stone house was turned into ruins, but BOSS did not see Song Jian;

Boom ~

Attacks from other players followed immediately, but in the eyes of BOSS, these players are no different from nasty flies. Although the damage to it is not high, it is very annoying;

With a low roar, BOSS swung his left hand violently behind him, dozens of golden iron chains, flew towards the player behind him, and after a roar, attacked the BOSS player, almost instantly less than half.

A player who was too late to escape and was severely injured by the iron chain, with a look of horror, leaned against a cut-off wall and hurriedly took a bottle of potion into his mouth;

"This, this guy's hurt, it's terrifying!"

"Dammit, Solan was killed by a spike. Everyone stood 30 meters away from the BOSS and attacked. No one was allowed to come close!"


At this time, Song Jian was in a state of soul. He was flying in midair. The damage of the boss was too horrible. He didn't dare to get too close. He could only use Wan Jianjue to attack the boss constantly.

The previous blow directly caused more than 3,000 points of critical damage. If it was not the invincible effect of the first three seconds of the soul walk, the attack behind the BOSS would directly enable Song Jian to trigger the passive talent "Death Enemy".

Soon, the BOSS on the ground locked Song Jian in midair. At this time, Song Jian's position has exceeded the attack range of the BOSS, and there is no wing behind this BOSS, and it should not fly. Song Jian can recover in mid-air in good time.

A bottle of advanced healing medicament apparently could not restore the qi and blood value, and Song Jian filled a second bottle, waiting for the cooling time of Wan Jianjue.

Seeing Song Jian flying into the air, the boss on the ground raised his hair with a roar, and the golden chain around his body began to change at this moment;

The iron chain that originally had a faint golden light began to be gradually contaminated by a layer of black breath. After a few seconds, the iron chains that bound the BOSS all turned black, which made Song Jian's heart sink and he always felt that Something bad happened;

Soon, the iron chain wrapped around the BOSS was still moving slowly. After a while, the iron chain of the whole body automatically flowed to the two arms of the BOSS, winding from the shoulder to the wrist, and dragging on the ground. For a long time;

At this moment, Song Jian saw the corner of BOSS 'mouth with a gloomy smile, and looked into his eyes, full of murderous intention;

In fact, the iron chain on this dominant BOSS has a suppressive effect on the BOSS when it is just released, but over time, if players cannot kill the BOSS for a certain period of time, then these chains , It will be contaminated by the dark breath of BOSS and become a weapon of BOSS;

Now, these iron chains have become the weapon of this governing BOSS, which has greatly increased its strength. Countless iron chains have moved on the BOSS, cross-knitted with each other, and after a while, they have condensed behind the BOSS. The existence of like wings;


The huge iron chain formed a pair of butterfly-like wide wings, which drove the BOSS to fly up;

"Mistweed, is this okay?" Song Jian was startled, and after casting a million sword tactics towards the boss, he quickly fluttered the flame wing and fled away;

This time Wan Jianjue only summoned more than thirty swords. Song Jian suddenly moved in his heart. It seemed that the more distracted he was, the fewer the number of spirit swords he called, and the more concentrated the more swords he called. ;

When those who triggered the karma red lotus sword formation, every time it was Song Jian's high concentration of attention, when he wanted to kill the boss in front of him.

However, this is not the time when Song Jian tried. Although the speed of the boss's flight was not comparable to that of the flame wing, the chain attack range on his arms was extremely wide. If he did not escape, he would be entangled by the boss again.

Thinking of this, the Flame Lightwing slaps twice, and Song Jianying shuttles through the city of the sky like lightning;


The iron chain on BOSS's arms kept flowing and his arms waved. More than ten iron chains were like steel tentacles. He was behind Song Jian. Song Jian could only fly at low altitude, relying on the buildings in the sky city to dodge. BOSS attack;

Most players see that the BOSS has become more powerful, and each one stops. It is because the damage of the BOSS is too high. You can instantly kill a crispy profession. Even if it is a plate armor, you will enter directly. In the residual blood state, if the BOSS uses skills, the plate armor class is also killed instantly;

Only a few members of the Tula squad looked at each other ~ www.novelhall.com ~ gritted teeth and chased them up. The long-range profession kept attacking behind, but the melee profession didn't dare to approach it and could only stay beside the long-range profession. Once the BOSS attacks, the melee profession will rush to block the eye-catching and ensure the output of the long-range profession;

"Damn, this task is not something our level can do at all!" Yani roared lowly after shooting an arrow at the back of BOSS;

"A few of our occupations are at least rare. A vocational skill book, can't you make you desperate?" Tula gave Yani a severe look and said, "If you don't want to, you can give up the task!"

"I rely on it, you have hit this level, you asked me to give up?" Yani glanced back at Tula and yelled, "Without this guy, do you think I will give up!"

Tula looked at Song Jian, who was constantly flying at a low altitude, with an inexplicable expression on his face. He really didn't know now whether it was the loss or the advantage that he shared the task with Song Jian;



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