I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 921: Active release

Most of the hidden tasks in the game can be shared, but the total task reward will not change, that is, each additional person completes the task, then the other person's reward task will be divided.

Tula their task, if there is no Song Jian, only a few of them, after completion, maybe each person will be divided into an epic vocational skill book, but plus Song Jian's words, then only one secret per person Gold or even golden quality;

The more people share the task, the lower the skill book grade assigned to each person;

Sharing the task with Song Jian, everyone in the Tula team is actually dissatisfied, because it will thin their rewards, but now it seems that without Song Jian, they would not be able to complete this task at all ;

"We can't make any contribution at all, isn't it a bit shameful!" Solanda murmured, a little embarrassed;

"Full output!" Tula's face was gloomy and ugly, and now gave him a feeling of holding someone else's thigh. This feeling was too intolerable for a person with strong self-esteem;

"Boss, do you want to use that trick?" Solanda asked suddenly;

"No, that's our life-saving skills. It's not time to use them yet." Tula said immediately: "Yani, you fly into the sky to attack, be careful, pay attention to distance."

Of the several members of the Tula team, only Yani has the ability to fly, and the others can only attack on the ground, but in many cases, Song Jian and BOSS will fly high, beyond their attack range;

"No problem, boss, look at me, Elf Wings!" Yani thought, a pair of transparent light wings appeared behind him. The light wings looked very thin and covered with thin layers. The lines look like spider webs;

Yani rises into the air, holding a long bow, closely following the boss, and constantly releases his skills. His damage is too low for the dominated boss, and he has just broken tight, most of them are two. Number of injuries, occasionally hundreds of points of damage erupt, for BOSS, it is no different from a mosquito bite;

If it is not the bad effect of preventing recovery in the BOSS status bar, the damage caused by Yani is probably not as good as the blood value of the automatic recovery of BOSS;

At this moment, Song Jian flew into the sky for a while, and then flew towards the ground street again. The weird flight trajectory avoided the repeated attacks of BOSS;

However, Jiu Shou must lose, Song Jian was severely bombarded on the back by several iron chains again, a spurt of blood spewed out, and he had already recovered to more than 5,000 points of blood value, which was reduced by half in an instant;

Song Jian was severely smashed into the street, a large slate cracked, Song Jian felt a tingle in his scalp, and a dark shadow flew towards himself at the corner of his eye;

The soul walk was in the cool-down time, and Song Jian's thoughts moved, the figure disappeared in place, and a dozen black iron chains passed his previous position.

In the broken kingdom of God, Song Jian gasped heavily and took out a bottle of medicine "Gududu" and poured it into his mouth;

At this time, the kingdom of God has been nourished by the power of two dominating BOSS souls. The mountains in the distance have almost recovered as before, and the small cracks on the surface of the mountains are no longer visible, and the mountains have begun to grow. There are small saplings, it is foreseeable that it will not be long before the Zhengtiao Mountains will restore the lush appearance;

"Unfortunately, the kingdom of God has not yet fully recovered. Otherwise, pull the boss directly into the kingdom of God and hang it with divine power!" Song Jian gritted his teeth, and a bottle of the potion was filled with recovery medicine, secretly in his heart;

But unfortunately, this kind of thought will not be realized for at least a long time in the future. Let alone say how long it takes for the kingdom of God to recover, even if the kingdom of God is completely restored, without the power of God, Song Jian cannot use the power of the kingdom of God to hunt Kill the boss.

After the blood and blood value was restored, Song Jian immediately left the kingdom of God. At this time, he saw that the boss had killed the team towards Tula. Yani was doomed by the iron chains in the air, while on the street, Tula and others are desperately attacking the BOSS. Tula has even rushed to the front of the BOSS with a two-handed sword, desperately chopping the thigh of the BOSS;

Song Jian floated in the air, locked his eyes on the BOSS, and moved his mind, and the invisible sword qi in his body rushed into the sky-breaking sword like a tide;

"Yihuo Red Lotus ..." Song Jian whispered, "Wan Jianjue!"

In an instant, Wan Jianjue, who had previously consumed only 140 points of sword strength, instantly took away Song Jian's invisible sword strength, and a sharp sword strength shot out like lightning on the surface of Skybreaking Sword;

Suddenly, sixty swords burning with a blazing flame appeared on the surface of Song Jian's body. With Song Jian's right hand slamming forward, the sword issued a low whistling sound, which slowly evolved during the flight. Into a hot flame, these flames look like a piece of red lotus leaves, and finally condensed together to form a huge fiery red lotus;

"Yehuo, Red Lotus Sword Formation!" Song Jian whispered, and this red lotus bloomed fiercely, enveloping this dominance BOSS;

Countless swords slashed towards the BOSS. The hot flames constantly bombarded its body. The terrible heat caused the BOSS skin to flicker;

The rolling heat wave swept away in all directions, and all the players around him changed their faces, hiding behind one after another. Such a horrible flame would definitely be fierce if involved.

As soon as Tula and his eyes lighted up, he did not expect that Song Jian was hiding such a terrible killing move. Seeing the smile emerging from the corner of Song Jian, Tula was relieved;

In fact, ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian did not expect that he could set off directly into the Red Lotus Sword Formation, but the more invisible sword energy is released, the more powerful the skill moves, Song Jian just subconsciously wants to strengthen Wan The power of Jian Jue is just that, but I didn't expect to crook it!

The scorching karma red lotus is mixed with a domineering sword power, like a huge grinding disc, annihilating each other with the power of this dominant BOSS;

The roar of the BOSS rang through the entire city of the sky, stalemate for less than three seconds, a hot wave erupted in the red fire of the industry, and the sixty-stemmed leaves began to slowly close to hang the boss.

At this time, the BOSS had less than one third of his blood value. A look of despair had appeared on his face, and he seemed to have expected his final tragic end;

A huge long sword phantom was bred from the closed lotus flower, and slowly grew into the air a little bit. At the moment it was fully formed, the sharp golden sword gas bloomed from the long sword, as if There is an invisible arm controlling it, and it is severely chopped down towards the closed lotus;
