I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 919: Siege

"This task reward turned out to be a vocational skill book?" Song Jian was very pleased. You must know that his current occupation is an epic royal swordsman. He can't even meet the professional instructor and can't learn at all. Skills in the profession;

Although the ordinary career is mediocre, no matter which city has a corresponding career mentor, as long as it costs a certain price, you can learn new skills from the professional mentor, and rise to more than 30 ordinary professional players, which does not have more than a dozen Skills, the level of these skills is improved, and the power is not bad after combined into a combo;

And for those rare, epic and even legendary professions, their professional instructors are all around the world, and they want to learn their professional skills, which is really exhausting.

Like Song Jian himself now, the skills of this profession are only one sword skill, Wan Jianjue walks with the soul, and the shadow of the sword is not the skill of the sword to make this profession at all, some are mutation skills, and some are general skills;

"Hey, I said, the tasks have been shared with you, what are you still doing, do it!" Yani looked at Song Jian motionlessly, and suddenly felt a little dissatisfied, shouting loudly;

"Haha, rest assured, look at me!" Song Jian was in a happy mood, and he didn't care about Yani's rude attitude. Haha smiled and shook the sky-sword in the hand toward the huge BOSS in the distance;

Suddenly, more than fifty swords with burning flames flew towards the BOSS, leaving a dark red trajectory in the air;

The yehuo red lotus million sword trick made Tula and others startled. It was more than fifty spirit swords, flying in the air at the same time. The burning flames left a trace of burning in the air, which was a bit spectacular.

"This, what skill is this?"

"It's so cool. This skill, at least, is the peak of dark gold, even an epic skill. Otherwise, it won't be so big!"

"I just don't know how powerful it is. Don't be an embroidered pillow. It just looks good. In fact, even the defense of BOSS cannot be broken!"

Several people murmured, and even stopped attacking, wanting to see how powerful Song Jian was;

Uh ~

More than fifty swords flew up and down, marking a bloodstain on the boss. The powerful defense of the boss, in front of the sword, was not worth mentioning. Blood arrows shot out, and the whole street echoed. The painful roar of BOSS;

Boom, boom, boom ~

A violent explosion wrapped the entire BOSS, Tula and others' faces changed greatly. Although the status of the BOSS at this time could not be seen, the damage figures of the large block were floating from the top of the BOSS, and they could still see it.

The 800,000 qi and blood value decreased by nearly 100,000 points in an instant, which made Yani rub his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw;

"How is this possible ..." Yani murmured to himself;

"It's terrifying, me, how do I feel, he can single out this boss alone" Solanda's face showed a fearful look.

Song Jian glanced at a few dazed people and shouted, "Are you going to let me kill it by myself, if that's the case, the loot is out of your share!"

"Boss, you eat meat, and always let us drink soup!" Yani's face showed a bit of bitterness;

Several people also sobered up from the shock and began to attack the BOSS, but their damage was too low, they just reached the level of breaking defense, and the double-digit damage made them all a little embarrassed;

Soon, some players approached one after another. They saw the first reaction of the BOSS, which was to get started. They did not ask for task sharing, join the team, etc. like Song Jian did;

A player stood on the top of the building, lifted his hands, closed his palms and pointed at the BOSS, chanted a spell in his mouth, and soon the void in front of him suddenly appeared a large ripple of red ripples, a huge Fireball emerged from the ripples;

This fireball is the size of a car, and the crimson flames are burning. On the surface of the fireball, a faint golden light looms.

"Go!" The player roared, his arms trembled slightly, it seemed to use a lot of strength, pushed forward, the fireball slowly moved, at first it was extremely slow, but after a few seconds, The speed of the fireball was getting faster and faster, and finally a low whistling sound was made, and it flew towards the BOSS as quickly as a meteorite fell;

On the other side, a girl with a pigtail braid and a somber look, her hands were raised above her head, and a large cloud of dark clouds continually condensed and rolled. After a while, a cloud of vortexes was in this girl's Formed overhead, in the vortex of the clouds, thunder and lightning were vertical and horizontal, and the sound of thunder was rolling.

With the control of the girl, the thick cloud with a diameter of more than 100 meters slowly moved to the top of the boss, and the thunder and lightning continued to bombard it and land on the boss.

When all the players arrived, the moment they saw the BOSS, they all invariably displayed the most powerful skills they could control;

For such a wild boss, if you want to obtain loot, you must deal enough damage to the boss, otherwise, you have no right to pick it up;

However, the skill of these players is not small, and the damage caused is not as good as that of Song Jian's sword. In a short time, dozens of players gathered around and attacked this BOSS crazyly;

The dominance BOSS was encountered by almost everyone present for the first time, and they knew that the loot of such a terrible BOSS would be very high;

At this moment, it was dozens of spirit swords blasting towards the BOSS, and seeing the horror figures floating above the head of the BOSS, the blood value dropped rapidly by a large speed at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the players around it were almost dark Scolded

At this time, the hatred of BOSS was entirely on Song Jian's body, striding towards Song Jian, and other players didn't need to worry about their injuries causing BOSS's attention;

"Damn, why is the blood value of every BOSS template so high!" Song Jian cursed in a low voice, struggling to leap forward, and then a thick iron chain beat him fiercely where he stood before ;

It should have been a golden iron chain that bound BOSS ~ www.novelhall.com ~ After BOSS got out of trouble, it turned into a BOSS weapon. It is these iron chains that make the BOSS attack extend by dozens of meters and let Song Jian dodge. It's very difficult to get up.

Song Jian's thoughts moved, the flames of light behind him emerged, the figure flew towards the air, BOSS roared, waving the iron chain wrapped around his right hand, and beat Song Jian in the air;

Song Jianying was flexible, as if he had a pair of eyes on his back. When the iron chain was pulled out, the light wing trembled, and he crossed an arc in the air, hiding away;

Seeing Song Jian flying towards the White Tower, BOSS's face seemed to hesitate and stood still, but at this moment, Song Jian turned around and released Wan Jianjue to him again;

Dozens of swords were severely chopped over, and the severe pain made the BOSS crazy, and strode toward Song Jian in a stride;


PS: Thanks for the 100-Year Coins for "Yeququ Chaoran" ~