I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 918: Task sharing

"Oh my god, what kind of monster have we released? Domination level, what kind of monster is this!" Bonita, with a red hair, was sweating, and looked at this height in horror. After a huge monster of five meters, roared loudly;

"Continue to attack, this should be the largest BOSS in the entire city, other players will definitely be attracted, as long as we can hold it for a while!" Captain Tula spit out a **** smear and gritted his teeth;

"This big guy is too scary, we are not its opponent at all, 800,000 qi and blood, oh my god, even if he stood still and let us chop, I am afraid it will take a day to kill it!" Niwan bowed an arrow, a long arrow with a red light slammed, and shot at a huge boss in the distance, but only on the opponent's shoulder, a burst of Mars burst, even the defense Not broken

"Twenty-three points of blood value, this is my most powerful blasting arrow, which only gave it twenty-three skills, you dare to believe?" Yani could not help but roared: "I think we are the wisest now The choice is to run away and leave this **** city! "

"Then our mission will fail!" Tula said immediately: "A dark gold quality skill book of his own profession will be far away from us. Will you accept this result if you like, then we are now Retreat now! "

Several players stared at each other, then looked at Captain Tula together and shouted, "No!"

"Then let me continue to attack!" Tula gritted his teeth, and then turned around and shouted at a thin boy: "Soranda, haven't you acquired a skill that can prevent BOSS from automatically recovering blood value, hurry to give It is used, otherwise we would not do as much damage to it as it would automatically recover! "

Solanda nodded in panic, behind him, followed by six translucent phantoms with a dumb look;

"Kalalika, miniature Turaya ..." Solanda chanted a spell, a gray light blooming from his palm, and the arrow flew towards the boss;

Suddenly, a gray color appeared on the surface of BOSS's body, but soon the gray color disappeared and it seemed to have been hidden in its body;

In the status bar of BOSS, there is also an adverse effect of "stop regeneration";

Seeing that Solanda was successfully released, Tula nodded severely and said, "Very well, continue to attack. This big guy can't hit us. As long as it attracts enough players, it will be able to push this boss to you. Don't Forget about the talent of stealing BOSS, but it has penetrated into the bones of players. "

"Hahaha ..." A few expressions of excitement appeared on the faces of several companions, and all laughed;

In the eyes of others, they have encountered a super boss and are preparing to siege for loot, but in fact, who knows that this boss is just a hunting target for their mission;

It is naturally the best to get the trophy, but if the strength of this BOSS is beyond their ability, then giving up the trophy and ensuring the completion of the task is not an unacceptable result;

"Is there a Dominant BOSS, luck is really good!" Looking at the huge BOSS entangled by a golden iron chain in the distance, Song Jian's face appeared a happy look, and rushed towards the BOSS;

Seeing Song Jian running from a distance, a happy expression appeared on Tula's face, and he hurriedly greeted, "Hey, brother, we found this BOSS, but he is too powerful, what about together, the loot comes according to the size of the contribution. distribution!"

"No problem!" Song Jian held the Heavenly Sword, pulled a sword flower, and said to Tula: "But before that, did you share your task with me, after all, this BOSS is your task Strangely, it is not certain whether the loot will be dropped. "

The face of Tula and several of his companions suddenly became difficult to look at. It seemed that the conversation between them had been heard by the person in front of them.

"Make a decision quickly, there will be more people soon!" Song Jian hurriedly glanced at them;

"Friend, aren't you taking advantage of the fire?" Tula said ugly;

"Hey, the mission is weird. If you say I shout out here, this is your mission weird. Would you say that the players who come later will help you kill it?" Song Jian hehe laughed, breaking the sky The sword was like a burning stick, with the pestle on the ground, and his entire body leaned against it, looking like a hob flesh.

"Damn!" Yani whispered, to know that most of this kind of thing is more trustworthy than untrustworthy, if Song Jian really yells after the player arrives, this is the task Strangely, I am afraid that most players will choose to stand by and grab the boss. For the players, there is no psychological burden, but being treated as a fool, not every player is willing to do it.

Therefore, if Song Jian did this, there would be very few players who attacked the BOSS. Most people would definitely stand by and even if Song Jian deceived them, it would be better to be fooled than a bunch of fools. Work a lot better

"Damn, aren't you afraid that we will join forces to kill you first?" Bonita's eyes showed a fierce look, and he yelped and whispered towards Song Jian for two steps;

"Of course, this is also one of your choices, but do you think that under the attack of the BOSS, you can still give up your energy to fight me?" Song Jian laughed, although he was holding a weapon, but he was not right. The BOSS launched an attack, and it is still in a non-combat state. It is not the first target of the BOSS attack;

Several other people looked at each other, and they all understood that Bonita was just saying irritation. If they really dare to take action with Song Jian, maybe Song Jian can destroy them alone ~ www.novelhall.com ~ After all, once the war starts, this dominated boss can instantly become Song Jian's teammate;

"Yes, I can share the mission with you, but you must keep it secret. You must know that there is a limit on the number of mission sharing!" Captain Tula closed his two-handed sword and immediately made a decision. He had realized that A lot of players came around this side, and delaying it is not good for anyone;

They did not know that Song Jian also had the task of killing the dominated boss. They were worried that Song Jian would ruin their plan;

Soon, Song Jian received a system prompt;

System: Player Tula will share the hidden mission "Prisoner's Prison" with you. Mission requirements: Turn on the six pillars of light in the city of the sky and release the imprisoned high priest Igorata. If the high priest has been eroded by the power of darkness, use you The sword in his hand ended his life and freed his soul! Quest reward: This professional dark gold quality skill book!

"Profit!" Song Jian's face suddenly appeared with a surprise smile, looking at the BOSS covered with golden chains, a look of expectation in his eyes;
