I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 917: Innocence

Seeing Song Jian walking towards himself, the one-winged angel Zhuo Wen knelt down on one knee and looked like he had accepted fate;

"Dear judge, the fighting angel Zhuowen pays tribute to you. I am willing to accept your trial and make atonement for the mistakes I made before!" Zhuo Wen said to Song Jian with his head down;

"Do you know what would happen if you were tried?" Song Jian asked. For these angels in the tribunal, almost all of them made mistakes pending trial, but unfortunately, the city of sky fell behind and experienced hundreds of years of loneliness. Most of the fighting angels were tempted by the power of darkness and violated Oath, became a slave to the dark forces, became a monster;

Only the fighting angel in front of him, although it has also been eroded by the dark forces a lot, but he is determined to accept the dark forces and has fallen into a monster that only knows about killing;

"Only by being judged can I cleanse the sin on my body. No matter what the end result is, I will face it openly!" Zhuo Wen raised his head and said to Song Jian with clear eyes;

What Song Jian didn't know was that it was precisely because he had killed all the evil angels who had fallen into the darkness, and gave Zhuowen infinite encouragement, so that he could get rid of the dark power temporarily and restore his mind;

At this time, Zhuo Wen felt that he had never been relaxed, but just wanted to wait for the trial of the judge quietly. This was his obsession for hundreds of years;

Looking at Zhuo Wen, Song Jian raised the Heavenly Sword in his hand, pointed to the other side, and said aloud, "Judgment!"

The sound of judgment rang out in the sky, and a white beam fell from the air, wrapping Zhuowen whole;

"The judge judges Zhuowen, the sinful angel, and the result of the judgement: Innocent, Zhuowen restores the glory of the fighting angel!"

Song Jian froze, you know, all the angels who can be detained in the tribunal are sinners. How could Zhuo Wen be innocent?

"Maybe it was because you caught it wrong? Or, after hundreds of years of imprisonment, Zhuo Wen has actually made atonement for himself?" Song Jian guessed in his heart;

Zhuo Wen's face showed a surprised look. Even this decision seemed to him shocked and surprised, but soon, a relieved look appeared on his face and a smile appeared;

The white beam of light that surrounded him did not disappear, but continued to condense, eventually forming a white feather, covering behind Zhuo Wen;

Zhuo Wen, who had only one wing at the moment, has now become a fighting angel again. Strong power is flowing from the wings of the angel. Zhuo Wen gives out a comfortable moan. This feeling of strength has disappeared. For hundreds of years, today, finally returned to himself again;

Like his right hand, a cross sword appeared in his hand, and he waved it away. The cage in front of him suddenly opened a large hole, and Zhuo Wen came out of the cage;

"The city of the sky has fallen, I am afraid that this is the last angel in this world!" Zhuo Wen sighed;

"How is it possible that there aren't many sky cities in this world?" Song Jian said strangely. "I heard people say that the sky city is not just one."

"Those you said are just projections of the city of the sky, and this city is the source!" Zhuo Wen glanced at Song Jian and shook his head: "Even the judge's inheritance was acquired by a human being, I am afraid that It won't be long before angels become legendary creatures. "

Song Jian was a little speechless, and he could hear that Zhuo Wen seemed dissatisfied with his title of "Angel Judge", but if he did not get the title of judge, he would not be able to judge Zhuo Wen, then Zhuo Wen would have no way to obtain " As a result of the "no sin" trial, he will be eroded by the power of darkness and reduced to a monster like other sinful angels;

"I want to take a look at the Tower of Prayer. There should be a lot of angel hearts in the temple of the Holy Spirit. As long as there is enough angel hearts, the glory of the city of the sky will surely reappear in this world again!" Zhuo Wen's face There was a look of perseverance. Since he is already the last fighting angel in this world, then the responsibility of rebuilding the city of the sky and restoring the glory of the fighting angel naturally fell on his shoulder;

"Actually, I once fought side by side with a battle angel in Abyss Hell, his name is Kekall!" Song Jian hesitated for a moment and said, "Unfortunately, in Abyss Hell, he was already killed, but he growled , But an angel egg condensed, and my friend hatched it, making it his own combat partner! "

"What, so to speak, I'm not the only angel in the world?" Zhuo Wen suddenly became excited;

"He hasn't grown up yet, he still looks like a child, only seven!" Song Jian shook his head;

"Seventh level ..." Zhuowen groaned for a moment, then took down a feather from the angel wings behind him, and handed it to Song Jian: "Since he chose to be your friend's combat partner, then I will respect him Choose! This angel feather will trouble you to transfer it to him. After his level is increased to ten, he must return to the city of the sky and receive the most orthodox battle angel training. The heritage of the battle angel will be passed down by the two of us. It is his responsibility! "

Song Jian nodded, took the Angel's feather and put it in the parcel box. He suddenly understood why the city of sky appeared so close to the city of Doom, perhaps because of the existence of Xiaoyong. Appear here

After everything was explained, Zhuo Wen waved his wings and flew towards the exit of the tribunal. Song Jian searched the tribunal again carefully and found nothing else, so he could only withdraw from the copy;

By the time Song Jian left the copy, he had lost the trace of the fighting angel Zhuo Wen ~ www.novelhall.com ~ his gaze looked towards the White Pagoda. At this time, Zhuo Wen may have entered the White Pagoda.

Just then, there was a violent explosion suddenly in the distance;

Bang ~

A small mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the ground of the entire city of the sky shook slightly;

Song Jian frowned slightly, looked in that direction, couldn't help but whispered, "Who lost this intercontinental missile here?"

Of course, the power of the explosion cannot be compared with intercontinental missiles. If it is an intercontinental missile, the city floating in the clouds may be fragmented and completely destroyed at this time;

After the explosion, Song Jian heard a roar like a thunder. A monster with a golden chain around his body appeared in front of him. Several players were constantly attacking beside this monster, but they For this monster, it looks like a few mosquitoes around the elephant. It has no deterrent effect except that it is annoying.
