I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 916: Total extinction

Song Jian in the air was surrounded by a group of evil angels. They kept attacking Song Jian. The two bosses even flung open arms, hugged Song Jian's body tightly, and bite Song Jian with his teeth. On the armor, the remaining few bosses who were able to fly also flung at him, and a group of people were entangled into a ball;

The flame wing slaps on these bosses constantly, leaving a large black burning trace on them. These evil angel bosses scream painfully, but no one evades and hugs them tightly. Song Jian, after a while, Song fitness was covered with these BOSS, and the whole person fell towards the ground;

The single-winged angel who was struggling with evil thoughts suddenly showed a sad look on his face and muttered to himself: "It is impossible to win, you must die, it is impossible to win ..."

At this moment, the corner of the unicorn's mouth suddenly lifted up, a strange smile appeared, and whispered to himself: "Did you feel the power of darkness, it is so powerful, as long as you give up As you are now, embrace the darkness, and you can have such a powerful power ... "

After a moment, the face of the single-winged angel changed greatly, and the whole person shivered like a sieve bran. A blue tendon appeared on his forehead, and the sweat quickly permeated the whole body;

"No, the judge's heritage is not cut off, I will surely get a notarized verdict!" The one-winged angel roared, as if waking up from a nightmare, lying on the ground, supporting his body with his hands, gasping heavily. With sweat dripping, he knew that his face must be ugly and scary at this moment;

"The legacy of the judges? Oh, are you referring to the human who is about to die?" A somber voice sounded in the ear of the mono-angel Angel Zhuo Wen, this voice seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, only he was alone Can hear: "Look at it, watch the last judges of the angel family be killed in front of your eyes. At that moment, you will embrace the darkness completely and become our part ..."

The gloomy voice gradually disappeared, but the painful expression on Zhuo Wen's face grew stronger. He shook his head in pain and wanted to stand up: "No, I can't just watch the judges killed by them, I can't ! "

Zhuo Wen held up the fence of the cage, slowly stood up, held the cage fence with both hands, and tried hard to open the iron pillars of the fence, but no matter how hard he tried, these iron pillars seemed to take root and remained motionless;

He who has lost an angel's wings is equivalent to losing half of his source of strength, and his body has been continuously eroded by darkness during hundreds of years of imprisonment. Now his strength, I am afraid, is an ordinary human Almost, there is no way to break free of the cage;

"No!" Zhuo Wen yelled, looking desperate, looking at Song Jian who had fallen from the air, immediately surrounded by dozens of BOSS, his heart began to sink slowly, together The black moire slowly appeared on his cheek again. The moment Song Jian died, it was when he fell completely into darkness;

At this time, Song Jian felt a pain in his whole body, and the boss was attacking him constantly, but he couldn't fight back at all. It was surrounded by bosses. Looking around, all that appeared in front of him were all Zhang Zhang Evil face, he has been sternly surrounded by BOSS;

Qi and blood values ​​continued to drop, and soon exceeded 50%. With only more than 3,000 blood and blood values ​​remaining, he could only persist for more than ten seconds, and he would be killed by these monsters;

Soul Walk!

Song Jianying suddenly became transparent, flashed through the heavy siege, he directly passed through the siege of the monster, the flames fluttered, and the whole person flew into the air.

From the parcel box, he pulled out a bottle of medicine that could restore blood value during the battle and poured it into his mouth. Song Jian's face was gloomy and terrible.

There are too many monsters, and the venue is too small. There is no enough place for him to escape. He can only fight with these bosses, but he only has more than 6,000 blood values. How can he deal with these 100,000 blood values? BOSS hard fight, and there are more than 30 of these BOSS;

Looking at the skill bar, Wan Jianjue still has a five-second cooling time. Song Jian's eyebrows opened with open eyes, and a bright beam of light locked the BOSS with the lowest blood value in the monster group;

A dazzling beam of light blasted at the BOSS, and a series of five hundred points of real damage floated from its head;

Several bosses with flying ability immediately waved their wings and rushed towards Song Jian in the air, but at this time Song Jian was in a state of soul, and their damage could not hurt Song Jian at all;

After the Eye Kill skill is released, the cooling time of Wan Jianjue is also over;

After looking at the remaining time of the soul walking state, there were less than three seconds left. Song Jian fiercely chopped towards the ground. For a moment, countless flames flew in the air like a meteor, and a sound of joy emerged from the corner of Song Jian's mouth;

Karma Red Lotus Sword Formation!

A bright red lotus flower slowly blooms on the ground, with a strong suction, sucking all BOSS on the ground towards the center of the lotus;

Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the soul walk time, and there was less than a second left. The flames of light fluttered, and he also rushed towards the Red Lotus Sword Formation of Yihuo;

The evil angels who could fly behind roared behind him, like moths fluttering at the fire, regardless of whether or not they stepped into death in the next step;

Boom ~

There was a loud noise, the hot flames soared into the sky, the rolling heat wave swept through the training field like a shock wave, and the temperature in the air instantly increased by dozens of degrees;

All the bosses trapped in the sword array all uttered a painful roar, and the one-way angel Zhuo Wen in the distance burst into a strange look in his eyes. A wing behind him suddenly burst into a milky light. The black magic lines on his face also began to fade slowly;

The huge flame lotus began to slowly close together, and the blood and blood values ​​of all BOSS began to fall wildly ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Some have even turned into flying ash, and the number is rapidly decreasing;

When the huge lotus was closed, there were less than ten BOSS trapped in the sword array, all of which were the deepest and most powerful BOSS that fell into the dark.

After all the flame lotuses were closed, a splendid sword light was bred in the lotus flower. A huge long sword emerged in the air and severely chopped down towards the closed lotus;

Bang ~

After a loud noise, the dust was scattered, the ground was covered with a thick layer of ashes, and dozens of kinds of items of various colors were scattered on the ground;

This time, Song Jian was very productive, killing more than 30 elite bosses above level 45 in one go. Just the experience value directly increased by more than half. The remaining equipment is enough to make the city of hope. The entire elite group has a big changeover;

Picking up all the items, Song Jian's eyes locked on the one-winged angel still in the cage, and he slowly walked towards him;
