I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 913: Flame wing

The huge fire blade continued for dozens of meters, and was severely chopped on the battle angel. A "click" sounded as if something had been cut directly.

A 100,000-point injury figure floated above the battle angel's head.

Qi and blood were cleared instantly, and the figure of the fighting angel slowly disappeared, leaving only a pair of flame wings that were constantly burning and waving.

System: You have defeated the assessment judge and the assessment is perfect.

System: You replaced the assessment judge and got the title of "War Angel Judge". Angel Judge: Has the right to judge the angel family. If the other party violates the angel law, the judge has the right to detain, imprison or even kill the target.

Song Jian appeared in front of a waterfall-like system of information. What was recorded above was the so-called angel law. There are at least hundreds of these rules. These laws regulate the behavior of the angel family. If they violate it, they will be punished. The right to this punishment.

The pair of flame wings in mid-air turned into a streamer and flew towards Song Jian. Soon, behind Song Jian, a pair of flame wings appeared, which seemed to grow from Song Jian's back. same.

This pair of flame light wings is much more gorgeous than the ordinary angel wings or steel wings. The dancing light wings constantly flow the flames and drip toward the ground. After leaving the light wings, these flames slowly disappear and disappear. The light wing emits a dazzling light, and it looks like a perfect work of art.

There is a time limit for using steel wings to fly. Yujian flight not only takes up the skybreaker sword but also continuously consumes the sword energy, but this pair of flame light wings gives Song Jian the ability to continue flying, as long as his body can bear it It doesn't matter if you fly for three days and three nights, and now Song Jian has become more flexible when he casts Wan Jianjue in the air.

Song Jian was holding a sky-breaking sword, and the flames of light fluttered behind him, looking almost indistinguishable from a war angel.

The shadows of the angels on the benches slowly disappeared, and the twelve archangels on the stands all stood up. The figures disappeared, leaving only one twelve-winged archangel at last.

He slowly stepped out of the stands, strolled through the void, and soon came to Song Fitness.

The archangel was wearing a broken gray robe. The whole man was covered by the robe, and his face was hidden in the hood.

The archangel pulled out a long sword and placed it on Song Jian's left shoulder. A deep voice sounded from under the hood.

"I give you the right to make judgments in the name of judging angels. You need to keep in mind the glory, justice, fairness, courage, and kindness of the angels ..."

"You should abide by the rules of justice, and have the courage to fight evil without fear of sacrifice ..."

"You have to guard the beautiful things in this world with the sword in your hand ..."

"For the weak, you must have compassion and compassion ..."

"For power, you must have no fear and resistance ..."

With the admonition of the trial angel, Song Jian felt a strong heat flow in the flames of light behind him, flowing along the meridians of the body through the limbs.

The entire body seemed to be constantly brushed by a stream of heat, and every pore on the surface of the skin began to show a light white fluorescent light, and Song Jian was immersed in the heat.

Do not know how long, Song Jian slowly opened his eyes, the trial angel did not know when it has disappeared, he returned to the training ground before.

Looking at the wooden human targets around him, Song Jian had a feeling of passing away. Everything that he had experienced before seemed to be an illusion, but he quickly realized that the pair of flame wings that were still fluttering behind him.

"Here, is this all true?" Song Jian gently filtered the flowing flame wings with his fingers, without any burning sensation, but felt the warmth coming from his fingers.

As soon as the thoughts moved, the flame wing fluttered gently, and he even felt like he was about to fly, and his feet left the ground involuntarily.

"This, it feels like ..." Song Jian's face showed a pleasant surprise. You know, even if he used the steel wings to fly in the air, Song Jian also felt like he was using an appliance, but now this pair of flame wings, Give him a trembling feel, as if the light wing was originally part of his body.

"Flame wing (first-order), exogenous equipment, use effect: increase the speed of spirit value by 50%, you can fly in the air; item description: This item is unique to the angel judges, only players with the title of angel judge To qualify for it! "

"Spirit recovery speed increased by 50%?" Song Jian's face appeared with a pleasant smile. Although his current mental limit is much higher than ordinary players, he also consumes more mental value, similar to the sword shadow clone. Skills are directly consumed according to percentages, which makes Song Jian a headache;

With the Flame Wings, at least Song Jian does not need to frequently use the spirit recovery potion. The most important thing is that he can display Wan Jianjue in the air at any time, which greatly increases flexibility.

Click, click ~

Just then, the wooden human targets around them suddenly shattered one by one, and a roar came from the room around the referee.

Banging ~

All the houses around the court suddenly collapsed, revealing huge cages inside. These cages were all made of steel with the thickness of their arms. They were all huge monsters with huge faces and huge faces. These monsters looked different. , But the only thing in common is that each has a pair of wings behind them;

"Is this the referee or the prison where the monsters are held?" After looking around, Song Jian couldn't help voicing;

All the monsters became excited at the moment when the surrounding houses collapsed, constantly hitting their cages with their bodies, trying to escape from them;

They looked at Song Jian, and their eyes were full of greed, and some could not help but shed the gurgling water;

"If I were you ~ www.novelhall.com ~, just leave these guys before these guys escape!" A bland voice came out after Song fitness.

Song Jian turned around and pulled over. In an iron cage behind him, an angel was detained. The angel had only one wing left, and the other seemed to have been cut off.

"Who are you?" Song Jian whispered;

"The legacy of the judges of the angel family fell into the hands of a human, it is really sad!" This war angel with only one wing looked at the flaming flame wings of Song after fitness, and there was a trace of sadness on his face. look.

"Come on, lose the suppression of the formation, these monsters will soon break out of the cage. They were all sinners and were arrested and tried in the tribunal. But hundreds of years later, they have lost their minds. , Become a monster! "The eyes of the war angel with only one wing left, a scarlet scar slowly appeared, his face struggling, his whole body was working hard, as if trying to suppress something .

"Come on!" The war angel stood up sharply and snarled at Song Jian;
