I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 912: Phase 2

"Here, isn't this a copy, why is there a hidden task?" Song Jian was surprised, but did not reveal anything, but just summoned the sky-breaking sword, holding me tightly in my hand;

It is rare to receive a mission in this instance. Most players encounter a situation where they will only find a replica after receiving the mission, but once they can receive the mission in the replica, it means that the mission reward is very Rich, is beyond the reach of many players.

Soon, fuzzy figures appeared on the wooden chairs around them. They didn't say a word, just looked at Song Jian quietly. These silhouettes look like a light group, except that a pair of wings and lights on the back flashes slightly;

On the twelve ornate chairs on the front, the light and shadow of angels also appeared. Each of these angels sitting on the wide stands has six pairs of gorgeous wings. These wings look like flowing flames, full of prestige. Pressure and oppression;

These lights and shadows have been staring at Song Jian, and a look of expectation appeared on some faces, but Song Jian knew that these were not real angels at all, but should be the images that remained before this assessment site.

Soon opposite Song Jian, a fighting angel with a pair of flame wings appeared. The angel was handsome in appearance, but exuded a strong momentum. His left-handed shield and right-handed sword seemed to be professional. One of the most common sword shields,

The flame wings behind him are different from the white feather wings of other fighting angels, and they look a bit like the wings of the twelve archangels in the stands;

System: To be a judge, you must have superb martial arts. You must be in the hands of a formal judge at a tribunal for half an hour before you are eligible for the title of judge.

Looking at the judge with flame wings across the face, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth, but he was just a forty-five-level elite BOSS. His blood value was not even 100,000, only 80,000 points. It ’s possible that if you own a million swordsmanship, you can kill him directly. Isn't this task too simple?

As I was thinking, a bell rang, and the judge holding the sword and shield on the other side struck the shield with a sword, then rushed towards Song Jian;

Before he rushed to the front, Song Jian waved the breaking sword and slammed at him. In a split second, dozens of spirit swords emerged, and flew towards the battle angel like a shooting star;

The fighting angel seemed to perceive the danger. The center of gravity of the entire body moved downwards, holding the shield in front of it, protecting most of the body, and still rushing towards Song Jian at a constant speed;

Bang Bang Bang ~

Most of the spirit swords were bombarded on the shield, and there were more than ten swords that were chopped on other parts of the body of the battle angel, but what surprised Song Jian was that whether it was the sword that bombarded the shield, The spirit sword on the body even caused him only a little damage;

"This, how is this possible?" Song Jian's face showed a surprised look, but the distance between them only gave him a chance to strike. After releasing Wan Jianjue, the battle angel had already rushed to his Come forward, wave the sword in your hand, and chop down at him;

The stinging wind caused a tingling in his cheeks. Song Jian quickly fought with a sword. With a bang, he suddenly felt a strong surge in his right hand. Song Jian's face changed. The strength of this fighting angel The attributes are similar to themselves;

After a moment of divine effort, the fighting angel's left-handed shield smashed towards Song Jian fiercely, Song Jian quickly dodged to the right, before standing still, the fighting angel's sword slashed at him again, Song Jian can only retreat;

In just a few seconds, Song Jian was forced back by more than ten meters by this battle angel, and his back had been hit **** the stone wall around the training ground;

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian once again waved the Heavenly Sword. This time, the number of Spirit Swords hit sixty handles directly, which gave Song Jian a look of surprise on his face.

Sixty-handed swords, but can form a karma red lotus sword formation, even if it is a dominance-level BOSS, it is impossible to survive in this sword formation. The opposing battle angel with only more than 80,000 qi is basically possible. Resist this sword array.

Countless spirit swords burned with blazing flames and turned into a fiery red lotus petal. All lotus petals gathered together, and a bright karma red lotus surrounded the fighting angels.

A burst of golden iron and iron clashes sounded, and the red flames of the Red Lotus Sword burst from the industry fire, and the hot breath swept away like a tide;

However, the wrapped fighting angel seems to have a strong immunity to these flames. There is just a series of "-1" characters floating above his head. It seems that these flames can kill an dominant BOSS. None of his defenses could be broken.

Soon, some changes took place in the yehuo red lotus sword formation. Among these flames, a metallic luster shone. A three-foot long sword slowly condensed from the yehuo red lotus. This long sword appeared The surrounding golden red flames all rushed towards it. For a moment, the entire long sword was burning with a blazing flame. The flame on the blade became more and more fierce. In a short time, the effort quickly expanded and grew. With each breath, the flame on the sword condensed into a huge fire blade with a length of seven or eight meters;

The raging flames emerged through the blade, dyeing the entire training ground a golden red;

"Why, what's the situation, this is the second stage of the Red Lotus Sword Formation?" Song Jian was stunned. He didn't know that the Sword Formation actually had the second phase. He could only watch the Sword Formation change.

In the red fire sword array of the industry, all the flames were swallowed by this sword, and in the center of the sword, a deep black breath emerged;

At the moment when this black breath appeared ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The expressionless fighting angel finally showed a shocked look, and then looked at Song Jian's eyes, full of anger and hatred;

Looking at the blade in the air, Song Jian found that he seemed to be able to control it, and his heart moved. The sword slammed sharply, chopping fiercely towards the battle angel.

For a moment, the air seemed to stand still for a moment. The horrible flames of the flames, mixed with the violent whistling, fell down towards the fighting angels. The hot flames instantly filled the entire training ground;

The battle angel's face changed, stepping on his feet, rushing behind him, trying to escape from the attack range of the fire blade, but as soon as the fire blade waved, he immediately locked the battle angel. With his rapid retreat, the fire The blade also became longer and longer, and the fighting angel could not escape the envelope of the fire blade;

The huge fire blade was chopped down with a thunderous whistling sound. Before the sword arrived, the hard slate on the training ground had begun to collapse and shatter quickly and silently. As the sword went away, it was destroyed on the ground. A deep groove was outlined, which seemed as if the entire training field was to be divided into two.
