I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 914: Trial

"Click, click ~"

These imprisoned monsters slammed into the cages around them, all of them seemed to have lost their minds, leaving only greed and hunger in their eyes.

The strong body constantly banged on the hard cage railing, even if the blood on the body was dripping; it was soon; the fine iron railing of the cage began to distort and deformed slowly under strong impact. Twisted and stretched, eventually cracking open a large hole.

A head with double horns, covered with blue-black scales, and a pair of monsters with gray wings behind it, rushed out of the cage, bare fists, half-fruited body, hard skin, covered with cages Blood scales from the fence, some scales were even scraped off directly, hanging on the cage fence, it looks miserable;

"The evil angel to be judged, level 45, elite BOSS, qi and blood level 45, elite BOSS ..." Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at the monster that rushed towards him, breaking the sword in his hand. , Severely chopped past it;

The sharp long sword made a low whistling sound, tearing through the void like lightning, and a dazzling sword light flashed. On the chest of this monster, a scar with visible bones was left, and blood spewed out;

Even without skill, Song Jian can cause horrible damage. You know, Skyscraper is an epic sword. The damage and the attributes are terrifying. You can easily break the defense of these forty-five elite bosses. Cause a lot of harm to them;

The monster's impulse was stunned and he couldn't help taking a step back, but soon it rushed over again, and it had turned into the hands of the beast's claws, covering it over Song Jian's head;

The long sword slammed upward, the two claws of the two monsters were held up, and a flare of Mars came out. The claw of this monster was as tough as steel;

The strong wind screamed, and the sky-breaking sword kept flying in Song Jian's hands. At the same time, Song Jian flickered and dodged the BOSS attack. Jian Guang continued to shine around the body of this BOSS, even if it was just an ordinary attack. It has caused great damage, and its blood value is continuously falling. It seems that even if Wan Jianjue is not used, the death of this forty-five elite boss is only a matter of time;

Huh ~

The boss who had lost one third of his blood value suddenly fanned the gray feathers and slaps towards Song Jian. Song Jian thought of it, and the flame wings behind him also fanned at the same time;

Uh ~

A dull collision sounded, and the two pairs of wings flapped fiercely together. Song Jian felt his body shake and couldn't help but take two steps backwards. The forty-five elite boss on the opposite side seemed to be being beaten. A train hit the general, and the whole person was blown out, hitting a steel cage behind him severely, the gray wings of his body emitting a blue smoke, leaving a large piece of burning on it trace;

It seems that even if it is a forty-fifth-level elite BOSS, the wings behind it seem to be much lower than their own flame wing grades, and they cannot be opposed at all;

Song Jian's mind moved, and the impact seemed to remind him that after becoming an angel judge, he had the right to convict ordinary angels. The monster in front of him, but the evil angel has not yet been tried.

"I am trying this sinner in the name of the Angel Judge!" Song Jian whispered pointing at the forty-fifth-level elite BOSS who was struggling with a heavenly sword.

After he shouted this sentence, a solemn and solemn voice suddenly sounded in the air;

"The trial begins!"

An inexplicable mysterious beam of light suddenly appeared, enveloping the elite BOSS that had turned up and climbing up, while a white light appeared in the beam of light, like a rope, binding this BOSS up and down;

On top of it, a golden word of "trial" appeared. The boss was roaring wildly and struggling, but he couldn't break the shackles of white light;

After a while, the solemn and solemn voice sounded again;

"The trial is over, the result of the trial: guilty! He has fallen into darkness and deserves to be punished by slander!"

Once the trial results are guilty, they will be punished. There are many ways to punish, but obliteration is undoubtedly the most serious one. Only for those sinners who have fallen into darkness, such extreme punishment will be used!

A dazzling white light suddenly burst into the sky, Song Jian looked up, and a huge cross lightsaber appeared in mid-air out of nowhere. The entire copy echoed the sound of "erasing". This is the sword of punishment. Once After appearing and locking the target, the punished angel has no resistance at all, and it can cause devastating damage to the angel;

Uh ~

The cross lightsaber fell down and chopped down fiercely towards the neck of this BOSS. This elite BOSS with two-thirds of blood value was killed instantly and his head was chopped down.

Blood spewed from the neck, his body slightly shook, and he fell to the ground fiercely. After a while, his body turned into countless crystal white light spots, and slowly floated into the air and disappeared.

"Seckill?" Song Jian showed a shocking look on his face, and glanced at the title skill of "judgment" again, and then a surprise appeared on his face.

Although it can only be used on the angel family, this skill is too powerful. Once the trial is convicted, no matter how powerful the angel is, there is no power to fight back against the trial punishment.

"The cooling time is ten minutes ..." Looking at the monsters around him, a helpless look appeared on Song Jian's face.

There are dozens of monsters that are impacting the cage all around. Within a minute at most, they will all break out of the cage. The "judgment" skill is too late to cast a second time;

Suddenly, Song Jian seemed to think of something, and hurriedly looked at the monster's body that had been tried before. At this time, the body of the BOSS had been completely decomposed into white light spots, disappeared, and nothing was left in place;

"The monster being tried does not burst the loot!" Song Jian's face suddenly became ugly, and killing the monster without any loot was an impossible thing for any player. .

Looking at the monsters that are constantly attacking the cage around them ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian clenched the sky-breaking sword in his hand and secretly said, "It seems that you still need to kill these monsters yourself!"

Speaking of it, Song Jian fiercely slashed at a monster who had broken through half of his cage;

Wan Jianjue!

Dozens of swords burning with blazing flames burst out of the air, chopped towards this monster, and after a burst of sword light flashed, the explosion suddenly remembered;

This BOSS with more than 90,000 qi and blood value, was instantly beaten into a state of residual blood, the huge body fell down suddenly, and the broken iron railing of the broken cage was severely inserted into his body. Blood splattered, the BOSS screamed, drained the last trace of vitality, and hit his head on the ground.

Five or six items with various colors burst out from its body, Song Jian glanced, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face;

"This is the normal monster-cracking procedure!" Song Jian secretly said, locking another monster, and swinging his sword at it;
