I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 911: Pillar of courage

Solanda is a rare class, soul summoner, can enslave a monster's soul after killing a dying monster, but the limited condition is that the last blow of the kill must be completed by Solanda, otherwise, There is no way to enslave the souls of monsters killed;

And after enslaving the monster's soul, Solanda will be given several special skills according to the monster's strength and attributes. The stronger the monster, the better the skills given;

The most important thing is that Solanda can also summon enslaved monster souls to assist in battle. Although these participating monster souls can only show 80% of their strength while alive, Solanda's cap on slavery is not limited. ;

As long as he has enough mental power, he can theoretically enslave an army of monster souls, but although Solanda is also a profession with special spiritual attributes, but with his current mental power, ordinary monsters can only enslave up to 50 Only, elite BOSS can only enslave ten, lord-level boss can only enslave five;

More words will affect his ability to release;

There is a time limit for enslaved monster souls, ordinary ones can exist for seven days, elite BOSS souls can exist for five days, and lord boss bosses can only exist for three days. When the time is up, the enslaved souls will dissipate;

And if these monster souls are summoned to assist in the battle, once the monster souls die in the battle, they will die completely, and even the skills given by these monsters will disappear, so the professional limit is still very large.

Originally Solanda had enslaved enough monster souls before, but after a few battles, the souls of ordinary monsters have been almost consumed. None of the three elite BOSS souls originally enslaved were left, which led to Thoran Tat's combat effectiveness fell to a trough;

However, once Soranda is enslaved to the soul of ten elite bosses, his strength will once again become the first in the entire team. As long as he adapts to the skills obtained after enslaving the boss, Soranda ’s strength can be completely crushed. Masters of the same rank;

The soul of the enslaved BOSS is a lot of blood. If it is used against an unguarded player, it will be able to knock this player out in ten seconds.

"Boss, I'm going to open the pillar!" A French professional in a blue robe, holding a dagger in his right hand, and a magic ball in his left hand, shouted to Tula;

"Go, be careful!"

Li Mu nodded, took a deep breath, and slowly walked toward the stone pillar without the guard of BOSS;

He is the only Chinese player in the team. He is usually quiet, but his strength cannot be underestimated. He is the only orthodox magician in the team. In each battle, his output damage is always in the forefront. , And this hidden mission was also his first discovery;

Originally this was a single-person task, but after he received it, it was turned into a team task for free. Although this would make the original reward he received smaller, it would be more secure.

Li Mu walked to this stone pillar and squinted his eyes to identify the broken pattern on the stone pillar. The pattern on the stone pillar full of cracks was difficult to identify. After a while, Li Mu sweated on his forehead. Others The companions did not dare to approach at all, and looked at Li Mu from a distance, feeling nervous for him;

Soon, Li Mu found a stone from the parcel, looked down at the pattern on the stone, looked up again to confirm the stone pillar, and nodded severely, saying to himself: "Courage Stone pillar, it should be this one! "

Having said that, Li Mu will slap the stone in his hand fiercely towards the stone pillar;

Seeing Li Mu's movements, almost all the companions in the team stepped back two steps. Only the soldier holding the heavy shield put on a defensive posture and kept the others behind him;

This task requires six stones to be slammed on the six stone pillars correctly. These stones correspond to the stone pillars one by one. You can only find one-to-one correspondence from the mission description;

Although everyone accepted this task, only those who choose the stones and pillars will be able to complete the task first.

Once the selection of stones and pillars is wrong, a violent explosion will occur, and the person who made the selection is absolutely a lifetime, which is why Li Mu is so nervous.

When Li Mu shot the stones on the stone pillars severely, the entire city of the sky seemed to tremble slightly. The stone pillars that were already full of cracks began to shake violently, and then the "banging" collapsed and replaced. Is a beam of light that goes straight to the sky;

On the surface of this blue beam of light, several golden runes emerged. If Li Mu and other people knew angelic words, they would recognize that these runes were the words "pillar of courage";

"Successful, successful!" Several companions hiding behind the heavy shield soldier saw the sky-high beam of light suddenly became excited, all jumped up and cheered loudly;

"Go on, go on, there are five pillars, and five bosses, haha!" Captain Tula laughed happily, and the eyes of several people turned to the guardian boss under the other five pillars.

At this time, Song Jian has entered the tribunal. After stepping on the stone ladder, Song Jian came to a vast space. It looks like a training ground. On the empty square, there are wooden pieces. Human targets, which are full of signs of being beaten and chopped, seem to have been used for many years;

There were also many training iron swords and spears on the ground, which seemed to have been deserted for a long time;

While looking around, Song Jian walked towards the training ground;

"How come there are no monsters in this copy?" Song Jian frowned slightly. Until now, he had not noticed the existence of monsters in this copy;

At this moment, a weird change suddenly occurred in the training ground. The originally arranged wooden targets suddenly burst into a strong white light;

Soon these white rays became more and more abundant, and gradually became a piece. Song Jian was completely wrapped by this light, and the thorny eyes could not be opened, so he could only cover them with his hands.

Just then ~ www.novelhall.com ~ A loud voice sounded in Song Jian's ear;

"Only the most elite fighting angels can be part of the judges. Are you ready?"

Song Jian was shocked, and suddenly felt that the surrounding white light had disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, he found that the original training ground had disappeared and replaced with a place similar to an arena;

It is surrounded by three rows of stepped steps, and on each step, rows of wooden chairs are placed;

In front of Song Jian, there is a wide platform. A gorgeous chair is placed every few meters on the platform. Song Jian counted it. There are twelve such chairs;

At this moment, no matter the simple wooden chairs or the twelve gorgeous chairs in front of him, there was no figure, but in front of Song Jian, a countdown of thirty seconds appeared inexplicably;

System: You have triggered a hidden mission, Angel Judge, as long as you can successfully clear the copy, you will get a special title "Angel Judge", this title can be advanced!
