I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 910: Bondage

Bonita is an investigative profession in the team, so he has a high perception. He has always paid attention to the surroundings during the battle and found that Song Jian is not strange, except that Song Jian is too fast and Bonita does not even respond. Over here, Song Jian has entered the tribunal;

"Should we go to that building in a while?" Bonita asked, pointing to the referee;

"Why, what did you find?" A soldier holding a two-handed sword, severely chopped a monster to the ground, wiped the blood splashing on his face, and turned his head to ask;

"It seems that a figure got in just now." Bonita pointed to the referee;

"Is there only one person?" Tula frowned slightly, glancing in the direction of Bonita's finger, and said, "Wait until we finish the task first, and then we have time to look over."

Song Jian had previously guessed that these people, like themselves, would only be here if they had obtained a copy key, but in fact, these people appeared here after accidentally receiving a hidden task after entering the city of the sky. ;

"Well, the nearby monsters are almost clear, Yani, go and bring in the guardians in front of the pillar, be careful, those guardians are elite bosses." Tula pointed to the stone pillar closest to them. Say

These stone pillars are covered with cracks, and the patterns engraved on them can no longer be seen. A look that will collapse at any time. Under each stone pillar, there is a giant monster lying on its face. It looks very embarrassing. Once there are other monsters approaching them, these monsters will immediately explode, tearing the nearby monsters to pieces, which also results in an area of ​​more than ten meters around each stone pillar, in addition to the BOSS guarding the stone pillar, No monster appeared;

Yani is the archer who has been attracted in this team. His profession is the magic archer. He can add various magic effects to the long arrows that he shoots, and he also masters this close combat bow dance. His strength is very high. Powerful

Yanni first cast a slow arrow, which reduced the movement speed by 30% while attracting the protection of the boss. Afterwards, the long bow in Yanni's hand fired like a torrential rain, firing a magic weapon The long arrow, before the BOSS approached, hit the foot;

After the effect of the slow arrow disappeared, BOSS landed on all fours and snarled and rushed towards Yani. At this moment, a player holding a large shield slammed into the BOSS and smashed the strong BOSS more than two meters tall. He knocked directly on the ground, and at the same time, he yelled, the long sword in his right hand was severely chopped on the BOSS, leaving an "armor breaking" effect on the opponent;

After a series of moves, the shield soldier successfully attracted the hatred of BOSS to himself. At the same time, several other companions also began to pour out all the firepower. This guarded BOSS sent out screams from time to time, short Within five minutes, he was beaten to death;

"Soranda, come and try to enslave this BOSS." Captain Tula, holding a two-handed sword, beckoned and shouted at a teenager standing at the back of the team;

A thin boy slowly walked up. Before the battle, he had been standing in the distance watching and did not join the fight, but everyone was not dissatisfied with it, even if the captain let the dying BOSS out and called The boy was enslaved and the others did not show dissatisfaction;

This guardian BOSS has a very strong sense of fighting. Even if he has fallen into a dying state, he still has not given up the fight. He struggles on the ground and wants to climb up again, but in the dying state, all attributes will weaken, which made it try a few times. Without success

Solanda seemed to be a bit afraid, standing far away from the boss, with her hands raised above her head, and after a while of effort, a dark purple book slowly appeared on her empty hands;


This book automatically turned to one of the pages without wind. Solanda began to chant mantras. The clouds changed in a moment. The originally clear sky quickly condensed a large dark cloud. The thick dark cloud kept rolling, and the center soon appeared. A huge vortex

A giant brown claw full of long hairs protruded out of the vortex and pressed hard towards the guardian boss who was already dying;

A scream screamed loudly. This guarded BOSS was actually pressed into a pile of meat sauce by the giant claw appearing in the air;

Soon, a translucent white soul floated from the corpse that guarded the boss. Its eyes were full of confusion, and he didn't seem to know that he was dead;

At this moment, the sound of Solanda's recitation of the spell suddenly became louder, and the spirit of the BOSS suddenly changed, and he growled and wanted to escape away;

But from the dark purple books in Solanda's hands, a strong suction emerged, which directly sucked in the white soul of this BOSS from a distance;

Bang ~

After a thunder blast, the dark clouds disappeared in an instant and disappeared, leaving only a puddle of dirty blood and meat sauce in place;

"How about, Solanda, should you be successful?" Tura, the two-handed swordsman, asked quickly;

Solanda quickly opened the book in her hand to check it, and after a while, his face showed a happy look, and nodded again and again: "Well, this time finally succeeded!"

"Huh, finally succeeded, this is already the fifth BOSS!" Yanni, the magic archer next to him, made a face at Sorenda;

"Come on, what skills can be released this time?" Bonita asked quickly;

Each time Solanda slaves ~ www.novelhall.com ~, he can get several special skills from BOSS. These skills are related to BOSS, but they are not the skills mastered by BOSS;

"A roaring skill that increases the damage of everyone in the team by 35%, and a skill that increases the attack speed, can increase the attack speed by 15% for 30 seconds. Finally, there is a special skill, heavy shadow, consumes 90 % Of the spirit value, summoned 30 Bloodshadow slaves, and attacked the target for 10 seconds. The Bloodslave slaves could not be locked and could not attack! "Solanda looked at a page printed with BOSS in the book, Read all the newly acquired skills: "But if you cast this skill, you cannot cast the Summon Beast Soul skill, you cannot summon BOSS to assist the battle, you must wait until the 5 minute cooldown is over."

"Hum, it's very powerful. Come, give me a frantic try first, and let me feel, the feeling after the damage increased by 35%." Tula seems to be very satisfied with these skills acquired by Solanda, full of face Said with a smile;

"First, give me one to increase the attack speed. I will introduce another BOSS to see what powerful skills this BOSS can give you!" Yani quickly said to Solanda;
