I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 909: court

The location of the white tower should be the core of the entire city of the sky. It is estimated that most of the original owners of the city live there.

Song Jian saw a lot of monsters along the way. The closer to the white tower, the higher the monster level. The monster level near the white tower has reached forty-fifth level. This is an area where ordinary players ca n’t even step on, even if it is one. Only ordinary quality monsters have the power to crush ordinary players;

And Song Jian also saw several elite bosses at the forty-eighth level, who were motionless around several stone pillars. Once fighting with these ordinary monsters, they would easily attract the attention of these elite bosses.

"If you want to explore here, at least you must have an epic career at level 38." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, he doesn't think that in the entire game, he is the only lucky player to get a career above the rare level. ;

Soon, the White Pagoda appeared in front of Song Jian, but there were many monsters all around the White Pagoda. If you want to get close to the White Pagoda, you must clean it here.

Song Jian directly used the function of hiding the necklace, the figure slowly disappeared in place, then entered the stealth state, and slowly touched the white tower;

Song Jian did not know the location of the tribunal, but this white tower is the most prominent building in the entire city of the sky. There should be clues to the tribunal here;

Song Jian walked carefully through the monster group. Once these monsters are alarmed, it will inevitably lead to a war. So many monsters, even if Song Jian uses Wan Jianjue, there is no way to kill them all, but it will lead to more. monster;

After much difficulty, Song Jiancai got into the first floor of the white tower through a broken stone window. This is a vast space, surrounded by empty spaces. In the center of the room, there is a rotating stone ladder. The front of the stone ladder is A transmission light gate

Song Jian's eyes brightened, did he say his luck was so good, this white tower is actually the court of the sky city?

Quickly walked towards this light gate, approaching the light gate, Song Jian suddenly received the system prompt;

System: Are you entering the Temple of Prayer (Level 5 mystic)? Enter a shard of the key that requires Holy Light;

"It turned out to be a fifth-level copy?" Song Jian was shocked. The higher the level of the copy, the more difficult it was, but the more treasures he could get from the copy;

Many treasures with special effects are almost all obtained from the copy, even if the equipment of the same rank, the equipment attributes produced in the copy are stronger than those obtained in the wild;

It is a pity that Song Jian does not have the key fragment of the key of light required to enter this copy, and can only look forward to it with sigh;

Touching the rotating stone ladder behind the light door with his hand, Song Jian found that the arm passed through the stone ladder directly. It seems that these stone ladders are part of the copy, and they must enter the copy to board the white ladder. The second floor of the tower, which does not enter through the light gate, cannot reach these stone ladders at all;

Unable to enter the second floor of the White Pagoda, Song Jian could only search on the first floor. After a short time, Song Jian found a topographic map of the city of the sky on a wall;

The topographic map engraved on it shows what the city of the sky was most prosperous. Countless angels with white wings are walking on the street. The vendors on both sides are not only angels, but also many other races. Very harmonious

The white tower engraved on the wall was glowing around, and a six-winged angel holding a sharp blade and a shield stood at the top of the white tower;

"Praying for the temple!" Song Jian looked at the name engraved on the white pagoda and whispered; the white pagoda was the temple of prayer;

Then, Song Jian's eyes fell on the other buildings around the white tower;

"The Temple of Fighting, the Temple of Wisdom, the Temple of Courage ..." Song Jian looked at the buildings one by one, and soon he found the place where the building was located;

"Pray behind the temple, the building with the sword and sharp axe as badges!" Song Jian stared at a building on the wall, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and finally found the place of the referee;

At this point, the remaining time of the Six-Edged Key was less than four hours, and Song Jian used the abyss concealment again and touched the position of the referee building;

When Song Jian was close to the referee, he suddenly heard a roar and roar of monsters from behind and looked back. Song Jian saw that a small team of players appeared near the white tower. The level of these players Almost all of them are 38 or 89, and the quality of the equipment on them is very good. It seems that it is better than the elite team of City of Hope;

They cooperate with each other. An archer professional player keeps pulling out monsters, and the remaining players swarm up. Each class distributes the synergy. They can quickly kill these monsters that are four or five levels higher than them. ;

And when they killed a monster, the archer professional player had already brought in another monster, and the team cooperated very well and the fighting power was very powerful;

After looking at it for a while, Song Jian ignored it, but touched it toward the referee. The purpose of these players is probably the same as that of him. After obtaining the copy key, he is looking for the copy.

Song Jian found that there are not only one or two copies in the city of the sky, but many. The temples that I saw on the map before are probably one by one. In the entire city of the sky, there are scattered copies of the keys. Also very many

Soon, Song Jian came to the tribunal, and sure enough, after entering the tribunal, he found almost the same stone staircase and teleportation gate as in the temple of prayer;

Song Jian held the Six-Edged Key and walked towards the light gate. The figure quickly disappeared into the light gate, and on the stone ladder behind the light gate, Song Jian's fuzzy figure also appeared, climbing continuously upwards;

Pray for the square in front of the temple ~ www.novelhall.com ~ With this red-haired Bonita, she raised her head in doubt, and looked to the left. It was just an empty path, except for a few monsters. Besides, there is nothing;

"Bonita, did you find anything?" A fellow mage professional next to him looked at him and asked softly;

"It feels like someone has entered the building." Bonita whispered, pointing to the building above the gate, engraved with swords and sharp axes;

"Alone?" His companion was surprised.

"It seems to be so, the perception is very vague, and I'm not even sure if it was just an illusion." Bonita shook her head slightly;

"I dare to come here alone, I am afraid that they are extremely confident strong men, and hope that his goals are different from ours ..." said his companion with a sigh;

"Okay, clean up these mobs first, and then clean up the guardians of those stone pillars. We don't have much time left." Bonita said, couldn't help looking at the building in the distance. A glance.
