I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 906: Scarlet Earl

Song Jian withdrew the Heavenly Sword, and vigorously chopped off the remaining three corners of the iron-wood coffin;

Tinkerbell ~

A burst of sparks splattered. This iron-wood coffin is harder than steel. With the sharpness of the sky sword, even ordinary steel can be easily cut off, but now only a shallow one can be left on the iron-wood coffin. White seal

Song Jian was not in a hurry, he kept chopping, the red breath became more dense, and soon, these scattered breaths became blood mist, a sweet smell, from the gap of the coffin Came from


With a muffled sound, the coffin shook slightly, and there seemed to be something inside!

"Is it lying inside is the Scarlet Earl Siboyal?" Song Jian guessed, and suddenly became a little excited. You know, this is the territory of the Scarlet Earl, which means that this Earl is at least a lord BOSS If you are lucky, maybe you will also encounter a Dominant BOSS!

Song Jian is salivating about the Dominant BOSS now. Wherever there is information about the Dominant BOSS, no matter how far away, Song Jian has to check it out.

"You mustn't let me down!" Song Jian said to himself, and a sword was chopped over the coffin;

The dark golden light flashed away, and a "click" sound, the hard iron-wood coffin was cut off by a corner directly by Song Jian, and even the iron nail with the coffin was chopped down;

Song Jian smiled slightly, he was waiting to trigger the passive talent "Holy Sword"!

The two corners of the coffin lost their nails and became more loose. The blood mist spread more and more intense, and the thick blood mist wrapped all around, slowly spreading around.

When Song Jian was preparing to continue to remove the other two iron nails, the entire iron-wood coffin suddenly vibrated violently, and the remaining two iron nails began to shake and slowly rose up automatically;

Even Song Jian's strength could not pull out the iron nails with bare hands. One can imagine how reliable the iron nails are, but now, there are two iron nails in front of Song Jian's eyes, as if there is a pair of transparent The big hand was holding them up and pulling them up. After a while, both iron nails were lifted out;

When 啷 ~

The two nails that had been pulled out of control, fell to the ground, and the entire coffin cover was rushed into the air by a stream of air, flipping and smashing to the side of the wall;

"Three hundred years, I have been sleeping for three hundred years!" A husky voice sounded from the coffin;

Soon, a withered arm protruded and held the edge of the coffin. Then, a man wearing a red silk robe with a black cross on his neck, slowly sat up from the coffin;

The man looked almost like a skinny skull, with his cheeks sunken and his cheekbones so high that no muscles were visible on his body;

"Did you release me from this bound iron coffin, young man?" A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Song Jian, leaving only a layer of skin on the cheek, revealing a seeping smile;

"Yes, I released you. How are you going to repay me?" Song Jian smiled, holding his right hand tightly! He had already seen the name of the monster in front of him, which was the previously guessed Scarborough Earl;

"Earl Scarlett Siboar, blood, level 48, dominance BOSS, blood value: 340000/680000; status: weak"

"Repay you? Yes, you released me. I really should repay you. Let me think about how to repay your life-saving grace ..." Siboyal's expression on his face showed a moment later, Siboyal showed two sharp fangs in his mouth and smiled: "In return, let me **** your whole body's blood and make you an immortal corpse servant. What do you think?"


Siboyar's body suddenly collapsed, and hundreds of black palm-sized bats flew out of the coffin, and then reunited into a figure in the air;

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian made a slash into the air, and more than thirty spirit swords flew towards Siboyar, marking a stern trace in the air;

When seeing the word "weakness" in the status bar of Siboyal, Song Jian was full of vigilance. What is the first thing to do after he has been imprisoned for 300 years?

Naturally, enough blood was found to restore one's own strength, and now, Song Jian is the only one who can provide it with blood.

"Nice skill. In my memory, I seem to have seen such a skill ..." Siboyal did not panic in the face of dozens of flying spirit swords, but a smile on his face ;

I saw that Siboyal had a right hand look, and the thick **** mist around him began to roll towards it, and after a while, a red-red thin sword appeared on its palm.

Clang, clang, clang, clang ~

With a careless appearance, Siboyal continued to wave his right hand, destroying all the spirit swords in the sky;

"How is it possible ..." Song Jian was stunned, even if Sibo Yar showed a similar invincible skill, Song Jian would not be surprised, but the scene in front of him was beyond Song Jian's imagination;

Song Jian can clearly feel that when Siboyar resisted the Spirit Sword, there was no energy fluctuation. In other words, Siboyal just used a simple ordinary attack to advance Song Jian's Wanjian The tactic completely resisted;

"I remembered it!" Siboyal seemed to recall something, and said to Song Jian with a smile: "I have seen a human a thousand years ago, he has performed similar skills to you, but he The power of skills is much stronger than yours. "

Song Jian looked somber, staring at Siboyal, and whispered, "Did you really not show your skills just now?"

"Haha, what do you think?" A contempt smile appeared on Siboyal's face, seeming to be indifferent to Wan Jianjue.

Song Jian was puzzled. After Wan Jianjue was promoted to legendary skills, how could it be possible for West Boyar to use ordinary attacks to easily break it?

At this moment, a black cross hanging on Siboyal's neck, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly burst out with a dazzling flame of flame, a scream of screaming from the cross;

Song Jian saw that the nail crucified turned out to be a horrified monster with fangs and fangs. At this time, it was burning with a raging flame, constantly twisting its body, and his face was pained. Look

Siboyar's face changed greatly, and he whispered, "Damn!" He said, holding down the cross, he threw it away;


With a violent explosion, the whole cross broke apart, and the shards of countless crosses were burning with flames, constantly floating in mid-air, looking like bright fireworks;

Song Jian's eyes narrowed: "Can it say that it can resist all the damage of Wan Jianjue because of that black cross?"

Thinking of this, Song Jian's mouth was slightly raised, and he broke the sky sword;

"If you are really that powerful, then resist me again!
