I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 907: Blood

Although Siboyal is a dominance BOSS, the strength just demonstrated has far exceeded the dominance level. So understatement can break legendary skills, which makes Song Jian doubtful.

It's not that Song Jian hasn't seen the strength of the dominance monster. Except for more blood and blood, more powerful skills, and a wider area that he can control, the **** monster doesn't show much horror.

However, the appearance of Siboyal has overturned this setting. It was already weak. It should reasonably be weaker than other dominant monsters, but it underplayed and broke Song Jian's Wan Jian Jue Go, if this is really its own strength, why is it still sealed in this coffin?

Song Jian was skeptical, but he wasn't sure. If Siboyal really had such a terrifying power, Song Jian would definitely perform a soul walk immediately and escape from this place;

However, the cross worn by Siboyal was accidentally damaged, but Song Jian discovered the clue, and could not help but increase his confidence, and released another million swords towards Siboyal;

This time, Song Jian had good luck. He even summoned more than fifty spirit swords with burning flames on the surface. Seeing this scene, Siboyar's face suddenly became gloomy, and he opened his mouth toward Song Jian. A threatening action;

Bang Bang Bang ~

This time, when the spirit sword attacked Siboyal, it did not explode directly. Instead, it slashed a bit before a violent explosion;

Just this small change has increased the power of Wan Jianjue by more than one-third;

A painful roar, the memory buried by Siboyal deep in the blood, finally slowly emerged. It only remembered more than a thousand years ago. It had fought against a person who also mastered Wan Jianjue. However, it can't remember the specific process of the battle, even the winner of the final battle cannot remember;

However, at this time, Siboyar was still alive, and he thought blindly that the final victor in that battle was also himself;

This time, the sanctuary of the **** cross was lost. The power of Wan Jianjue all acted on it. The horrible damage and severe pain finally awakened the fact that it was buried deep in the blood and was unwilling to face it;

It finally figured out the specific situation of the battle a thousand years ago. At that time, it was the most painful failure it had experienced in its entire life. The overwhelming spirit sword attack made it nowhere to escape. For the first time, it rose in the battle. A feeling of despair;

It was also because of that battle that it exhausted the blood of the blood race and finally escaped with serious injuries. As a result, it did not recover for hundreds of years, and was finally imprisoned in the bound iron coffin by the trial city of the sky city.

Thinking of this, a look of fear appeared on Siboyal's face, and his blood and blood lost about 100,000, which made him lose the courage to continue fighting.


The bats flying across the sky danced all over the room, and their brains swarmed towards the entrance of the passage;

Song Jian's face changed. He knew that the dominant BOSS wanted to escape, but he had no large-scale attack skills except Wan Jianjue. He wanted to kill all the hundreds of bats scattered like this. It is simply impossible.

Five Elements Sword Formation!

Song Jian threw the Skybreaking Sword into the air subconsciously. The sword fog of the Five Elements Sword Formation immediately blocked the entrance of the passage. Hundreds of bats were shrouded in the sword fog, but a dozen bats rushed out quickly The channel

The blood value of these bats is very small, only five or six hundred, and they are all ordinary monsters. Hanging them is easy. In less than ten seconds, hundreds of bats in the Five Elements Sword Formation have all become corpses. , But for Siboyar, as long as a bat escapes, it will not die;

As a dominant BOSS, the most powerful of Siboyar is not its strength, but its cunning and endless methods of recovery and escape;

"It was so hard to find a Master BOSS. How could it be so easy to run away?" Song Jian snorted coldly. This is a weak Master BOSS, which is more difficult to encounter than an ordinary Master BOSS. Song Jian's "Jianxian Road", however, still has nine governing bosses, and you must not miss it when you meet it;

Taking a leap, Song Jian's figure gradually became transparent, his movement speed increased, and his soul walk skills were very powerful in both defense and pursuit of the enemy.

Followed the passage all the way to the original church hall, but never found the trace of the dozen bats, just then, outside the church suddenly heard a few screams and horrors.

Song Jian rushed towards the church immediately;

At this time, on the desolate street, Siboyal was holding a player's head, kissing his neck "affectionately", and lying at its feet were the bodies of three players, all of which were Drained blood and turned into a dead body;

The person being held by Siboyal was gradually shrinking at this time, but he has not died for the time being. When he saw Song Jian, the player burst out into his eyes and reached out to Song Jian. Although he said No words, but Song Jian looked at his mouth and understood that he was asking for help;

At this time, Siboyal has no longer looked like the skeleton of the previous leather bag. Although it still looks a bit old, if you ignore the fangs in its mouth, at this time it is already with a sixty or seventy-year-old human old man. There is almost no difference.

Originally, only about 200,000 qi and blood values ​​were left, and all recovered. Although still in a weak state, it was much better than just climbing out of the coffin before. The upper limit of qi and blood values ​​was also more than 30. Wan, recovered to 480,000 ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Although it has not been fully restored, it seems that at least 80% of its strength has been restored;

When Song Jian was about to attack, Siboyal took a hard breath and directly swallowed the player's last trace of blood. Then he pushed him away, turned around, and turned towards Song. Jian smiled;

"They have exactly the same taste as you, maybe your companion?" Siboyal took the silk handkerchief from his pocket, gently wiped the blood remaining in the corner of his mouth, and laughed: "I'm so sorry, originally I was I want to transform them into blood descendants, but you also know that I just woke up and was seriously injured by you, and urgently needs fresh blood to recover ... "

Siboyal didn't know the existence of the gods, that is, the players, but he could feel the same breath from these people, and mistakenly thought that they were Song Jian's companions. At this time, it was using Language hit Song Jian, wanting to make him feel guilty;

"Well, I've recovered some, maybe it's not your opponent for the time being, but trust me, someday in the future, I will definitely come to you again, by then ..." Siboyal revealed towards Song Jian With a cruel smile, his eyes were full of murderous intentions;
