I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 905: Skill advancement

Skill Variation Cheats, such a skill book, Song Jian has never encountered, but a golden-quality cheat book is obviously also valuable, and the more high-quality, never encountered items, the best The greater the probability

Song Jian's eyes fell on this thin cheat book, and soon, the attributes of the book appeared in front of Song Jian.

"Skills of skill variation, rare, one-time consumables, use effect: The use of skills above the gold level can make a healthy change in skills, enhance the power of the skills, improve the effect of the skills, there is a certain chance to upgrade the skill level! Use requirements : You need to consume a piece of equipment above the gold level when you use it; "

"Mistweed, you still need to consume a piece of gold-level equipment to use it?" Song Jian froze with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's good to improve the power of your skills. Would you like to try it?" Song Jian opened the skill bar and took a closer look; of the several skills he now masters, Wan Jian Fei Xian is by far the most used, followed by Xuanyue Streaming Sword Walk with the soul. As for the sword skill, it is a passive skill. As long as he casts any offensive sword skills, he can slowly improve the sword skill. At this time, the sword skill has increased from 2 to 87%. Wait until If Song Jian is promoted to the next level, he should be able to rise to the third level.

After thinking about it for a long time, Song Jian still decided to use this skill book on Wan Jianjue. After all, Wan Jianjue's power is already extremely great, and the door will be worse than a fine one. If you want to improve, you will upgrade the most powerful skill;

However, what items are used as consumables, it makes Song Jian embarrassed. There are a lot of golden-quality equipment, even if it is epic, there are two pieces;

In this skill variation cheat, only the equipment above the gold level is mentioned, but it does not say that the higher the consumption of equipment, the better the skill improvement. This makes Song Jian a little bit frustrated. A piece of gold-level equipment or an epic-level equipment;

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian's eyes fell on the epic weapon obtained in the Abyss Hell, the Death Scythe, which is a weapon that can only be used in the abyss class. Song Jian originally wanted to take it back and decompose it directly into materials. But he has been reluctant. After all, it is an epic weapon. The decomposed material does not even have a tenth of the value of the weapon. Therefore, he has kept this weapon in the parcel box as a collectible;

Now it seems that using this weapon as a consumable to improve Wanjianjue is just right. Maybe the higher the level of the consumed item, the greater the power of the mutation of the skill?

"Bet it!" Song Jian gritted his teeth, used the cheat directly, and then when the system prompted to select consumables, he locked his eyes on the sickle of death in the parcel bar and pressed the OK button severely;

The cheats turned into a golden vortex, and the sickle of death was pulled by a mysterious force and flew towards the golden vortex;

But it is clear that the sickle of death seems to resist entering the golden vortex. Even if it is bound by invisible power, it still struggles as if it has self-consciousness.

This mysterious power doesn't seem to be so powerful, it can barely suppress the sickle of death, so no matter how hard the death sickle struggles, it still moves towards the center of the golden vortex inch by inch;

Song Jian looked at the sickle of death, struggling hard, and secretly said, "Fortunately, there are no legendary items in the parcel box, otherwise if the brain is hot, using legendary items, maybe it will alienate and fail. Look at the power of this cheat. I'm afraid there is no way to involve legendary items. "

In the end, the sickle of death was still dragged into the golden vortex, and a smashing sound of "clicking and clicking" sounded from the vortex, as if something was chewing the sickle of death in a big mouth.

After a while, the gold swirled into a dark golden light and flew towards Song Jian's skill bar;

Wan Jian Fei Xian, which originally emitted the words of purple-red light, gradually became blurred. After a while, a purple-gold light appeared in the skill bar;

"Suddenly raised a grade?" Song Jian was pleasantly surprised, with a bright smile involuntarily on his face. It seemed that he was betting on the right thing. It was just an epic Wan Jianjue. Legendary quality

"Yuehuo Red Lotus and Ten Thousand Swords?" Song Jian looked at the flashing purple-golden light skills, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth;

The original Wanjian Feixian decided to become the yehuo red lotus ten thousand swords. In the skill introduction, the number of spirit swords summoned has not changed, except for the sentence "Each spirit sword adds 1,000 fire damage to the target. "" And "When the number of summoned spirit swords reaches the limit, they will form a karma red lotus sword array, causing a devastating blow to the target!"

Song Jian ’s Wan Jian Jue, each Spirit Sword now has 1,800 points of damage. This is not even a passive effect of the talented "Holy Sword". Now each Spirit Sword adds 1,000 Fire damage. It is equivalent to a 50% increase in damage. For skills, it is already a very powerful increase.

The most important thing is that if the number of spirit swords is summoned to the limit, for the fifth-level ten thousand sword tactics, that is, if the number of spirit swords summoned reaches sixty, then the sixty swords will actively form the karma red lotus. Sword formation, "destructive blow to the target."

Although Song Jian doesn't know how much the Red Lotus Sword Formation in this industry hurts, he can feel the horror breath revealed between the lines in the skill description;

"I really want to try the power of this karma red lotus sword array, how powerful is it in the end!" Song Jian looked at the karma red lotus Wan Jianjue, which flashed purple and gold, with a smile on his face;

After doing all this, Song Jian's eyes fell on the iron-wood coffin with an iron nail still exposed outside. This coffin looked very thick, and the dark surface shone with a metallic luster. In Song Jian's eyes , A trace of strong blood red breath ~ www.novelhall.com ~ was constantly floating out from the gap of the coffin;

Song Jian recalled the words of Toros, the BOSS angel war servant, before he died, and was even more curious about the contents of this coffin;

Thinking of this, Song Jian walked to the iron-wood coffin, reached out and grabbed the iron nail that had been smashed in half by Toros, with a fierce effort, the iron nails remained motionless;

Song Jian frowned slightly. With his current strength attributes, even a bare-handed fist has more than a ton of strength, even a small iron nail could not be pulled out?

"Get me up!" Song Jian whispered, exhausted his whole strength, held the iron nail with his right hand, and pulled it upwards;


A harsh friction sounded, and the iron nail in Song Jian's palm began to rise slowly, and was finally pulled out completely by Song Jian;

Looking at a red mark in his palm that was about to ooze blood, Song Jian smiled and continued to walk towards the other corners of the coffin;
